Department of Literature, History of Ideas, and Religion / Institutionen för litteratur, idéhistoria och religion: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 181-200 av 422
Sexualetik för Svenska kyrkan. Om hur Svenska kyrkan kan hantera frågor om sex och sexualitet idag, utifrån ett liberalt förhållningssätt
(2017-02-02)This paper present a suggestion to what I consider is an appropriate sexual ethic for the Church of Sweden. It is a response to the inability of how to handle these issues by various representatives of the church today. ... -
Om provokation – Oseriös musik möter seriös politik: Fallet Philemon vs Grammis 1972
(2017-01-31)The essay deals with a specific case of provocation in the Swedish music counter-culture of the 1970’s, where, in 1972, a few representatives of said movement – due to the apparent popularity of their actively non-mainstream ... -
Konsten som (för)gör mig – Att bli till genom ekfrasen i Tove Janssons verk
(2017-01-27)In my thesis I argue that the creating of one's identity through art and through the expression of art, with ekphrasis and existentialist philosophy as windows, is possible. Tove Jansson's novel Pappan och havet is filled ... -
Den besjälade naturen – naturpoesi och landskapsmåleri i 1890-talets Sverige. Symbolism och naturromantik hos Gustaf Fröding och prins Eugen.
(2017-01-27)The following thesis deals with the motif of nature and landscape within Swedish poetry and visual arts in the 1890s. The aesthetic change at the end of the 1880s towards a style, which more and more sought the opposition ... -
"I will give you the holy and sure blessings promised to David" A Comparison of Messianic Elements in the Inauguration Speeches of Jesus, Peter and Paul in Luke-Acts
(2017-01-26)This study will focus on the inaugurating speeches of Jesus, Peter and Paul and the messianic elements which emerge from them. There are reoccurring similarities with Jesus and his followers throughout Luke's double work ... -
Homo Solitum vs Utmattningsdepression - om diagnosernas makt att definiera den normala människan
(2016-12-19)In this study the definition of normality and whether it has been changed during modern times has been investigated. The basis for the investigation has been the symptoms of the Swedish diagnosis utmattningsdepression ... -
Hur beskrivs skyddande änglar i Bibeln? En analys av 'malach' i Daniel 6:22 och 'angelos' i Apostlagärningarna 12:7-11
(2016-11-15)The purpose of this study is to investigate how the authors of Daniel 6 and Acts of the Apostles 12 describe the ‘guardian angels’ in the stories. All though ‘guardian angel’ is not a term that is used by the authors and ... -
Ett sekel av pentekostal eskatologi. En komparativ studie av den svenska pingströrelsens förändrade eskatologiska betoningar, från Lewi Pethrus bok Jesus kommer (1912) till Teologiska nätverket i Pingst och dess skrift Jesus kommer (2012)
(2016-10-20)Ett sekel av pentekostal eskatologi. En komparativ studie av den svenska pingströrelsens förändrade eskatologiska betoningar, från Lewi Pethrus bok Jesus kommer 1912 till Teologiska nätverket i Pingst och dess skrift Jesus ... -
"Varför gråter du, kvinna?" Funktioner och symboler hos vätskor relaterade till kroppen. En undersökning av Johannesevangeliet
(2016-09-15)This essay explores the narrative, historical and theological functions and symbols of fluids related to the body in the Gospel of John. Relevant fluids include blood, tears, ointment, wine and water. Baptism and lakes are ... -
Medeltida triumfkrucifix i Bohuslän. En analys av nio triumfkrucifix och deras utveckling och symbolspråk
(2016-08-31)The objective of this study is to investigate the old Christian symbol of triumphal crosses, during the Middle Ages in Western Europe, Scandinavia and Bohuslän, Sweden. This study is about medieval triumphal crosses from ... -
Att känna som en pilgrim. Vad pilgrimer uttrycker på internetforumet Camino de Santiago ur ett emotionssociologiskt perspektiv
(2016-08-03)This thesis/dissertation examines the pilgrim community on the forum at through the use of Riis and Woodheads sociology of emotions model. Since the object of study is an internet forum, a nethnographic ... -
Messiashemligheten. En undersökning av Jesus hemliga identitet i utvalda texter i Markusevangeliet, i jämförelse med Matteus- och Lukasevangeliet
(2016-07-05)The purpose of this study was to research the secrecy of Jesus identity in the synoptic gospels, with a special focus on the gospel of Mark. It was the late theologian William Wrede who coined the term Messianic Secret, ... -
Religionsundervisningens utmaningar. En kvalitativ studie av gymnasieungdomars relation till religion
(2016-07-05)The aim of this study has been to investigate ten secondary school students´ view on religion and belief and, based on the result of the study, also discuss what kind of didactic challenges this may put to religious ... -
Dödsriket i Gamla och Nya testamentet - en jämförande studie
(2016-07-05)The purpose of this investigation is to examine the existence after death in the underworld in the Old and New Testament in the Bible. I will thereafter compare the images of the underworld. The investigation also tries ... -
Betongfeeling. En studie av Nationalteaterns dramatik
(2016-06-30)This thesis examines how five selected dramas by Nationalteatern relates to Swedish working-class literature, but the text also serves the purpose of emphasizing the fact that Nationalteatern should be more recognized in ... -
Skrivande som motstånd – En studie av subversiva strategier i romaner av Nina Bouraoui
(2016-06-28)This essay is aiming to find subversive strategies in the novels Garçon Manqué, Mes Mauvaises Pensées and Poupée Bella by the French-Algerian writer Nina Bouraoui. A subversive strategy is one that has the potential to ... -
Frida Stéenhoff och Anarkismen – Stéenhoffs feministiska idéer i ljuset av anarkistisk ideologi.
(2016-06-28)Feminist and social critic Frida Stéenhoff (1865-1945) was groundbreaking in her frankness about free love, sexuality and birth control in early twentieth century Sweden. The interest in her works has despite extensive ... -
”Hjälp, en bok!”- Bakomliggande orsaker till gymnasieelevers attityder vid läsning av skönlitteratur i svenskundervisningen
(2016-06-02)Today, teenagers seem to be less interested in reading in general and many researchers fear that the future for the classic fiction book is uncertain. In this research survey we take a deeper look into underlying factors ... -
Nekromantisk kunskap. En studie av kopplingen mellan de nekromantiska ritualer som beskrivs i Gustav A Reuterholms manuskript och västerländsk esoterism utifrån begreppen gnosis och absolut kunskap
(2016-02-03)This thesis explores the connection between the necromantic rituals that, according to manuscripts written by Gustaf Adolf Reuterholm, took place in the esoteric circles that formed around Duke Charles and King Gustav III ... -
A Newer New Age. Irony and the Enchantment of Atheism in Syntheist Religion
(2016-01-29)The purpose of this thesis is to study how the stipulations of religious thought changes as society gets increasingly digitalized, life become more virtual and people get interconnected through the internet. The thesis ...