Department of Political Science / Statsvetenskapliga institutionen: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 41-60 av 1106
RÖRELSEN ÄR ALLT Socialdemokraternas ideologiska utveckling från 1960 till 2013
(2022-08-11)In this thesis I examine the ideological evolution of the Swedish social democratic party Socialdemokraterna during the period from 1960 until 2013 given that prior research suggests that a change in party ideology could ... -
Barnens luft, kommuners prioritet? En beskrivande studie av kommunala förvaltningar och deras prioriteringar vid placering av förskolor
(2022-08-11)Environmental problems have for a long time been unprioritised in a big part of the world's political management. The problem can be seen both locally and globally, over time the problems have been reduced. In this study ... -
Från det överordnande könet till de marginaliserade? En experimentundersökning om frontlinjebyråkraters syn på bemötande av män som blivit utsatta för våld i nära relationer
(2022-08-11)Män som utsätts för våld i nära relationer har svårt att acceptera sin offerstatus och det söker hjälp i mindre utsträckning än kvinnor. Forskning belyser att män känner sig dåligt bemötta av bland annat frontlinjebyråkrater. ... -
”It’s a blessing and a curse for us”. Negotiating postcolonial identity in the context of Greenlandic climate discourses
(2022-08-10)The original decision by the Greenlandic government to abstain from the Paris Agreement in 2016, following COP21 was justified with criticism of the Agreement not protecting Indigenous rights to development and thus ... -
LET’S TALK ABOUT FREEDOM AND CONSENT - Prostitution in Germany and Sweden
(2022-08-09)This thesis aims to answer the research question How are the national prostitution laws in Germany and Sweden received by actors in the prostitution field. To do this a critical discourse analysis (CDA) has been used as ... -
THE JOINT WAY FORWARD– OR THE EU:S WAY FORWARD IN AFGHANISTAN? A qualitative content analysis on an EU non-paper on enhancing cooperation on migration, mobility and readmission with Afghanistan
(2022-08-09)The cooperation with third countries on return is a political priority in the European Union (hereinafter the EU) and it has given rise to a number of partnerships. Afghanistan signed the agreement Joint Way Forward with ... -
THE EU–SERBIA–CHINA TRIANGLE – an analysis of how China’s investments in Serbia affect the process of Serbia’s political EU integration
(2022-08-08)For the past few years, Serbia has been a victim of a paradoxical situation. In order to become politically integrated into the European Union, it has to successfully undergo democratisation process, while its cooperation ... -
FROM SWEDEN, 12 POINTS AND 55.27 % TURNOUT TO THE EU. Attitudes towards the European Union and the electoral turnout in the Swedish elections for the European parliament 2019
(2022-07-26)This thesis investigates if attitudes and extreme attitudes towards the European Union and on the left–right ideology scale affect the electoral turnout in the European parliament elections among Swedish citizens. Previous ... -
THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF INSTITUTIONAL QUALITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY INSTRUMENTS. A study regarding the moderating influence of corruption on climate change-related tax from a global perspective
(2022-07-25)While previous research has focused on the bivariate relationships between environmental policy instruments, CO2 emissions and corruption, a study looking at the combination of the components while examining the direct ... -
Formativ bedömning i praktiken: En kvalitativ studie om hur formativ bedömning uppfattas bland undervisande lärare
(2022-07-06)Användning av formativ bedömning är arbetsmetod som uppmuntras i Skolverkets allmänna råd och av forskningen. Däremot varierar andvändningsgrad av formativ bedömning mellan olika skolor och undervisande lärare. Uppsatsen ... -
The Northern Ireland Protocol – Making Peace or Waging War? A text analysis of the DUP & Sinn Féin’s framing of the Northern Ireland protocol
(2022-07-01)Since Brexit was announced there have been many researchers worrying about what would happen to the border between Northern Ireland and Ireland. A protocol created by the EU and the United Kingdom was established to secure ... -
(2022-06-30)In recent years the EU-China relationship has become more tense and after Chinese sanctions on EU institutions and parliamentarians, the European Parliament has decided to freeze the ratification of the Comprehensive ... -
SKIN IN THE GAME - Inter-ethnic cooperation despite political havoc?
(2022-06-30)Kosovo has throughout history been inhabited by several different minorities and its status as a sovereign country is still contested, despite its declaration of independence in 2008. The country has struggled with ... -
SVERIGE I NATO ELLER INTE? Svenska riksdagspartiers ståndpunkter om Nato före och efter Krimannekteringen 2014
(2022-06-28)Sveriges säkerhetspolitiska förhållningssätt gentemot sin omvärld präglas i första hand av det geopolitiska säkerhetsläget på den europeiska kontinenten. Under 2010-talet har det europeisk-geografiska säkerhetsläget präglats ... -
THE NUCLEAR POWER AMBIGUITY: The role of ideology in the relationship between worries about changes in the earth's climate and support for nuclear power.
(2022-06-28)This study seeks to expand upon current literature on the relationship between worries about the climate and the support for nuclear power. Previous research has established a negative correlation between the two, but ... -
FÖRBEREDD OCH INTE RÄDD Ett genusperspektiv på prepping
(2022-06-28)People may have always felt that the time they’re living in is the most dangerous and risky, and there is always a new threat to be seen on the horizon. The “modern” risks of climate change, nuclear accidents and economic ... -
Should The Swedish State Export War Munition? A normative study on whether war munition export contradicts Sweden’s democratic values
(2022-06-28)The following thesis invites the reader for a discussion on Swedish war munition export and in specific the moral justification of the export. Sweden is ranked as one of the countries with highest democracy and is at the ... -
Kvinnlig representation och biståndets effektivitet. En kvantitativ studie om kvinnlig representations effekt på sambandet mellan utbildningsbistånd och utbildning
(2022-06-28)Den långvariga debatten inom tidigare forskning kring huruvida bistånd främjar utvecklingen tyder på att biståndets effekt påverkas av förhållanden och kontexter som finns i mottagarländerna. Det kan vara avgörande för ... -
Det blir så mycket enklare En studie av elevers upplevelser om lärare-elevrelationers påverkan på skolans tudelade demokratiuppdrag
(2022-06-27)Skolans demokratiuppdrag att forma framtidens medborgare med demokratiska kompetenser, kunskaper och värden spelar roll i alla skolans ämnen. Vi lever i ett samhälle där det ständigt är information som man behöver orientera ... -
FIT & FAIR FOR 55? - A frame analysis of fairness arguments on the EU’s 2021 emission reduction proposals within the Council of the European Union
(2022-06-27)Fairness, usually not a common consideration in international bargaining, features prominently in global climate negotiations. Also within the European Union, typically (self-)portrayed as a unified climate actor, ...