Kandidatuppsatser / Institutionen för språk och litteraturer: Recent submissions
Now showing items 561-580 of 684
The Pride and Prejudice of the Characters in Jane Austen’s Novel "Pride and Prejudice"
(2012-04-27)In this essay, I will discuss the terms “pride” and “prejudice” and how they are conveyed in Jane Austen’s novel Pride and Prejudice. I claim that the title of the book describes the flaws of almost every character in ... -
"It happened like this - I did everything in my power to make him look back": Gender and Relationships in Carol Ann Duffy's "The World's Wife"
(2012-04-27)This essay explores the importance of gender with regard to the relationships depicted in Carol Ann Duffy's collection of poems "The World's Wife", arguing that factors such as individual traits and social circumstances ... -
The Swedish MFA Design Programme Curriculum and its Translation in English
(2012-04-27)In this essay the language of the Curriculum of the MFA Programme in Design at the University of Gothenburg is investigated. The approach is a Systemic Functional Linguistic approach and a comparison between the Swedish ... -
Swedish correspondences to different meanings of the english "of"-genitive
(2012-04-27)The English of-genitive is interesting because of its diversity in meanings, and in relation to Swedish, since the Swedish language does not have an equivalent. In this essay it is investigated, by use of four source texts ... -
(2012-04-27)The study explores whether or not the Swedish syllabus of English would allow the teaching of English as a Lingua Franca (ELF). Furthermore, the study investigates the attitudes towards the teaching of ELF among Swedish ... -
Shelley and the Breathless Sleep. A Study of the Images of Death and Religion in Percy B. Shelley's Poetry
(2012-04-27)This essay examines Shelley's way of using the concept of consciousness beyond death in his poetry. The focus is to see whether the way he talks about the afterlife contradicts his atheistic beleifs and the argument is ... -
World Wide English. An Evaluation of the First Teaching Material Developed After the Introduction of Gy11’s Criteria for the Initial Course in English at Upper Secondary Level
(2012-04-27)A new curriculum was introduced in Sweden 2011, which increased the debate about education. The subject of English was exposed to minor changes; one example is that a criterion was introduced in the syllabus concerning ... -
Language Change. From Ælfric to New American Standard Bible: A Morphological Analysis of Five Translations of Genesis 3:1-15 and Matthew 3:1-15
(2012-04-27)Nobody can argue that language does not undergo changes. The only languages that are not prone to linguistic changes are dead languages. The scope of this survey is to emphasize the various changes in morphology found in ... -
« Solen gick upp, markerande i staden Wadköpings annaler en märklig dag. » Étude contrastive sur l'emploi du participe présent dans Markurells i Wadköping de Hjalmar Bergman et à quoi il correspond dans deux traductions françaises
(2012-03-15)Romanen "Markurells i Wadköping" jämförs med två översättningar till franska, för att se hur Hjalmar Bergmans karakteristiska användande av presens particip översatts. Ett kvantitativt moment (insamling av particip) följs ... -
World of Warcraft-English - An Investigation of the Language of the English-speaking European Realms and its Differences to other kinds of Computer-Mediated Communication
(2012-02-20)Over the last decade or so, there have appeared several computer games where one plays over the internet as a digital character with and against a large number of other players, interacting in more or less fantastic ... -
Le passé simple aujourd’hui
(2012-02-09)Le passé simple, c‟est le temps de l´indicatif le moins utilisé de nos jours. Pourquoi s´y intéresser encore ? D‟après Le Bon Usage, le passé simple est en déclin, certes, mais il existe toujours dans la littérature ... -
An Arabic Hebrew Comparative Study of Genesis 1-3
(2012-02-06)This paper aims to study how much the ancient Hebrew language in Genesis 1-3 statistically concurs with modern Arabic by identifying Hebrew and Arabic cognates (with a limit to verbs, nouns and adjectives) within the ... -
The Use of Written Corrective Feedback. A Survey of Written Response from Teachers to ESL Students in English A-Course Upper Secondary School
(2012-02-03)Teachers and the main body of researchers seem to be of the opinion that in order to learn as efficiently as possible we need to know when we fail and preferably how we can correct our errors; that we need to be given ... -
Le Personnage Ridicule - Une étude à la recherche du cœur de la comédie moliéresque
(2011-12-12)L’objectif du présent mémoire est de chercher à mieux comprendre le cœur du comique dans l’œuvre de Molière, un des hommes littéraires les plus célèbres de l’histoire française. Molière a lui-même cherché le cœur de la ... -
Los monstruos en la película El laberinto del fauno
(2011-11-29)Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att belysa och diskutera monster och det monstruösa i samhället och i filmens värld. Vi har utgått från filmen Pans labyrint där huvudpersonen Ofelia möter flera gestalter som på olika ... -
Sīrat ˁAntar; Från dåtid till nutid – formgranskande perspektiv på ett arabiskt folkepos
(2011-10-05)Sirat Antar är ett arabiskt folkepos med fästen långt tillbaka i tiden. Detta epos har berättats under åtminstone flera hundra år, och dess innehåll berör stora delar av den arabiska historien, ända tillbaka till förislamisk ... -
Al-maljaˀ – Samāḥ Idrīs En litterär granskning av boken samt dess plats i arabisk barnlitteratur
(2011-10-05)Den här uppsatsen presenterar en litterär analys av boken Al-maljaˀ, skriven av den libanesiske författaren Samāḥ Idrīs och utgiven år 2005. Jag menar att Al-maljaˀ skiljer sig från det som man hittills kunnat kalla ... -
A Magic Carpet Trip to the Children’s Books of the Middle East -Discovering the voice of Arabic children’s books of today
(2011-09-06)In spite of the great literary ancient past of the Middle East, the Arabic children’s book of today is still in its infant stages of development, facing many challenges. This essay initially touches on some of these ... -
Los Detectives y el Poder
(2011-08-14)Los objetivos de la tesina serán comparar las relaciones de poder que tienen el detective Heredia en Nunca Enamores a un Forastero de Ramón Díaz Eterovic y el policía Wallander en "La Quinta Mujer" de Henning Mankell. Nuestras ... -
Tekst en uitleg geven. Over vertalen en vertaalproblemen bij het vertalen van Annelies Verbekes "Slaap!"
(2011-08-14)Welk soort vertaal problemen ontstaan als je iets uit het Nederlands in het Zweeds vertaalt? Deze scriptie onderzoekt drie verschillende vragen over vertaling uit het Nederlands in het Zweeds. Welke soorten van ...