Kandidatuppsatser / Institutionen för Kulturvård: Recent submissions
Now showing items 381-400 of 536
Bevarandevärt i domstolsprövning – plan- och bygglagens egentliga skydd ur bebyggelseantikvarisk synvinkel
(2013-06-20)This essay has studied appeals of the provincial government about building permits concerning a few specific paragraphs of the Swedish plan- and construction law. The studied paragraphs relate to the integrated conservation ... -
En studie av stolstillverkningen i Stockholm 1750-1820. Material och metoder
(2013-06-20)The furniture design has been a part of the human experience since the beginning of history. The aim of this bachelor thesis is to penetrate the chair manufacturing in Stockholm between the years 1750-1820. The initial ... -
Förekomsten av utfällningar på måleriskikt En studie av Holdhus kyrkas predikstol
(2013-06-20)The aim of this bachelor thesis is to investigate and describe the occurrence of different precipitations on paint layers by advanced analytical methods. The impact these precipitations have on painting layers as degrading ... -
Konsthistorisk och teknisk undersökning av en målning från Nääs slott
(2013-06-20)The aim of this bachelor thesis is to investigate a painting made of oil paint on canvas which comes from Nääs slott. The painting depicts the motif Elijah and the chariot of fire. Not much was known about the painting ... -
Fuktbaserad konsolidering av freskomåleri
(2013-06-20)The study is based on a conservation project in the Vatican museums where some problems were observed with an aqueous-based consolidant in the preservation of XVI century mural paintings. The medium penetrated the porous ... -
Emissioner i slutna utrymmen Med speciell inriktning på emissioner av formaldehyd och organiska syror
(2013-06-20)This study aimed to evaluate the levels of formaldehyde and organic acids that can build up within enclosed spaces. Another goal was to compare two types of paints that can be used as coating barriers within showcases and ... -
Tillfällig partiell isolering av limfärgsbemålat trä vid behandling med fuktbaserade metoder - en jämförande studie av cyklododekan och mentol
(2013-06-20)This thesis examines two volatile binding medias and their capacity to partially isolate distemper paint on wood during treatment with aqueous methods. The objective was to ascertain whether these methods were applicable ... -
Museibelysnings påverkan på gula krompigment -utifrån Vincent van Goghs målning Olivskog, Saint-Rémy, 1889
(2013-06-20)This study discuss the problems of displaying artworks containing yellow chrome pigments, reactive to the wavelengths in LED lights, often used in modern exhibitions. In the late 19th century there where a variety of ... -
Lagning av revor i textilt målningsunderlag Långsiktig stabilitet och karaktäristiska egenskaper hos adhesiv och metoder
(2013-06-20)The purpose of this thesis is to examine how adhesives and methods used for tear mending affects the painting and the textile support in the long term. The aim is to create a greater understanding of the adhesives and the ... -
Hur man spaljerar kärnfrukt från spö till spaljéträd - ett undervisningsmaterial med processkisser
(2013-06-19)This essay is a craftmanship documentation together with sketches of process on how to espalier fruit trees, from whip to complete espaliered tree. By compiling information on espaliering from knowledge sources, Swedish ... -
Kommunala bevarandestrategier på landsbygden En fallstudie med fokus på medborgardialog
(2013-06-19)This paper addresses how local government works with agrarian environments and the extent to which citizens are given the opportunity to participate in this process. Through a literature review the legal frameworks and ... -
Från rådhus till stadshus En fallstudie på ombyggnadsprocessen Göteborgs rådhus
(2013-06-14)This thesis is examining how built heritage under the protection of the legal instrument ”heritage building” (byggnadsminne) is being treated in city planning by the municipality aswell as county. It is done through a case ... -
Köksträdgården vid Olofsfors bruk : innehåll utseende och organisation under 1900-talets första hälft
(2013-04-12)I det här arbetet beskrivs köksträdgården vid Olofsfors bruk i Nordmalings kommun under perioden 1912 till 1960. Beskrivningen av köksträdgården, dess innehåll och organisation bygger främst på intervjuer gjorda med ... -
Att leva på sitt gröna företag - bärodling i kombination med plantskoleverksamhet
(2013-03-11)This work is largely about being able to make a living in the green industry. The problem I have chosen to consider is the uneven recourse requirements in Swedish nurseries. This is a problem for both the employer and the ... -
A comparative study on surface treatments in conservation of dry leather, with focus on silicone oil.
(2013-03-05)In the museums, private collections and historical houses, there is a wealth of leather artifacts, in various need of conservation. The treatment options, however, are few, and all with their drawbacks. This thesis aims ... -
Flamskyddad textil Konservatorns problem?
(2013-02-04)This bachelor thes is in textile conservaHon deal s with issues cancerning flame-relardant finishes on textiles, and whether flame-praofing chemicals may develop inlo a problem for the preservation and conservation of ... -
Stadsträdgårdar Ett försummat kulturarv
(2013-02-01)This essay concerns the preservation of urban private gardens, city-gardens. These gardens have played an important part in our cities history for centuries. They represent a cultural heritage created and sustained by ... -
PEG-migration? MALDI-TOF-analys av beläggningar från fyra arkeologiska träföremål
(2013-01-11)One of the most important tasks in conservation of archaeological wood is to maintain its shape and stability. This is often done by replacement of the water within the wood-cells. Polyethylene glycol (PEG) is a synthetic ... -
Riksantikvarieämbetet 2.0 – på väg mot framtiden? En undersökning av Riksantikvarieämbetets användning av sociala medier
(2013-01-08)The intention with this thesis has been to highlight the Swedish National Heritage Board’s usage of new media and to examine how the usage of new media works in practice. The thesis recognizes the increasing significance ... -
Visningsträdgård på produktionsgård. En undersökning av förutsättningarna för Fristorp gård
(2012-12-20)I have received an order from the company Fristorp farm. The company is located at the foot of Hunneberg just outside Trollhättan in Sweden. They grow and process fruit, berries and some vegetables. They have had their ...