Kandidatuppsatser / Institutionen för Kulturvård: Recent submissions
Now showing items 81-100 of 536
A Passion Flower in The Museum Building Considerations for the Conservation of a Performance Artwork with a Material Component
(2020-09-02)The thesis investigates and discusses performance art within a museum context and from a conservator’s perspective. It is done by the case study of a performance artwork entitled The Passion Flower, created by the Swedish ... -
Klassificering för svensk fårull En studie i förutsättningar om utvecklingen av ett svenskt klassificeringssystem
(2020-08-05)The aim of this thesis is to contribute to the development of a Swedish classification system for sheep wool. This is achieved via examinations of both the history of the Swedish wool history, and of previous systems of ... -
LAPPA OCH LAGA relationen mellan klädesplagg och person
(2020-08-05)My choice of subject is based on the unsustainable consumption and disposal of clothing that exists in the western world today. The purpose of the study is to investigate how repair changes the relationship between a ... -
PASTORALA IDEAL INOM SLÖJD En idéanalys av utställningen Efter haveriet
(2020-08-05)This study deals with the pastoral aspects of handicraft. Pastorals can be described as putting the complex into the simple or as a myth between what life is and what life could be. The aim is to use the exhibition Efter ... -
IKONER PÅ KONSTMUSEUM En jämförande studie av Nationalmuseums utställning i Stockholm och utställandet av ikonen Guds Moder av Vladimir på Tretjakovgalleriet i Moskva
(2020-08-05)Exhibiting and managing religious objects in museums presents a challenge due to their religious and sacred context, which may or may not be taken into account. When an object enters into a museum, it is stripped of its ... -
ATT BEVARA DET SOM INTE KAN BEVARAS Konservering av levande material i modern konst Linn Björklund
(2020-08-05)The post war era and industrial revolution opened up a freedom in the art field and created an unpredictable art landscape. The creativity that it unleashed among artists would later become a main concern for those who ... -
Långtidsbevaring av arkeologiska träkonstruktioner i en terrester miljö – fallstudie Kronholmskoggen
(2020-08-05)Larger archaeological wooden objects such as a shipwreck are expensive to excavate and preserve. In the past, archaeological wood material has been abandoned or even burned due to lack of sufficient economic resources. ... -
Perspectives on Sustainability in Cultural Heritage Conservation
(2020-08-05)In the last few years, ‘sustainability’ has become one of the greatest and most inevitable topics of discussion. Investigating contemporary approaches to sustainability in the cultural heritage sector shows how current ... -
ATT BEVARA, ANVÄNDA OCH UTVECKLA SOM VERKTYG OCH MÅL: En studie av de nationella målen för kulturmiljöarbetet i förhållande till den kommunala planeringen
(2020-08-05)Preservation, use and development of cultural heritage and cultural environments is important to achieve the national goals for cultural environmental work and the environmental quality goal Good built environment. Evaluation ... -
ETT NATIONALROMANTISKT MISCHMASCH En analys av debatten kring ISTs huvudkontor
(2020-08-05)The aim of this study is to examine an architectural debate surrounding two planned buildings in Växjö, Sweden. The different views of architects and non-architects come into focus. Critical discourse analysis is used to ... -
HUSHÅLLSARBETET SOM FÖRSVANN Tvättprocessens värdeutveckling sedan industrialiseringen
(2020-08-05)From the perspective of sustainability, it is best to make textiles last for as long as possible, as the largest significant environmental impact occurs during production. Knowledge about materials, and and how to care ... -
RIVNINGENS SÅR En analys av de relationer och känslor som kommit till uttryck i samband med rivningen av Astoriahuset
(2020-08-05)When a building is demolished, different reactions and emotions can arise. These reactions and emotions can be an expression of the relationship between humans and architecture. The purpose of this essay is to illustrate ... -
DEN MÅNGTYDIGA SJÖBODEN En undersökning kring sjöbodens och strandskyddets omvandlingsprocess i Bohuslän
(2020-08-05)Along the coast of Bohuslän and the fishing villages, it is clear to see traces of the modern welfare society's entry and establishment. The industrialization of the fishing community led to both sparsely populated and ... -
ATT BYGGA VIDARE PÅ KULTURARVET Diskurser om Liljevalchs konsthall och dess tillbyggnad
(2020-08-05)This thesis is about Liljevalchs art gallery in Stockholm and its intended annex, which is now under construction and will be completed in 2021. The purpose of the thesis is to identify different kinds of discourse ... -
Förvaltning av bostadsrätter - En studie över bostadsrättsföreningars fastighetsförvaltning och förhållningssätt till bevarande Julia
(2020-08-05)Private ownership is an important part of human rights. Since 2000, private home ownership through bostadsrättsföreningar has increased in Sweden. Bostadsrättsförening is a Swedish form of property management where members ... -
Trapphuset – gränslandet mellan allmänt och enskilt intresse En undersökning kring det formella skyddet av kulturvärden i ”halvoffentliga” interiöra miljöer
(2020-08-05)In Sweden, interior cultural values are less legally protected then exterior values. In municipal urban planning, public interests are weighed against private interest. Some spaces are hard to define as a public interest ... -
KULTURARVET SOM HÅLLER ANDAN En undersökning om kommunal kulturmiljöplanering och antikvarisk kompetens
(2020-08-05)This paper bases its work on a report made by the Swedish National Heritage Board called, Kulturvärden försvinner i byggprocessen, in which it is pointed out that the management of cultural environment in Sweden’s ... -
ANTIKVARIE ELLER BESTÄLLARE? Den kommunala antikvariens roll i upphandling av antikvarisk konsult
(2020-08-05)This thesis examines the municipal antiquarian’s role in the public procurement of antiquarian consultants. In the 1980’s the new Swedish Plan and Building Act emphasized the municipal responsibility over the management ... -
IDROTTENS RUM En bebyggelsehistorisk studie av 1900-talets idrottshall
(2020-08-05)The sports hall of the twentieth century as part of the built heritage has near but evaded interest from the field of conservation, in spite of - or perhaps because of - being a common sight in most towns in Sweden. ... -
Connecting the dots - mapping the use of conservation records for quantification and research
(2020-08-05)This study addresses the potential use of information from conservation records for research and quantification purposes. The aim of this study is to map out the information types and documentation methods in Swedish ...