Evolutionsteorin i klassrummet : på väg mot en ämnesdidaktisk teori för undervisning i biologisk evolution
The overall purpose of this thesis is to study how upper secondary school students
(grade 10-12) develop an understanding of evolutionary biology as a
result of teaching. Taking students’ preconceptions as the starting point a
teaching sequence is designed with the aim that students shall learn the theory
of evolution by natural selection in such a way that it becomes an intellectual
tool. In other words they shall be able to describe, understand, explain, and
partly predict biological phenomena from an evolutionary point of view.
Three different teaching experiments were performed and studied in a cyclic
process with design and evaluation of both teaching and students’ learning,
followed by a new design and so on. The students’ knowing was tested before,
during, and after teaching by written tests, interviews, small group discussions,
and a database-driven Internet problem. Similar results emerge from the
analyses of the students’ performances in the different data collections: e.g. all
students do not accept random processes before teaching, many students use
the same alternative ideas, and existing variation is a key idea to understand
the theory of evolution, and to reason scientifically. The majority of the students,
about 80 %, had alternative ideas about evolution before teaching. They
viewed evolution as a gradual process where every member of the population
adapts to the environment. They consider adaptation as the driving force that
is regulated by, for instance need, strive, or purpose. In the delayed post-test
one year after teaching most students, about 75 %, had reached a scientific
level. This result can be considered good compared to many other studies reported
in the literature.
The students’ reasoning in the different tests was carefully analysed having
preconceptions, the conceptual structure of the theory of evolution, and the
aims of teaching in mind. This gave insights into those learning and teaching
demands that constitutes challenges to students as well as to teachers, when
beginning to learn, or to teach evolutionary biology. The combined results
from these analyses of the three experiments are summarized in a domain specific
hypothesis for teaching. It consists of three different aspects: content
specific aspects, which are unique for every field of science, aspects concerning
the nature of science, and general aspects. This hypothesis can be tested in
new design experiments, and if it will withstand future tests it can be developed
into a domain specific theory for teaching evolutionary biology.
University of Gothenburg. Faculty of Education
Faculty of Education
Göteborg : Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis
Wallin, Anita
subject matter didactics
science education
domain specific theory
teaching sequence
theory of evolution
conceptual understanding
Doctoral thesis
Göteborg studies in educational sciences