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Lärares professionella utveckling ur ett livsberättelseperspektiv
(2010-11-26)ABSTRACT Title: The first six years A professional life-historical investigation of the professional development of four primary school teachers Language: Swedish with an English summary Keywords: Professional ... -
Interkulturell undervisning – ett pedagogiskt dilemma. Talet om undervisning i svenska som andraspråk och i förberedelseklasser
(2011-05-17)Abstract Title: Intercultural education – A Pedagogical dilemma. Professional talk about the teaching of Swedish as a second language and in preparatory classes. Language: Swedish with an English summary Keywords: ... -
Folkbildning för demokrati : Colombianska kvinnors perspektiv på kunskap som förändringskraft
(2011-05-20)This thesis explores popular education as a tool for social change and democratization. The aim is to investigate the relation between popular education, empowerment and democratization by studying the meaning of a popular ... -
Ansvar for egen læring. Intensjoner og realiteter i en norsk videregående skole
(2011-05-26)Education policy in Norway is currently emphasizing personal flexibility, responsibility and freedom of choice for learners. Concepts are modern, but also derive from traditions of progressive education. Pupils’ responsibility ... -
Skicklig läs- och skrivundervisning i åk 1-3: Om lärares möjligheter och hinder
(2011-09-26)This study focuses on teachers’ opportunities and obstacles to perform skillful reading and writing instruction. It’s about the ability to accurately identify where students are in their reading and writing process and to ... -
Curriculum in the Era of Global Development - Historical Legacies and Contemporary Approaches
(2011-12-08)In the last decade there has been an avalanche of policies and political rhetoric worldwide, stressing the importance of equitable and sustainable global development. The Swedish Government’s response has been the inception ... -
Gymnasieungdomars livstolkande
(2012-01-16)This thesis describes and analyses views of life and religion, as a component of „view of life‟, among young people in a Swedish upper secondary school that in the words of the young people themselves is „multicultural‟. ... -
L3 Motivation
(2012-03-01)The purpose of this thesis was to study secondary school students’ motivation to learn a second foreign language in addition to English. In addition to the empirical investigation of L3 motivation over a program of study ... -
Kontroversen om DAMP. En kontroversstudie av vetenskapligt gränsarbete och översättning mellan olika kunskapsparadigm
(2012-08-17)Title: The controversy of the Swedish neuropsychiatric diagnosis DAMP. A controversy study in scientific boundary work and translation between different paradigms of knowledge. Language: Swedish with an English ... -
Idén om en skola för alla och specialpedagogisk organisering i praktiken
(2012-11-19)Based on the assumption that inclusive schools, sometimes put in terms of ‘schools for all’ – i.e. the quest to create and maintain everyone’s learning, participation and social development in school – is a somewhat ... -
On the Validity of Reading Assessments: Relationships Between Teacher Judgements, External Tests and Pupil Self-Assessments
(2013-02-04)The purpose of this thesis is to examine validity issues in different forms of assessments; teacher judgements, external tests, and pupil self-assessment in Swedish primary schools. The data used were selected from a ... -
Tänka fritt, tänka rätt. En studie om värdeöverföring och kritiskt tänkande i gymnasieskolans undervisning
(2013-05-16)This thesis deals with value transfer and critical thinking in Swedish upper secondary education. The Curriculum for the Non-Compulsory School System (Lpf 94) entrusts a dual function to schools and teachers. They are ... -
”Vi får ju inte riktigt förutsättningarna för att genomföra det som vi vill.” En studie om lärares möjligheter och hinder till förändring och förbättring i praktiken
(2013-05-24)Initially the overall aim of this thesis was to describe and analyse what was happening in the educational activities when teachers at a school that I have called Tower School introduced the computer as a tool for helping ... -
Pedagogik, plats och prestationer. En etnografisk studie om en skola i förorten
(2013-08-15)Denna avhandling bygger på en etnografisk studie i en förortsskola som har valt en särskild pedagogisk modell för att hantera och genomföra sitt uppdrag. Detta i en tid som präglas av stark fokusering på elevprestationer ... -
Changing practice by reform. The recontextualisation of the Bologna process in teacher education
(2013-08-30)The purpose of the thesis is to investigate a specific case of curriculum change; that of organizing teacher training courses around learner outcomes in line with the Bologna process. The investigation is an example of a ... -
Vad gör en skicklig lärare? En studie om kollegial handledning som utvecklingspraktik
(2014-02-19)What ‘make(s)’ a good teacher? A study of peer group mentoring as a practice of professional development. Keywords: teachers’ continuing professional development, peer group mentoring, practice architectures, Foucault, ... -
”den Andre” i lärarutbildningen – En studie om den rasifierade svenska studentens villkor i globaliseringens tid
(Göteborg : Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 2014-04-04)Abstract Title: ”the Other” in teacher education – A study of the racialized Swedish student’s conditions in the era of globalization Language: Swedish with a summary in English Author: Zahra Bayati ISBN: 978-91-7346-787-2 ...