Masteruppsatser: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 55
Värdeskapande kommunikation - en studie om content marketing som strategiskt arbetssätt bland svenska marknadsavdelningar
(2021-04-06)Studien visar att företagen uppfattar begreppet content marketing väldigt olika vilket synliggörs i deras prioriteringar, arbetssätt och resurser. Utifrån informanternas svar är det tydligt att det existerar skilda ... -
Facebook in the News. A mixed-method study of how Swedish public service news represent Facebook
(2021-04-06)The aim of this study was to examine how Swedish public service media represents Facebook; a private, transnational company but also a tool for public service media (PSM) to reach its audience. The first research objective ... -
Media use and subjective social cohesion. Examining the reciprocal relationship between use and subjective social cohesion.
(2020-10-12)There is quite a broad consensus among scholars about the importance of social cohesion. However, the field has often been criticised for the lack of agreement regarding the conceptualisation of social cohesion. Without a ... -
Gender dynamics in media-driven belief polarization - disentangling reinforcing processes behind media usage and perception of societal issues
(2020-08-19)In academia as well as in mainstream media, people are voicing concern that a fragmented media environment, entailing an immense increase of alternative media, may motivate selective exposure, in turn leading to increasingly ... -
News Media Usage, Political Interest and Political Participation
(2020-08-19)The discussion in this thesis focus on the relationship between news media usage and political participation. During the last several decades, many researchers have been worried about the decline of political participation, ... -
The Portrayal of strikes. Framing and source use in Swedish news on strikes.
(2020-08-19)The purpose of this study is to describe how labor conflicts are covered in Swedish news media. Strikes are events that receive a lot of news coverage, while also being the most drastic measure available to organized ... -
Early American Foreign Policy Towards the Syrian Conflict Captured Through Two Mainstream U.S. News Organizations. A Multidisciplinary Content Analysis of Fox News and CNN News Articles
(2020-08-19)The CNN and Fox news articles conveyed to us multiple aspects of the situation in Syria. Through the analysis of the media published articles, the magnitude of the Syrian people suffering is evident to be substantial. The ... -
EUROPE(ANS) AND THE CLIMATE - TOWARDS A EUROPEAN PUBLIC SPHERE? A Comparative Framing Analysis of News Media and Twitter Discourse in Sweden, Spain and Germany
(2020-07-21)The issue of climate change, as a crisis without borders and the EU as political realm, holds the potential to unite Europeans under a common fate and mission. As this study applies a social constructionist view, reality ... -
CULTIVATION EFFECTS IN A FRAGMENTED MEDIA ENVIRONMENT. Examining the reciprocal relationship between selective media use and crime perceptions
(2020-07-21)Our media environment has changed rapidly since the cultivation theory was proposed by Gerbner in the late '60s. The amount of news media content has increased to an unprecedented level and the surge of alternative media ... -
”The medium is the message” – en studie om vilka funktioner sociala medier fyller i användares liv
(2016-09-20)Titel: ”The medium is the message” – en studie om vilka funktioner sociala medier fyller i användares liv Författare: Isabell Janzon Kurs: Examensarbete i medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap (30p) Institutionen för ... -
ATT TALA MEDIERNAS SPRÅK – Hur svenska politiker utformar och anpassar sin kommunikation efter medielogiken
(2016-09-08)Uppsats/Examensarbete: 30 hp Program och/eller kurs: Examensarbete i medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap Nivå: Avancerad nivå Termin/år: Vt 2016 Handledare: Nicklas Håkansson Kursansvarig: Malin Svensson Sidantal: ... -
FOLLOW YOUR INSTINCTS! - en studie där utbildning i nyhetsvärdering analyseras utifrån normativa demokratimodeller
(2016-08-24)Titel: Follow your instincts! - en studie där utbildning i nyhetsvärdering analyseras utifrån normativa demokratimodeller Författare: Amanda Waldenström Program och/eller kurs: Examensarbete i medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap ... -
News in Social media. Social media: the newspaper of the future
(2015-09-09)Abstract This essay examines the relationship between social media use and online news consumption. The relationship and the mechanisms of online news consumption are further examined with political interest and social ... -
#FromSicknessToFitness - En studie i unga svenska kvinnors kamp för en sundare livsstil med Instagram som plattform
(2015-09-09)ABSTRACT Titel: #FromSicknessToFitness - En studie i unga svenska kvinnors kamp för en sundare livsstil med Instagram som plattform Författare: Jolanda Toivola Kurs: Examensarbete i medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap ... -
Tabloidiseringstendenser - i det redaktionella innehållet
(2014-10-17)The daily newspaper market in Sweden has been a mighty strong media market, except for major market crisis which occurred in the 1990s in Sweden, that led to several newspapers came into an economic crisis. One of the ... -
(2014-09-11)Abstract Titel EN STUDIE I MÄNNISKORS UPPFATTNINGAR OM BROTT Författare Gunes Suberoglu Kurs Examensarbete (master) i medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap Termin Vårtermin 2013 Handledare Marie Grusell Sidantal, ord ... -
Virala nyheter: Hur nyheter sprids och bemöts i sociala medier
(2014-09-11)Abstract Bakgrund: När människor tar del av nyheter via sociala medier som Twitter och Facebook är det möjligt för andra användare i de sociala medierna att påverka uppfattningen av innehållet. Det kan exempelvis ske ... -
Identitetsskapande hos unga kvinnor genom sociala medier - med välbefinnandet i fokus
(2013-09-24)Titel: Identitetsskapande hos unga kvinnor genom sociala medier - med välbefinnandet i fokus Författare: Ester Fardell Kurs: Masteruppsats inom medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap Termin: Vårterminen 2013 Handledare: ... -
Köp med hjärtat! En studie om Fairtrade Sveriges identitetskapande
(2013-09-24)Titel Köp med hjärtat! Författare Liza Olsson Kurs Examensarbete (kort master) i medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap Termin Vårterminen 2013 Handledare Orla Vigsø Sidantal, ord 85 sidor 39 065 ord Syfte Syftet ... -
Den användarskapade elden Risker och möjligheter med kriskommunikation i sociala online-nätverk
(2013-09-24)Title The User Created Fire – Risks and Opportunities with Crisis Communication in Social Network Sites Author Charbel Sader Course Master Thesis in Media‐ and Communication Studies, Department of Journalism and ...