School of Business, Economics and Law / Handelshögskolan: Recent submissions
Now showing items 421-440 of 1831
Grit Trumps Talent? An experimental approach
(2015-10)Perseverance to accomplish long-term goals, also know as grit, is a crucial determinant for success in life. In the present study we introduce an innovative laboratory design to elicit grit in an incentivized and controlled ... -
Economic Determinants and Consequences of Political Institutions
(2015-10-15)This thesis is comprised of four empirical essays on the economic determinants and consequences of political institutions. It opens with a broad perspective on the link between the state throughout history and the past ... -
Lagstiftnings ändamålsenlighet – En regleringsteoretisk utvärdering av fjärrvärmelagens potential att skapa förtroende
(2015-09-23)This thesis concerns the question whether it is possible to create trust by the use of legislation. I ask the question whether the Swedish District Heating Act (DHA) can be deemed to be fit for its purpose. I show that ... -
Land Certification and Schooling in Rural Ethiopia
(2015-09)This paper investigates the impact of a rural land certification program on schooling in two zones of the Amhara region of Ethiopia. Using the variation in the timing of the arrival of the program at the local level, we ... -
Corporate Governance and the Design of Board of Directors
(2015-09-11)Paper 1: “The Effects of Board Independence on Busy Directors and Firm Value: Evidence from Regulatory Changes in Sweden.” I use an exogenous change to the rules of corporate governance for Swedish firms in 2005 to ... -
Strategic environmental regulation of multiple pollutants
(2015-09)We analyze the interplay between policies aimed to control global and local pollution such as greenhouse gases and particulate matter. The two types of pollution interact in the abatement cost function of the polluting ... -
Estimating the Relationship between Skill and Overconfidence
(2015-09)The Dunning–Kruger effect states that the low skilled are overconfident while the high skilled are more accurate in assessing their skill. In apparent support of this effect, many studies have shown that low performers ... -
Why Unions Reduce Wage Inequality, II: The Relation between Solidarity and Unity
(2015-09)This paper demonstrates that the decisions by workers of different skills to unite to form industry unions is closely linked to the egalitarian wage policies that such unions pursue. These results help interpret the stylized ... -
Management accounting fashion setting - Studies on supply-side actors in Sweden
(2015-08-20)The successful introduction of a number of new management accounting concepts or management accounting innovations (MAIs) over recent decades, such as activi-ty-based costing and the balanced scorecard, has had a significant ... -
Do the land-poor gain from agricultural investments? Empirical evidence from Zambia using panel data
(2015-08)In the context of the global land rush, some portray large-scale land acquisitions as a potent threat to the livelihoods of already marginalized rural farming households in Africa. In order to avoid the potential pitfall ... -
Remittances and Relative Concerns in Rural China
(2015-08)The paper investigates the impact of remittances on the relative concerns of households in rural China. Using the Rural to Urban Migration in China (RUMiC) dataset we estimate a series of well-being functions to simultaneously ... -
Pop Boutique – en värld av återbruk av mode på Re:heritagemarknaden
(Centrum för konsumtionsvetenskap, 2015-06-26)Rapporten är resultatet av ett fältarbete inom forskningsprojektet Re:heritage- cirkulering och kommodifiering av ting med historia, våren 2015 och var en del av praktiken inom masterprogrammet Kulturarv och modernitet. ... -
The role of valuation practices for risk identification
(Gothenburg Research Institute, 2015)This report uses a relational theory of risk within which risk is understood as a relationship between a risk object and an object at risk where the risk object threatens the value embedded in the object at risk. A case ... -
Konkurrens, samarbete och koncentration. Kalkstens- och cementindustrin i Sverige 1871-1982
(2015-05-20)This dissertation examines cartels and cooperation. The literature about cartels and cooperation is in many ways contradictory; many of the studies that have been made come to different results. Several of the implications ... -
Essays on performance management systems, regulation and change in Swedish banks
(2015-05-20)The 2007/2009 financial crisis exposed large discrepancies in the management of banks. The societal significance of the banking industry means that such discrepancies receive extensive attention from governments and ... -
Om fakultativa regler. En studie av svensk och unionsrättslig reglering av skönsmässigt beslutsfattande i processrättsliga frågor.
(Iustus, 2015-05-19)Increased flexibility has been one of the most consistently pursued goals of civil procedure reforms in Sweden during recent decades, resulting in a near doubling of the number of rules intended to confer discretion upon ... -
The changing role and importance of the built environment for daily travel in Sweden
(2015-05-19)Geography, in terms of the built environment and location patterns, was traditionally, and still is, emphasized by many scholars, policymakers, and planners as greatly influencing people’s daily travel behaviour. However, ... -
Essays on Takeovers and Executive Compensation
(2015-05-08)Paper 1. The non-US premium discount in global takeovers This paper examines takeover premia around the world and documents a significant discount in bid offers to target firms outside the US. Controlling for deal-level ... -
Essays on behavioral economics and policy design
(2015-05-08)Chapter 1: Social norms and information diffusion in water-saving programs: Evidence from a randomized field experiment in Colombia This paper investigates spillover effects of a social information campaign aimed at ...