Kandidatuppsatser / Institutionen för Kulturvård: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 536
En undersökning av SJ:s årsberättelser 1891-1906 - utvecklingen från annueller till perenner
(2022-05-23)The Swedish state railway had a great impact on the Swedish society during the late 19th century and early 20th century. Both in terms of new communication and development of standard time, but also by educating the ... -
De krypande fruktträden - en historisk undersökning av odlingsmetoderna för krypande fruktträd under 1940-, 50-, och 60-talet
(2022-05-19)This bachelor's thesis is a study of the phenomenon “creeping fruit trees” and their methods for cultivation in the North of Sweden during the 1940s and 1950s. The cultivation of these trees were part of state experiments ... -
Trädgårdsmästarens trädinventering : en metodstudie för att bedöma värden, risk och mångfald
(2022-05-19)This thesis’ focus is on the gardeners methods of how to work with trees, with a broad focus on biological diversity, risk and cultural-historical values. It tries to find the answer to what the gardeners ... -
Konstruktionen av ett spröjsverk - pardörrarna på Vallby Sörgården
(2022-05-19)This thesis is a study in the construction of the grills in the double doors that is located in the cultural reserve Vallby Sörgården main building in Skövde county. In a previous survey the discovery of a problem with ... -
Medeltida trädörrar - en undersökning av medeltida kyrkdörrars konstruktion och utformning
(2022-05-19)In Sweden, there are only ten medieval churches in log construction that are preserved or partially preserved. All medieval parts of the churches are described in detail in the two books of Medeltida trädörrar 1 och 2, ... -
Utformningen av svallskift i skiftesverk - en jämförelse mellan tolv byggnader i Skaraborg
(2022-05-10)Post- and plankconstruktion in barns was common to see in the South and- southwest parts of Sweden during the 1700-1800. During the land reforms in the villages, in the 1700- 1800 many of these barns were demolished and ... -
Åbergs trädgård - en småskalig plantskola med hantverket i fokus
(2022-05-10)This bachelor thesis is a case study of Åbergs trädgård, a small-scale plant nursery which produces, propagates and sells annual and perennial plants. The company has, since 1872, passed down through the Åberg family for ... -
Stanningsspåren efter en okänd timringsprocess
(2022-05-02)This thesis takes a look at an unknown way of log building regarding the order of the craft procedures in the making of a Swedish log joint labeled as saddle notch. The new craft procedure has been given light due to the ... -
“Drottningen bland höstblommorna” – Krysantemumodling vid 1900-talets början
(2022-05-02)Chrysanthemum, Chrysanthemum x morifolium, was one of the most common cultures to cultivate in market gardens in Sweden during the 20th century. Chrysanthemum was and is still today a popular cut flower and potted plant. ... -
Trädgård för alla - gestaltningsförslag till Östervåla församling
(2022-05-02)The goal with this project was to design a biblical garden for a Christian community in Östervåla, Uppsala county. They wanted a theological garden that would be beneficial for the biodiversity as well as the community ... -
I de gröna kuddarnas land - en undersökning om mossans plats i trädgården
(2022-05-02)This thesis has analysed six moss species, their morphology, habitat, and maintenance. The purpose of this were to see if they can be used to create a moss garden and how to maintain it. An inventory was made in the author’s ... -
Klockstolen i Mariestads domkyrka - fallstudie av en byggprocess under 1700-talet
(2022-05-02)This thesis focuses on the wooden construction which the bells are supported by in Mariestads cathedral. The cathedral was built between 1593 – 1625. After a lightning strike 1752 the belfry and bells were destroyed. The ... -
Stolpunderreden - en förbisedd konstruktionsdel
(2022-05-02)This thesis attempts to build knowledge regarding variations in joinery and construction processes of stilt structures on raised storage buildings in Sweden. The research also focuses on potential reconstruction methods ... -
KULTURVÅRD MED PLAN- OCH BYGGLAGEN I PRAKTIKEN 32 rättsfall om bygglovsärenden i Mark- och miljööverdomstolen
(2022-01-19)The Swedish plan- and construction law contains provisions concerning the cultural environment and its protection. These provisions are rather difficult to interpret as they refer to diffuse concepts such as caution and ... -
PÅ REKORDTID – FRÅN STATIONSSAMHÄLLE TILL CENTRALORT Fallstudie Kil, bebyggelseutveckling 1960 - 1975
(2022-01-19)This essay applies three societal changes past World War II as a foundation of changes of the built environment. The societal changes applied are; the municipality reforms, the transport revolution including the use of ... -
Blanda egen jord : ett odlingsförsök utifrån historiskt recept och lokala resurser
(2021-12-20)Making substrates is a craft which made up a big part of the gardener’s profession up until the middle of the 18th century. Many of the necessary components often involved resources that were accessible in the garden. ... -
Hantverkarens sinnliga erfarenheter - en källa till fördjupad hantverkskunskap
(2021-11-29)The sensory experiences of a craftsperson is an integral part of decision making. The difficulties expressing these experiences were documented by Michael Polanyi in the central thesis of his book The tacit dimension ... -
Hundangrepp på betesdjur - lösspringande hundar som problem inom naturvårdsbete
(2021-11-29)As the number of livestock available for grazing semi-natural pastures are declining in many areas of Sweden, there is a growing concern for the future biodiversity of many nature conservation pastures. At the same time ... -
Tree stump manipulation - An experimental method to accelerate decomposition in tree stumps to compensate for the shortfall in dead wood substrate
(2021-11-29)Current forestry exploits put a lot of strain on the global ecosystem that all life on earth depends on. Boreal natural dynamic forest environments are turned into sterile clear-cut areas. Forestry exploits also affect the ... -
(2021-09-08)This thesis investigates the planning process of Södra stationsområdet and Bofills båge in Stockholm, and then identify and discuss the requested properties in these planning processes. It also investigates the properties ...