Faculty of Education / Utbildningsvetenskapliga fakulteten: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 201-220 av 493
Idrottsprofilerad utbildning - i spåren av en avreglerad skola
(2014-08-29)This thesis aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of the Swedish school sports system, a system which has evolved since the beginning of the 1970s, the prevalence of which has increased significantly at all school ... -
Möte med multimodalt material. Vilken roll spelar dyslexi för uppfattandet av text och bild?
(2014-05-28)The aim of the thesis is to describe how two different groups of respondents, with and without dyslexia, experience and reproduce information from text and images compared with text only, and whether and in what way ... -
Project work, independence and critical thinking
(2014-05-22)This thesis studies how students do projects in a Swedish upper secondary school. The students have to produce products and at the same time prove them self as independent in relation to the teachers, and negotiate the ... -
Processledare för skolutveckling. Uppföljning av införandet av processledare i ett verksamhetsområde i Helsingborg.
(Institutionen för pedagogik och specialpedagogik, 2014-04)I denna rapport, som tagits fram i samarbete mellan Helsingborgs stad och Göteborgs universitet, presenteras en uppföljning av kommunens satsning på att införa processledare på alla skolor och förskolor i ett av Helsingborgs ... -
”den Andre” i lärarutbildningen – En studie om den rasifierade svenska studentens villkor i globaliseringens tid
(Göteborg : Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 2014-04-04)Abstract Title: ”the Other” in teacher education – A study of the racialized Swedish student’s conditions in the era of globalization Language: Swedish with a summary in English Author: Zahra Bayati ISBN: 978-91-7346-787-2 ... -
Lärares arbetsglädje : Betydelsen av emotionell närvaro i det pedagogiska arbetet
(2014-03-19)This thesis aims to explore teachers’ ‘work enjoyment’ and thereby deepening our understanding of teachers’ work and professionality. Positive emotions in teachers’ work are an underestimated and under-researched dimension ... -
Kunskaper som byggde folkhemmet : En fallstudie av förutsättningar för lärande vid teknikskiften inom processindustrin
(2014-03-19)Bostaden har en central roll i människors liv och bostadsbyggande är en viktig samhällsangelägenhet. Under de senaste hundra åren har kunskaper, tekniker och arbetsorganisation i byggindustrin utvecklats. Nya byggmaterial ... -
Television and food in the lives of young children
(2014-03-13)Several mechanisms have been proposed behind the associations between screens and overweight including sedentary behaviour, eating while viewing, and exposure to commercials. Aspects of this association as underlying social ... -
Vad gör en skicklig lärare? En studie om kollegial handledning som utvecklingspraktik
(2014-02-19)What ‘make(s)’ a good teacher? A study of peer group mentoring as a practice of professional development. Keywords: teachers’ continuing professional development, peer group mentoring, practice architectures, Foucault, ... -
Kritiskt tänkande i grundskolans samhällskunskap. En fenomenografisk studie om manifesterat kritiskt tänkande i samhällskunskap hos elever i årskurs 9
(2013-11-21)Cultivating students’ critical thinking skills is recognized as a highly important educational goal in many societies in the western world, not least in Sweden. Despite this the research community has so far produced ... -
Aktör och struktur i historieundervisning. Om utveckling av elevers historiska resonerande
(2013-11-15)Historical reasoning is the organizing of information about the past in order to describe, compare, and/or explain historical phenomena. In this study I investigate the ability to reason historically in terms of agent ... -
Skylta med kunskap. En studie av hur barn urskiljer grafiska symboler i hem och förskola.
(2013-11-07)The topic of this study is to generate knowledge about children’s understanding of graphical symbols. These forms of knowledge are prevalent in contemporary societies, for example, in the form of letters, numbers, road ... -
Att skapa läroplan för de yngsta barnen i förskolan. Barns perspektiv och nuets didaktik
(2013-10-25)This thesis takes as one point of departure the concept of the expanded curriculum where curricula encompass both the formal steering documents, as well as that which goes on within the framework of preschool education and ... -
Reflektionens gränser
(Institutionen för pedagogik och didaktik, 2005) -
Changing practice by reform. The recontextualisation of the Bologna process in teacher education
(2013-08-30)The purpose of the thesis is to investigate a specific case of curriculum change; that of organizing teacher training courses around learner outcomes in line with the Bologna process. The investigation is an example of a ... -
Pedagogik, plats och prestationer. En etnografisk studie om en skola i förorten
(2013-08-15)Denna avhandling bygger på en etnografisk studie i en förortsskola som har valt en särskild pedagogisk modell för att hantera och genomföra sitt uppdrag. Detta i en tid som präglas av stark fokusering på elevprestationer ... -
Evidens och existens. Evidensbaserad undervisning i ljuset av lärares erfarenheter.
(2013-05-29)During the last decade there has been a strong focus on making teaching into an evidence-based profession. The idea of evidence-based practice itself has been widely debated over the years and has been criticized, primarily ... -
Förtroendefulla relationer mellan lärare och elev
(2013-05-24)This thesis aims to explain how trustful relationships between teachers and students are expressed in the Swedish compulsory school system, and to explore what a trustful relationship implies for teacher and student. The ... -
”Vi får ju inte riktigt förutsättningarna för att genomföra det som vi vill.” En studie om lärares möjligheter och hinder till förändring och förbättring i praktiken
(2013-05-24)Initially the overall aim of this thesis was to describe and analyse what was happening in the educational activities when teachers at a school that I have called Tower School introduced the computer as a tool for helping ... -
Tänka fritt, tänka rätt. En studie om värdeöverföring och kritiskt tänkande i gymnasieskolans undervisning
(2013-05-16)This thesis deals with value transfer and critical thinking in Swedish upper secondary education. The Curriculum for the Non-Compulsory School System (Lpf 94) entrusts a dual function to schools and teachers. They are ...