Kandidatuppsatser / Institutionen för nationalekonomi och statistik: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 1-20 av 471
Är skatter effektiva för att minska konsumtion av plastpåsar? - En kvantitativ studie som visar förändring i konsumtionen av plastpåsar efter implementeringen av styrmedel runt om i världen under år 2018 och 2019
(2022-09-14)Plastic waste is one of the biggest challenges facing people around the world. It is a global problem that needs immediate solutions. In this study, we focus on the consumption of plastic bags. Plastic bags are cheap and ... -
Idrottens betydelse, nationella effekter av sportslig framgång.
(2022-09-05)The connection between sports and economy is widely discussed in many different fields and circumstances. However, the discussions usually regard the effect that money has on sports, rather than the other way around. Setting ... -
Nedstängda samhällen - försämrad skolgång?
(2022-09-05)This paper is researching the economic impact of Covid-19 restrictions on the performance of students in primary school in what are broadly categorized as low- and middle-income countries by the World Bank. This is done ... -
Closing the skills gap - A study of the ICT-sector and the higher education system in Mauritius
(2022-09-05)The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector is expanding rapidly in many parts of the world. In Mauritius, the demand for skilled labour in ICT exceeds the supply. This mismatch between supply and demand has ... -
Hysteresis fakta eller fiktion - en studie om arbetslöshet i Sverige
(2022-07-14)Hysteresis is an often discussed phenomenon in the field of labor economics. Hysteresis is theoretically defined as a temporary decline in labor demand, which lingers and creates a permanent higher rate of unemployment. ... -
Utsläppsrätter under fas 3
(2022-07-12)There is a threat to the climate when pollution is constantly increasing with an expansion of human activity. To prevent more damage to the climate, the Kyoto Protocol established legally binding targets of greenhouse gas ... -
Värdet av god miljöstatus i Västerhavet och svenska Östersjön - Svenskarnas betalningsvilja genom en skatt.
(2022-07-08)This study aims to examine the value of good environmental status in the Swedish parts of the North and Baltic Sea. To achieve this we analyze swedes’ WTP (willingness to pay) through a tax by examining a CV survey made ... -
Central Banks' Effect on Bitcoin Returns: An Event Study
(2022-07-08)Bitcoin has become established in the financial system and has a volatile price development. Lacking trust in the financial system and monetary policy has led to increased adoption of Bitcoin. The regulation of Bitcoin can ... -
Renewable Energy Generation and its Effect on Electricity Prices - A case study of Germany
(2022-07-08)The implementation of renewable energy sources should, according to economic theory, reduce electricity prices. The main reason behind this is the merit order effect, which describes the sequence of contributions from ... -
Phasing out natural gas in the EU. A cost-benefit analysis comparing different timeframes of phase-out.
(2022-07-08)The EU has, in response to the rising climate crisis, Russia’s war in Ukraine, and the high price of natural gas, decided to reduce its consumption of natural gas. This decision has initiated more depth in the discussion ... -
Påverkas omfånget av miljöekonomiska styrmedel av samhällsmedborgares attityder?
(2022-07-08)Följande rapport behandlar huruvida valda attitydvariabler har en påverkan på grad av implementering av miljöskattsrelaterade intäkter och subventioner av förnybar energi, eller ej. Därtill begränsas datamaterialet till ... -
The financial crisis and its effects on people's health in Sub-Saharan Africa
(2022-07-08)The financial crisis hit the world during the years of 2008 and 2009. This crisis led to severe financial consequences in mostly North America, Europe but also in Sub-Saharan Africa. Sub-Saharan Africa already had healthcare ... -
Microfinance and agricultural productivity - A study exploring the relationship between access to credit and agricultural productivity
(2022-07-08)This thesis establishes a macro-level analysis of how credit and microfinance affect agricultural productivity. We use fixed effects regression for panel data with countries as the cross-sectional variation from 2000 to ... -
Put your money where your mouth is: How do eco-labels and the perception of sustainability affect the value of a tomato?
(2022-07-08)This study attempts to estimate willingness to pay for organic tomatoes according to university students in Gothenburg, Sweden. Previous research on the willingness to pay for ECO-labeled grocery products has been conducted. ... -
Swedish Household Debt and the Effect of the European Union -An Econometric Time Series Analysis on Debt Ratio in Sweden
(2022-07-07)This paper examines the development of the debt ratio of Swedish households from 1987-2020 as well as its driving forces. By using econometric time series analysis variables that are suspected to impact the debt ratio are ... -
Nudging mot ett hållbart investerande
(2022-07-07)I takt med omställningen till ett mer hållbart samhälle har den hållbara utvecklingen prioriterats globalt bland såväl privatpersoner som finansiella aktörer. Efterfrågan på hållbara investeringar har ökat under det senaste ... -
Påverkan av förväntad etnisk diskriminering - En enkätundersökning om studenters förväntade etniska diskriminering på svenska arbetsmarknaden
(2022-07-07)The aim of this study is to investigate if ethnic discrimination in the Swedish labour market is expected by the students at University of Gothenburg and if expectations of discrimination impact students’ study motivation ... -
Decentralized renewable energy - an enabler for development in the agriculture sector in rural areas of Sub-Saharan Africa?
(2022-07-07)The majority of the globally poor population, characterized by agricultural dependency as well as energy poverty, is located in Sub-Saharan Africa. Previous research states that energy benefits agriculture sectors. One ... -
Aktierekommendationers påverkan på aktiemarknaden
(2022-07-07)This study examines the impact of stock recommendations on the Swedish stock market. A recommendation can be either a buy recommendation or a sell recommendation. A recommendation is established by an analyst producing a ... -
Amorteringskravet - En studie över amorteringskravets påverkan på de svenska bostadspriserna
(2022-07-07)This essay examines the impact of the amortization requirements on the Swedish housing market by comparing the price change in the Swedish and Danish housing markets. By also comparing the effects of the amortization ...