Department of Applied Information Technology / Institutionen för tillämpad informationsteknologi: Recent submissions
Now showing items 761-780 of 850
Är OSSg2 ett lämpligt steg mot Open Source på verksamhetskritiska IT-system?
(2008-06-30)Sun Microsystems chose its own Open Source path by not following competitors in their commitment to GNU/Linux. Sun instead created its own Open Source project from the source of Solaris under the name of OpenSolaris. The ... -
Comparing Open Source and Proprietary Enterprise Content Management Systems: Alfresco Compared to IBM Lotus Domino Document Manager Integrated with IBM Lotus WorkFlow
(2008-06-30)This thesis is a part of the current discussions of open source versus proprietary software for Swedish authorities. A new governmental policy has been established for which the purpose is to spread the use of open source ... -
Betydelsen av användarmedverkan vid implementering av IS
(2008-06-30)De flesta organisationer och privatpersoner använder någon form av informationssystem (IS). Målet med att implementera ett IS brukar ofta vara att förenkla och effektivisera en människors arbetsuppgifter i en organisation. ... -
The Importance of Utility within Information Systems
(2008-06-30)This candidate thesis is written with the purpose to develop knowledge about utility and to understand utility in information systems.The actual problem we faced was to understand if a system provided the right kind of ... -
En studie i användandet av Single Sign-On inom offentlig sektor
(2008-06-30)Idag använder verksamheter sig av en mängd olika applikationer och system. Dessa kräver olika typer av behörighet, beroende på vilken befattning användaren innehar i verksamheten. Det traditionella sättet för att autentisera ... -
En studie i användandet av Single Sign-On inom offentlig sektor
(2008-06-30)Idag använder verksamheter sig av en mängd olika applikationer och system. Dessa kräver olika typer av behörighet, beroende på vilken befattning användaren innehar i verksamheten. Det traditionella sättet för att autentisera ... -
MMORPG - Vilka faktorer spelar en roll för spelare när de byter från ett MMORPG till ett annat?
(2008-06-30)Denna avhandling handlar om datorspel, mer specifikt MMORPG. Vi har valt att titta närmare på vilka faktorer som spelar en roll för spelare när de byter från ett MMORPG till ett annat. Tidigare forskning har inriktat sig ... -
Användarcentrerad Systemdesign
(2008-06-30)This essay focuses on the term usability while conducting a user centred system design. Usability means to what extent a user can use a product to achieve effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction. Development using a ... -
MobileMarket The Social Advertisement Network
(2008-06-30)In spite of the technological advances introduced lately into mobile phones, modern society still utilizes these appliances for the basic services of text messaging and voice calls. The ubiquitous nature of handsets is ... -
An Experiment Evaluating Architectures of Software Measurement Systems
(2008-06-30)A software measurement process helps to collect data in order to evaluate a software product on a continuous basis. However, the process can take a considerable amount of time. Project managers are faced with a decision ... -
Outlier Detection in Online Gambling
(2008-06-30)Data mining is field that is increasing in importance and width of application day by day. A sub-domain of data mining, the anomaly detection is also rising in importance the last years. Although discovered a long time ... -
Using ADO.NET Entity Framework in Domain-Driven Design: A Pattern Approach
(2008-06-30)In the object community domain-driven design philosophy has recently gained prominence. The application of domain-driven design practices in iterative software development projects promises to conquer complexity inherent ... -
Att flytta en design från ett användningssammanhang till ett annat
(2008-06-30)Vid design av IT-system krävs en förhållning till de specifika egenskaper som finns i den miljö systemet är tänkt att användas. Även om användningen ser liknande ut krävs en detaljerad analys av det specifika sammanhanget ... -
Informationssystem för krishantering
(2008-06-30)När samhället drabbas av stora olyckor och kriser är den lokala insatsen av betydande vikt för att skadeutfallet ska bli så litet som möjligt. Detta ställer krav på en gemensam dokumentationsplattform för att främja ... -
Success factors in the process of establishing a TechCenter
(2008-06-30)What is the success factors when establishing a TechCenter? This thesis describes the possible success factors when establishing a TechCenter within a IT-University in Gothenburg, Sweden. This thesis also describes a ... -
Bottlenecks in Agile Software Development Identified Using Theory of Constraints (TOC) Principles
(2008-06-27)This master thesis identifies main bottlenecks in agile software development exemplified by research industry partner, the international advanced technology company, Ericsson. Theory of Constraints is used as an analytical ... -
Improving presentations of software metrics indicators using visualization techniques
(2008-06-27)To monitor and control software projects, companies develop and invest in measurement systems. A core component of measurement systems are the indicators (main measurements). Visualizing indicators can efficiently communicate ... -
Mobile informatics in a hospital environment: Moving from stationary to mobile supporting services in a medical environment
(2008-06-27)Much of the supportive technology developed for use within medical environments is targeted towards stationary computers. In this report we present a study performed to design a mobile client for accessing and interpreting ... -
Managing divergences in IT infrastructure standardization
(2008-06-27)Standardization of an infrastructure is seldom a straightforward process, local adaptations of the global standard are often necessary in order to make the standard viable. These adaptations can be seen as divergences from ... -
Benefits Management and its applicability in practice
(2008-06-27)This master thesis treats the subject of Benefits Management, which purpose is to organizing and managing, such that potential benefits arising from the use of IT are actually realized. The purpose with this study has ...