Kandidatuppsatser / Institutionen för Kulturvård: Recent submissions
Now showing items 361-380 of 536
Traditionella hantverkskunskaper. En kartläggning och bedömning av det nationella kunskapsläget
(2013-11-07)In this thesis I am trying to analyse the state of traditional building craft skills in Sweden today. The need of traditional skills and knowledge have been on the agenda the last years. Sweden ratified the UNESCO Convention ... -
Konditionsbesiktning av fönster - systematisering, effektivisering och dokumentation med hjälp av checklistor
(2013-10-29)This essay treats the subject shape inspection of windows. The purpose has been to create a proposal of checklists that can be used as a help in the work with inspection of old windows. A checklist might conduct potentiating, ... -
Takstolarna i Gökhems kyrka. En undersökning av tidigmedeltida byggteknik
(2013-10-09)The Romanic roof constructions are surely one of Europe’s oldest preserved wooden constructions. The roof construction in Gökhem Church which this study discusses is dated by dendrochronology to the year 1137. At present ... -
Skötselförslag till Råbäcks kalkbruk på Kinnekulle
(2013-09-11)A lack of maintenance causes our land to close up around us as the former open areas is overgrown with vegetation. Remains of our history is left unattended to be broken down by roots that loosens earth and stones. One of ... -
Betesdrift i kulturreservatet Lillhärjåbygget - en intervjustudie
(2013-08-13)Lillhärjåbygget is a cultural reserve in the county of Härjedalen, consisting of a farm situated far away from roads and society. The sisters Eva and Ann Eriksson are running the farm in a mainly traditional way, revolving ... -
”Han säger det ska stå för efterkommande” Profant gråstensbyggande i Västergötland före 1860 - Exemplet Nääs ladugård
(2013-08-12)The intention of this essay was to examine profane masonry construction in “grey stone” (i.e. granite and gneiss), built during the early 19thcentury in the Swedish province of Västergötland. This has been done by an ... -
Kulturmiljöfrågor i aktuell stadsplanering - exemplet Eriksberg i Göteborg
(2013-07-08)The overall focus of this bachelor essay has been to raise the issue of urban development directed by the municipal company Älvstranden Utveckling AB in Gothenburg and their work with questions concerning cultural heritage. ... -
Badrum i Sverige mellan 1930 och 1980 - En undersökning av kulturvårdens glömda rum
(2013-07-04)This work deals with the form bathrooms have taken in time and aims at exploring whether these can be regarded as cultural significant, but also how the estate-owner‘s knowledge is embodied. The work is limited to the ... -
Riksintressen för kulturmiljövården i den kommunala planeringen. - En studie av Mölndals Kvarnby, Jonsered och Rydboholm. .
(2013-07-04)This thesis studies the debate regarding the national interest for cultural heritage management which is an instrument of urban planning in Sweden. The thesis also makes a comparison between three areas that have been ... -
Nanoprodukter En granskning av nanoprodukter och dess kapacitet att avlägsna mögelmissfärgningar
(2013-07-03)This report has explored the use of nanoparticles, micro-emulsions and chemical gels as advanced systems for extracting discoloration from mold on mural paintings. The purpose is to investigate the cleaning results and ... -
Göteborgs gasklocka - Vår skrymmande energihistoria
(2013-07-02)The purpose of this graduate thesis is partly to investigate the historical context of Gothenburgs gasometer, to illustrate the administration and discussions about future usage, to map out its historical different values, ... -
Aquazol - ett åldringsbeständigt ämne?
(2013-07-02)The aim of this study was to investigate the age properties of Aquazol. Approximately two decades ago a new consolidant entered the conservation market, Aquazol. Practically every paper written about this synthetic resin ... -
CHIPOLIN En måleriteknik i gränslandet mellan limfärg & lack
(2013-07-02)This thesis is a work about the painting technique called Chipolin. The work is aiming to bring new knowledge about the painting method and fill the gap of information we have today. How common have the technique been and ... -
Vila i grönska. Gestaltningsförslag av en askgravplats till Tidaholms kyrka
(2013-07-01)This Bachelor of Science in Conservation is about how I as a garden designer will produce a sustainable design proposal of an ash burial place for the church of Tidaholm. The main problem that I have chosen to deal with ... -
Naturen som färg- och formkälla vid växtkomposition. En undersökning av gestaltningsprocessen
(2013-07-01)It is difficult to find ideas for new plant compositions and landscaping designs. The nature and the wilderness can be a sort of inspiration for new design ideas. The aim of this work is to show how a biotope´s aesthetic ... -
Laminering av måleri på duk med och utan inskott Studie av fem olika material och deras funktion som inskott i en laminering
(2013-06-25)The purpose of this study is to test the stability and function of five different materials used as interleaf in lining of paintings on canvas. To understand the context of the different lining-methods used in conservation ... -
Fukt, mögel och kulturhistoriska värden -Hur de samspelar vid en kyrkorenovering
(2013-06-25)Dampness in churches is a problem that has been raised increasingly in recent years. The problems have different reasons, and appear differently in each affected church What should be prioritized when dampness is a fact ... -
Folkhemmets småhusbyggande Bostadspolitikens och arkitekturidealens roll i utformningen av egnahemsområdet Kyrkbyn
(2013-06-20)This thesis revolves around the correlation between the social housing politics and the architectual ideals that effected the shaping of one family houses in Sweden. The examined timeperiod is the post war era between ... -
Hans Jakob Strömberg Medeltidsstilar i Göteborg kring 1800-talets mitt
(2013-06-20)The objective of this thesis is to examine the architecture of Hans Jakob Strömberg, whose medieval revival architecture was greatly inspired by his teacher, Carl Georg Brunius. Using architecture analysis and the ...