Kandidatuppsatser / Institutionen för språk och litteraturer: Recent submissions
Now showing items 441-460 of 684
¿Nuevo plan de estudio - nuevas actividades para evaluar en la destreza de expresión escrita? Análisis de las pruebas escritas de un manual escolar
(2013-11-05)Som blivande lärare i spanska har jag intresserat mig för aktiviteterna som används i skriftliga prov för bedömning av den produktiva färdigheten, att skriva. Den nya läroplanen som trädde i kraft 2011 har i högre grad ... -
¿Ayuda el uso de canciones y videos al aprendizaje del vocabulario en la clase de E/LE? Una comparación entre dos grupos del aprendizaje de vocabulario
(2013-11-05)Lärarens sätt att undervisa har en central roll för elevernas motivation och lust att lära. Mycket tyder på att elevernas förmåga att lära sig är beroende av en varierad undervisningsmiljö som tilltalar flera av deras ... -
“Ja, för jag tror att something’s afoot”. A study of generational differences in English code-mixing on Swedish National Radio.
(2013-10-29)This study aims to investigate Swedish/English code-mixing across different Swedish generations, in an attempt to discover language change in progress. The spoken corpus has been extracted from two Swedish National Radio ... -
Prosodic features in "enka". The relationship between the melody of lyrics in "enka" and the prosody of Japanese
(2013-08-23)Previous research on the relationship between the melody of lyrics and Japanese prosody has only approached the topic on a word accent level. In this paper, however, I examined to what extent four best-seller enka manifest ... -
"The Internet is Watching You" - Why and How George Orwell's 1984 should be taught in the EFL classroom
(2013-08-14)This essay will argue for why and also how the book "1984", by George Orwell should be used in the English as a Foreign Language (EFL) education. Teaching authentic literature from various periods of time is an important ... -
Going international. The influence of Gy11 on the representation of the English-speaking world in Swedish Upper Secondary textbooks
(2013-06-28)The aim of this study is to investigate how the English-speaking world is based on the argument that English is a "global language" and should therefore be represented accordingly in teaching materials. Four textbooks from ... -
Who Does the Talking? Gender differences regarding speaking time and tag questions in the "BBC Antiques Roadshow"
(2013-06-28)The aim of this study is to analyse gender differences in speaking time and use of tag questions and how contextual factors, such as status, gender composition of the group and topic of the conversation, influence the ... -
Non-Standard "-ed" Forms of Selected Irreguslar Verbs: A Corpus-based Study of Present-day American English
(2013-06-28)This is a corpus-based study which aims to survey the parallel use of non-standard preterit and past participle "-ed" forms in a group of irregular verbs (namely "blow", "grow", "know", and "throw") in Present-day American ... -
Chicas y Chicos – contraste en la clase de español como lengua extranjera
(2013-06-28)Det primära syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka om det finns skillnader i skolprestationer i ämnet spanska mellan flickor och pojkar. Den viktigaste slutsatsen av undersökningen är att det finns stora skillnader i ... -
Gender-Related Variatin in CMC Language. A Study of Three Linguistic Features on Twitter
(2013-06-28)This study examines the usage of reduced forms, first person subject ellipsis, and alternative capitalization in tweets from a gender perspective, with the data provided by a 20,000 word selection of male and female tweets. ... -
The Formal and Functional Features of "Innit": A Study on its Use in Online Forums
(2013-06-28)This essay studies the use of "innit" as at Tag Question and a follow-up in four online forums. The aim of the study is to examine how and why "innit" is used, i.e. its formal and functional features. The four forums used ... -
Problemas culturales con la traducción española de "Emil i Lönneberga"
(2013-06-28)Astrid Lindgrens böcker om Emil i Lönneberga översattes till spanska på 70-talet och är starkt förknippade med svensk kultur i början av 1900-talet. Denna teoretiska studie kommer att undersöka hur den svenska kulturen är ... -
"Rueda de espejos" ¿Un espejo de la España Franquista? Un estudio sobre los valores franquistas en un libro de texto utilizado en la enseñanza primaria española durante la tercera etapa del fanquismo
(2013-06-28)Observing the present doctrinarian characteristics in a children reading book named "Rueda de Espejos", originally used in educational purposes during the third and last phase of the kingdom of General Franco de Rivera, ... -
Formas de enseñanza de la escuela de conocimientos. La autodisciplina y motivación del alumno
(2013-06-28)Kunskapsskolan i Sverige är en läroanstalt som använder en personlig utformad utbildning, där eleven står i centrum. Skolans arbetssätt är bra för ambitiösa elever som verkligen vill lära sig, men inte för omotiverade ... -
How Swedish Teachers Work with Different Varieties of English in Their Classrooms
(2013-06-28)British English and American English are frequently used in Swedish schools. Today, however, English is a global language, and several other English dialects and accents are to be found worldwide. Therefore, questions that ... -
It's simple isn't it? Investigating Swedish Pupils* Command of Canonical Question Tags with Reverse Polarity at Different Stages of Learning
(2013-06-28)This essay investigates Swedish pupils' command of canonical question tags with reverse polarity in written English at different stages of learning. 22 pupils in 6th grade and 23 pupils in 9th grade completed a set of tag ... -
Gender Roles in Harry Potter: Stereotypical or Unconventional?
(2013-06-28)In this essay I will analyze the three main characters in the Harry Potter books based on how they perform gender. My main focus is if the characters challenge gender stereotypes or if they build on clichés, norms and ... -
Culture in the EFL classroom - which cultures dominate the classroom?
(2013-06-28)In this essay a number of English teachers at upper-secondary level in Sweden have responded to questions concerning the concept of "culture" from mainly two points of view. Firstly, this essay analyses which topics the ... -
The Reduced Forms "gonna", "wanna", "gotta" in The Television Series "Friends": A Gender Perspective
(2013-06-27)Sociolinguistics have found that women use nonstandard and informal forms less frequently than men do. The present study has examined whether these gender-related differences are reflected in the dialogue in the TV series ...