School of Global Studies / Institutionen för globala studier: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 101-120 av 399
DIGGitalisering och hållbarhet: En kvalitativ studie om hur Myndigheten för digital förvaltning kan använda digitalisering som verktyg för att uppnå hållbarhet
(2021-06-08)Få har nog undgått att digitalisering och digitala fenomen är en stor och växande del av vår vardag. Digital hållbarhet, digital delaktighet, digital kompetens, digital service, digital samhällsutveckling och digitalt ... -
"In-betweenship: New Swedish identities in the making? - A qualitative study about Swedishness and being in-between"
(2021-04-28)This paper takes an approach sprung from practices where identities are formed and examines the experiences of being in the borderland of Swedishness. The research is placed in a Swedish context aiming at understanding ... -
Household Waste Segregation: Lessons from Poland
(2021-03-01)One of the problems facing the world in the twenty-first century is the management of municipal waste, a problem where the household plays a key role in the process through its interaction with the municipal waste ... -
BRI- En idé om en ny värld som materialiseras genom infrastruktur? En kritisk diskursanalys om hur BRI:s nyckeldokument utmanar idéer och normer inom den globala styrningen Katarina Hedencrona
(2021-02-09)The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is a Chinese infrastructure project, initiated in 2013, with a plan to be finished in 2049. The project has received a great amount of media attention and has been scrutinized carefully ... -
Från barn till flyktingbarn - en diskursanalys av dokument som används vid arbete med barns asylutredningar
(2021-02-09)The Swedish Migration Agency assesses and decide on children's asylum cases in Sweden. The Swedish Aliens Act, the Convention on the Rights of the Child and, since 2016, the Temporary Act, are the main laws applied when ... -
"PINKWASH THIS: Resisting the mainstreaming management of queer cultural heritage"
(2021-02-03)As Pride festivals around the world in 2019 celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall riots, the word pinkwashing is on the tip of many tongues. The question of whether or not political parties, business enterprises ... -
(2021-01-29)The purpose of this study is to look into the discourse on wheelchair use and accessibility in the public transport system among the leading agents of the public transport system in Gothenburg and the Region Västra Götaland. ... -
"Mer än ett SPRÅKcafé?: En kvalitativ studie om hur ett språkcafé kan fylla fler funktioner än enbart det uppenbara"
(2021-01-29)The purpose of this study was to seek a better understanding of the meaning a language café that only welcomes women, can hold for the participants, who are all immigrant women, and through these narratives explore if ... -
Att omsätta barnkonventionen i praktiken:En kvalitativ studie av hur kommunövergripande barnrättsarbete påverkar verksamheters implementering Examensarbete i
(2021-01-08)In January 2020 the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child (CRC) became Swedish law. Many of the rights described in the convention are provided on a local or regional level, close to the children. Municipalities´ ... -
”Att försvara människors rätt och stå på de förtrycktas sida” En kvalitativ studie om implementering av mänskliga rättigheter i Svenska kyrkan
(2020-11-27)In order for human rights to be fully realized, the responsibilities of the civil society are increasingly being discussed. There is, however, a lack of research on the implementation of human rights within civil society ... -
”En kärnvapenfri värld är helt enkelt inte möjlig”: En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av det svenska motståndet mot ett svenskt tillträde till FN:s kärnvapenkonvention
(2020-11-24)On the 7th of July 2017, the United Nation’s General Assembly adopted the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW). The treaty is different from earlier agreements due to its focus on the humanitarian consequences ... -
Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems and International Humanitarian Law: A mixed-methods study to understand and explain how states’ position themselves vis-à-vis lethal autonomous weapons systems compliance with international humanitarian law
(2020-11-17)The purpose of this study is to understand and explain how states’ position themselves vis-à-vis lethal autonomous weapons systems (LAWS) compliance with international humanitarian law (IHL). It is important to understand ... -
NAVIGATING THE SACRED AND SECULAR A Qualitative Exploration of the Compatibility of Science and Spirituality in Modern Western Society
(2020-11-13)The aim of this thesis is to explore the views of five informants regarding the compatibility of science and spirituality. Three research questions help us explore the informants’ views on science, spirituality, the ... -
Balancing social and environmental sustainability: A qualitative case study about the social impacts of the Payments for Ecosystem Services program on rural farmers in Costa Rica
(2020-11-11)Costa Rica has long been considered a leader in environmentally sustainable policy actions as the country aims to have 70% forest cover and much of their success has been attributed to the Payment for Environmental Services ... -
Vem har ansvar för de mänskliga rättigheterna? - En kvalitativ studie av ansvar hos statliga och icke-statliga aktörer inom utvinningsindustrin i Guatemala
(2020-11-11)As a result of the globalization, the power and influence of multinational corporations have increased significantly in recent years. The presence of these corporations can have a major impact on the communities in which ... -
The Relationship Between a Governmental Investment Organization and the Concept of Sustainability: The Operationalization of Sustainability in the Case of the Swedish Pension System
(2020-10-08)This thesis aims to contribute to the understanding of how the relationship between a governmental investment organization and the concept of sustainability has effects on both national and global scales. The thesis ... -
SUPPORTING HONG KONG FROM A DISTANCE An interview study with members of the Hong Kong diaspora in Sweden on their transnational engagement towards the Hong Kong protest movement of 2019-2020
(2020-10-08)In the summer of 2019, Hong Kong experienced a challenging and turbulent uprising that pushed the city to the verge of revolution. The aim of this study is to investigate transnational engagement amongst members of the ... -
‘Exploring the Nexus between Framing and Conflict Resolution’: The Rohingya Conflict and the Limitations of the ‘ASEAN Way’
(2020-10-08)The central aim of this study is to explore ASEAN’s approach to the resolution of the Rohingya conflict between 2017-2020. The approach of the Association to the resolution of the conflict is investigated through a ... -
The Global-Local Dynamics within the Localisation of the Sustainable Development Goals: A comparative study among localities within Sweden and the Netherlands to reflect on Global Responsibility
(2020-10-07)Glocalisation as a concept was developed to portray the reciprocal relationship between the global and the local. The global and the local have found themselves being interdependent and connected. The concept of globalisation ... -
THE RESURGENCE OF RUSSIA - A case study examining the reasons for the Kremlin to intervene in Syria and its new modus operandi -
(2020-10-06)This study focuses on how Russia, in modern days, through historical and current relations with Syria, is reasserting itself as a global political force to be reckoned with. The research methodology chosen is a comparative ...