Department of Applied Information Technology / Institutionen för tillämpad informationsteknologi: Recent submissions
Now showing items 321-340 of 850
Kunnig för uppdraget? En studie av kunskapsöverföring åt tillfälliga bemanningskonsulter
(2014-07-01)I dagens samhälle kan det vara svårt för ungdomar att hitta ett första arbete, en lösning på detta kan vara att via bemanningsföretag få sina första erfarenheter av arbetsmarknaden. Som uthyrd arbetskraft kan individer ... -
“Living in the bubble”. The role of communication for Swedish expatriates adjustment in China
(2014-07-01)Increasing number of Swedish companies expands their businesses in the Mainland of China, accompanying with increasing need of expatriating Swedish experienced employees to Chinese subsidiaries. The study aims to collect ... -
Communicating Climate Change: Content analysis of British and Russian website coverage of climate change
(2014-07-01)The issue of climate change is central to contemporary society. As our reliance on the media is constantly growing, media plays a crucial role of forming society’s perception of climate change and is often deemed to be ... -
ONLINE BEHAVIOUR UNDER SURVEILLANCE. A study about the privacy concern of young adults in the light of the Snowden revelations
(2014-07-01)This paper investigates the privacy concern of young adults in the light of the Snowden revelations. The issue of online surveillance and online data gathering has reached new dimensions and the concept of privacy is ... -
(2014-07-01)The research investigates the associations between personality traits and Facebook usage. The personality has been measured by the Five Factor Model; Facebook usage has been studied from several aspects, including frequency ... -
Do you see what I see? A cross-cultural study on interpretation of clothing as a non-verbal signal
(2014-07-01)To understand human social behavior, it is crucial to pay attention to non-verbal communication signals. Clothes are one of the non-verbal signals which inevitably transmit social signals and clothes are closely related ... -
Think global, act local! A cross-cultural study of five Nutella websites on adaptation
(2014-07-01)The aim of the present research is to analyse commercial websites of the same global brand from a cultural perspective looking for the presence of cultural patterns which might reflect marketers’ awareness for the need of ... -
Intercultural Communication: Social and Academic Integration of International Doctoral Students in Sweden. A study on cultural differences experiences of Iranian PhD students at Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg
(2014-07-01)In Sweden, international doctoral students comprised 40 percent of new doctoral students in 2012. Iranian PhD students are the second big majority of international doctoral students in Sweden (UKÄ, 2013). In this thesis ... -
The role of Distributed Version Control Systems in team communication and learning
(2014-07-01)The present thesis is a descriptive study on the usage patterns and perceived action possibilities of distributed version-control systems. The project offers an overview of the technology with a focus on its role in ... -
An Analysis of the Image-Text Arrangement and Relation on the Website of the Childcare “Haus der kleinen Füße”
(2014-07-01)This thesis identifies the influence of layout of image and text on the user’s perception of the website Haus der kleinen Füße (HDKF) (, a childcare operated and owned by Manon Lachmann. ... -
Communication, Diversity and Internationalism. A Comparative Analysis of Gothenburg International Film Festival and Clandestino Festival from a PR perspective
(2014-07-01)Even though the number of research on – music and film – festivals is increasing, there are fields such as the use of social media that are still waiting to be explored. Nowadays festival organisers are able to communicate ... -
Use Facebook at Work!? Facebook as a strategic communication channel in four Swedish municipalities
(2014-07-01)Social Media has transformed strategic communication and the way organizations communicate. The opportunities Facebook can provide are many and today almost 90 % of Swedish municipalities use Facebook. However, in most ... -
Cultural Values and Social Unrest:Possible Connections. An investigation into the effects of cultural values as drivers of social unrest
(2014-07-01)The aim of this thesis is to identify cultural variables which may drive social unrest and the role these variables play in the communication of dissatisfaction. Data for this study was obtained by consolidating two ... -
Om moraliskt beslutsfattande. Minskad benägenhet till utilitaristiska kalkyler under inducerad negativ emotion
(2014-02-17)De sista decennierna har modern hjarnavbildningsteknik borjat anvandas allt mer flitigt for att svara pa fragor om moraliskt beslutsfattande. Det har lett till en explosion av data ... -
Great design experiences don’t happen by accident - En kvalitativ studie om design av upplevelser i Surface-computing system
(2013-12-04)Användarupplevelser är en gren inom användbarhetsområdet som på senare år kommit att studeras alltmer. Orsaken till detta är att ny teknik medför andra krav på produkter än att produkter som sådana ska vara lätthanterliga. ... -
Regionala strategier för Nationell eHälsa. Strategier som bör följas regionalt för att realisera huvudmålen för nationell eHälsa.
(2013-11-29)Today’s organizations face constant changes and challenges. There is a strong pressure on organizations to think innovative and to find new smart ways to work in order to constantly stay competitive and thus create an ... -
iPad iSkolan. En kvalitativ studie baserad på läromedels- observationer och intervjuer med pedagoger som använder iPad i skolan
(2013-11-29)Studiens syfte är att undersöka vad pedagoger i grunskolan har för åsikter om iPaden och hur de upplever de kan använda den i undervisningen. Studiens huvudfrågor är att undersöka vilka åsikter pedgogerna har om iPaden, ... -
Semi-fictionalized History as Teaching Aids. Opportunities for learning history in Assassin’s Creed II as a digital game and novel
(2013-11-29)This study is a hermeneutic content analysis of both a digital videogame, in this case Assassin’s Creed II, and the written story based on that game, Assassin’s Creed Renaissance. The analysis is done from the perspective ... -
The role of social media in Iran's Green Movement
(2013-10-17)This research attempts to examine the role of social media in Iran's Green Movement. In particular, by using a socio psychological framework, explores how social media had been used as a tool to facilitate the process of ...