Kandidatuppsatser / Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper: Recent submissions
Now showing items 41-60 of 221
Tv-generationen - Kvinnor födda på 50-talet berättar om tv-mediet
(2021-02-23)This study is an analysis of eight womens memories and stories about TV. All of the informants were born in the 1950:s and they are all senior citizens today. Through their individual stories about the medium they say ... -
Den kollektiva ensamheten - En kvalitativ intervjustudie om äldre individers upplevelser av pandemin covid-19 under året 2020
(2021-02-17)In the year of 2020 the world was hit by a pandemic named covid-19, or coronavirus disease 2019. The virus affected the entire world population, more or less, and not least the elderly and various risk groups. The virus ... -
“Det smutsigaste som finns” En jämförande studie om synen på sexualitet och prostitution
(2021-02-10)This essay examines the perceptions of sexuality and prostitution, during the regulation of prostitution at the end of the 19th century and today, comparing these two different historical times and their different views ... -
“Are you there Podd? It’s me, your listener.” En kvalitativ intervjustudie om podcastlyssning och fandom.
(2021-02-02)The following study examines how podcast listeners express a commitment through economic investment, time spent listening and an expression of relation to the creators of certain podcasts. By using Henry Jenkins and Jolie ... -
”ATT ALLA ÄR VÄLKOMNA ÄR NÅGOT VI BROTTAS MED” En inblick i kulturskolans arbete med tillgänglighet och inkludering i Göteborg
(2020-11-18)This paper investigates the practical environment of Gothenburg’s seven schools of art for children aged 6-19. The purpose of the paper is to examine how accessibility and inclusiveness work in the schools of art. This is ... -
“Han tyckte ju inte om krusiduller!” En kulturanalytisk studie om samtida planering och utformande av begravningar
(2020-11-18)The purpose of this study is to discuss contemporary tendencies in the planning and designing of funerals from the perspective of funeral directors. We have executed interviews with eight funeral directors in Gothenburg ... -
“TOALETTKLOTTERGUDARNA BOR PÅ LÅNGEN” Toalettklottrets betydelse för identitet och atmosfär på Andra Långgatan i Göteborg
(2020-11-18)Cities are made out of complex networks of individuals, cultural phenomena, places and contesting discourses. This essay aims to nuance one of these cultural phenomena; toilet graffiti and try to determine which function(-s) ... -
Vad kostar en dröm? Den fria kulturens plats i den entreprenörsurbanistiska strategin. Truckstop Alaska, Karlavagnsplatsen
(2020-11-12)The purpose of this thesis is to examine how urban development affects the free culture and cultural institutions in Gothenburg. Through our qualitative study, we choose a discourse analytic method where we analyse how ... -
OSS ZINESEMELLAN En fallstudie av konstzinet hos Fredrik Åkum
(2020-11-03)This thesis is a case study of the art zines of contemporary Swedish artist Fredrik Åkum. Examining art zines as platform, art zines as medium and the democratisation of art through the art zine. The questions of how art ... -
MUSIK FÖR HÄLSA En intervjustudie om hur musikterapi upplevs och uppfattas ur ett individperspektiv
(2020-09-11)The purpose of this essay is to investigate how individuals use music for therapeutic purposes that has affected their health. Issues that relate to music therapy as treatment, music as a tool for everyday life and music ... -
Kvinna & intagen - inte 'kvinnlig' nog enligt Kriminalvården? En studie om Kriminalvårdens arbete med 'Bättre Ut' ur ett kritiskt genusperspektiv.
(2020-01-07)När kvinnor begår brott tycks de inte bara bryta mot lagen utan även mot de förväntningar som finns på just kvinnor. Det normativa synsätt som finns på kvinnor genomsyras i allmänheten och därav även inom våra myndigheter. ... -
UTMANINGEN ATT ÄTA NÅGON En diskursanalys av karnism, speciesism och “subjektifiering” i tv-serien Köttets Lustar
(2019-10-10)This thesis will examine how human language is used to, consciously and unconsciously, legitimize exploitation of nonhuman animals in the meat industry. I will examine how these functions, including carnist ideology, work ... -
En gränd bort från Champs-Élysées. En jämförelse mellan en burlesqueklubb och en strippklubb i centrala Paris
(2019-08-13)This essay compares the strip-club Whisper Club and the burlesque-club Crazy Horse located in Paris near the eminent street Champs-Élysées thus understanding the similarities and differences between the two phenomenon - ... -
Man blir kvinna - Om barnuppfostran och genusdiskurser i teori och praktik
(2019-07-31)In this thesis the purpose is to investigate how girls have been raised in three generations, from the 1950’s to the 2010’s in a rural environment, with the 1980’s as our main focus. Through interviews with mothers and ... -
Acid Realities. How Science Enacts the Psychedelic Experience
(2019-07-01)The present work has explored how the psychedelic experience is discursively reproduced in contemporary psychological- and neuroscientific research. In focus was scientific articles detailing experimental human studies ... -
”Du gapar så högt att jag försvinner!”. Smartphones och hörlurar i Göteborgs kollektivtrafik
(2019-06-11)In this thesis the aim is to understand more about the effect that smartphones and headphones have on our social life in our everyday commute in the Swedish city Gothenburg. Through ethnographic observations and seven ... -
Konstförstörelsens olika uttryck: En begreppsanalytisk studie av ikonoklastisk konstdiskurs
(2019-06-04)This essay examines the stigmatization of contemporary iconoclastic discourse and the feasibility of creating a new classification of iconoclastic deeds. Based on Reinhart Koselleck’s concept analysis and a discourse ... -
I väntan på ett narrativ som gryr: En analys av kulturens plats inför Norra Masthuggets omvandling
(2019-06-03)Gothenburg is a city in that is currently undergoing large changes and in some aspects a significant rebranding. In Norra Masthugget, a hub for cultural industries and workers in creative fields, the city plans to erect a ... -
SD-Kvinnor & jämställdhetsparadoxen – en kvalitativ analys av ’Kvinnan’ i nationens tjänst
(2019-06-03)This thesis examines how the women’s association of the Swedish Democrats, SD-Kvinnor define the concept of the ‘Woman’ and use womanhood as a basis for their nationalistic political agenda. The thesis also examines if ... -
Det går inte att skriva rasism utan ras - en uppsats om separatistiska rum, rasifiering, agens, makt och vithetsnormer
(2019-05-29)The essay examines the purpose of separatist movements for People of colour (POC). The essay found that POC get positioned differently inside and outside of the separatist room through everyday social practises. Where POC ...