Cartilage Tissue Engineering; the search for chondrogenic progenitor cells and associated signalling pathways
The socioeconomic cost of articular cartilage related diseases in the Western world is very
high. The suffering of the individual patient is even more problematic. Different methods are
used today to treat this large, heterogeneous group of patients, one of which has been in use
for more than 20 years: cell based autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI). Irrespective of
treatment method, a great deal remains to be done to improve our knowledge of what occurs
at molecular and cellular levels. The overall aim of this thesis was therefore to find
chondrocytes with stem cell properties in cartilage used for ACI, and to study the associated
molecular signalling pathways.
The helix-loop-helix (HLH) transcription factor Id1 was demonstrated to play a role in
regulating proliferation of cultured human articular chondrocytes, indicating a role for the
family of HLH proteins in chondrocytes. Human articular chondrocytes cultured in agarose
suspension demonstrated subpopulations with different growth potential. Some showed
mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) properties. To be able to locate potential stem cells in vivo, a
rabbit BrdU model, identifying slow cycling cells was used. Stem cells were not only
identified in the articular cartilage but also in the groove of Ranvier located in the periphery
of the epiphyseal growth plate. The groove of Ranvier also exhibited properties as a stem cell
niche structure. Further biopsies from human normal articular cartilage, as well as regenerated
and repaired cartilage after ACI were studied. The human normal articular cartilage
demonstrated expression of the stem cell associated markers STRO-1 and Bcrp1 in cells in the
superficial zone, and activity of the fundamental Wnt (Wingless-related proteins) and Notch
signalling pathways. The distribution showed a distinct zonal pattern in the normal cartilage.
In biopsies from regenerated cartilage with almost normal histological architecture, the
markers and pathways studied demonstrated a distinct zonal pattern similar to that in normal
cartilage. Biopsies taken from repaired cartilage with more or less fibrocartilage formation
and with a disorganized matrix, showed increased Stro-1 expression and activity for the Wnt
pathway throughout the biopsies. The supposed stem cell marker Bcrp1 was expressed in a
sparse population of cells independently of cartilage tissue studied.
This thesis demonstrates that in cartilage there are subpopulations of cells with mesenchymal
stem cell properties, and that it is possible to identify and select these populations for further
study of their properties as stem cells and their usefulness for transplantation. The HLH, Wntand
Notch signalling pathways are closely involved in articular cartilage repair and
regeneration. The stem cells and signalling pathways may represent potential drug targets or valuable tools in the tissue engineering of joint tissue.
I. Julia Asp*, Maria Thornemo*, Sven Inerot, Anders Lindahl. The helix-loop-helix transcription factors Id1 and Id3 have a functional role in control of cell division in human normal and neoplastic chondrocytes. FEBS Letters 1998;438: 85-90. *These authors contributed equally and should both be considered first authors. ::pmid::9821964 II. Brittberg M, Sjögren-Jansson E, Thornemo M, Faber B, Tarkowski A, Peterson L, Lindahl A. Clonal growth of human articular cartilage and the functional role of the periosteum in chondrogenesis. Osteoarthritis Cartilage 2005;Feb;13(2):146-53. ::pmid::15694576 III. M Thornemo, T Tallheden, E Sjögren Jansson, A Larsson, K Lövstedt, U Nannmark, M Brittberg, A Lindahl. Clonal populations of chondrocytes with progenitor properties identified within human articular cartilage. Cells
Tissues Organs 2005;180(3): 141-50. ::pmid::16260860 IV. Camilla Karlsson*, Maria Thornemo*, Helena Barreto Henriksson, Anders Lindahl. Identification of a stem cell niche in the zone of Ranvier. An experimental study in the rabbit. Submitted to Journal of Anatomy, under
revision. *These authors contributed equally and should both be considered first authors. V. Thornemo M, Henriksson BH, Karlsson C, Concaro S, Stenhamre H, A Lindahl. Expression of the stem cell associated proteins Stro-1 and Bcrp1 and the Wnt and Notch signalling pathways in regenerated and repaired human articular cartilage. Manuscript.
Doctor of Philosophy (Medicine)
University of Gothenburg. Sahlgrenska Academy
Institute of Biomedicine. Department of Clinical Chemistry and Transfusion Medicine
Måndagen den 1 juni 2009 kl 13.00 i Hjärtats aula, Vita stråket 12, Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset, Göteborg
Datum för disputation
Thornemo, Maria
stem cell
progenitor cell
tissue engineering
articular chondrocytes
Doctoral thesis
ISBN 978-91-628-7776-7