Masteruppsatser / Institutionen för socialt arbete: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 41-60 av 116
Att skapa sin barndom i flyktingskap - En studie om hur emotioner hos ensamkommande barn i Jordanien påverkar konstruktionen av deras barndom
(2019-10-08)Studiens syfte var att fylla en kunskapslucka kring hur emotioner hos ensamkommande barn påverkar konstruktionen av dessa barns barndom. Studiens undersökningsgrupp bestod av nio ensamkommande, nätverksplacerade barn i ... -
Challenges of Professional Integration: Experiences of non-EU Highly Skilled Professional Immigrants in Gothenburg, Sweden
(2019-07-03)Migration has been a global phenomenon. Sweden being one of the most industrious countries of Europe, with the best welfare system, Sweden has experienced considerable flow of both professional and nonprofessional immigrants. ... -
Re-integration of sex trafficking victims in Romania ̶ And the role of the social work professionals
(2019-07-03)The aim of this study was to explore how social work professionals describe re-integration of young female victims of sex trafficking in Romania. This study was based on eight semi-struc-tured in-depth interviews with ... -
Chinese immigrants studying and working in Sweden -A Push-Pull analysis of their motivation and experiences
(2019-02-13)This is a qualitative research study, which aims to explore why Chinese students choose to study and work in Sweden and find out what “Pushes” them from China and what “Pulls” them to study and work in Sweden. The “Push ... -
The Balancing Act of Disclosure: Experiences of Stigma and Resistance Among Men Who Sell Sex to Men
(2019-02-13)Little attention has been given in previous research to disclosure about sex work and even less to men’s experience of disclosure about selling sex. There is a lack of understanding of the choices behind disclosure and ... -
Social workers with borders Finnish social workers’ perceptions of transnationalism in the practice with unaccompanied minor migrants
(2019-01-31)The aim of this paper was to study the perceptions which Finnish social workers hold of transnationalism in their practice with unaccompanied minors. Seeing how they perceived it as part of the minor’s lives, how they took ... -
VEM BLIR JAG I TERAPIRUMMET? om genus och föräldraskap utifrån kvinnors upplevelser av samtalsbehandling för alkoholproblem
(2019-01-09)Det övergripande syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka hur mödrar med alkoholproblem upplever samtalsbehandling. Syftet var också att undersöka om det fanns gemensamma teman i de intervjuades upplevelser. Det vidare syftet ... -
“The elephant in the room usually centres around Israel”
(2018-12-21)The Master’s thesis deals with the topic of antisemitism in Sweden and, as an aspect of that, focuses on antisemitic attitudes among Muslims. Antisemitism, the hostility towards Jews, has changed its forms of manifestation ... -
Social work with undocumented migrants: Services, Construction of needs and Problem-solving approaches of Civil Society Organizations in Gothenburg-Sweden.
(2018-10-15)As pride to the social work profession, social workers in the civil society honor the imperative to extend social work services to undocumented migrants by constructing this group as eligible and deserving within the civil ... -
Social exclusion and discrimination of vulnerable EU migrants Comparative Analysis From the Perspective of Third Sector Organisations in Gothenburg and Copenhagen Master’s Programme
(2018-10-15)After the EU enlargements in 2004 and 2007, an increased migration has occurred within the EU borders. The right to free movement has made mobility possible within the Member States without any resident permit. Migration ... -
”Vi är en frisk familj där en av oss har blivit sjuk, vi är inte en sjuk familj, vi är en frisk familj.” - Att leva med ett barn med obotlig hjärntumör
(2018-09-07)Denna studie har fokus föräldrars berättelser hur de hanterar sin vardag då deras barn har insjuknat i hjärntumör med återkommande recidiv (återfall i sjukdomen). Studiens syfte är att beskriva vilka erfarenheter föräldrar ... -
Strengths and resilience of migrant women in transit An analysis of the narratives of Central American women in irregular transit through Mexico towards the United States.
(2018-07-25)This study departed from the idea that all people, including those hardest hit by adversity, have strengths and resiliencies. It posed the question on how a particularly vulnerable group, Central American migrant women ... -
Girl Empowerment and Child Marriage: Empowering girls to prevent and end child marriage in Zambia
(2018-07-23)Child marriage is human rights violation that violates the rights of a girl child and robs her of her innocence. It is a widespread social problem that cuts across the globe. The purpose of the research was to investigate ... -
”Dom har liksom inte förstått att det är dom som måste hjälpa sitt barn” En diskursanalytisk studie om föräldrar och professionella vid barnhabiliteringen
(2018-07-23)Idag deltar familjen i alla delar av habiliteringsarbetet. Forskning visar att verksamma inom barnhabiliteringen har en konsultativ roll gentemot föräldrarna och att behandlaren fått en mer arbetsledande roll som handledare ... -
The Racial Politics of Integration in Sweden A qualitative study of Gemensamma Krafter
(2018-07-23)The objective of this paper is to analyse how integration politics affect the everyday lives of people. A specific focus is placed on the clients of Gemensamma Krafter (GK), a functional unit within the municipality of ... -
Young People Living in Residential Care in Estonia: Pathways to Further and Higher Education
(2018-07-23)Educational outcomes of children and young people in out-of-home care are internationally well researched. Relatively less is known about the basis for their choice of educational pathway. The aim of this degree report is ... -
Konsekvenser, samtaler og ærlighet Sosialarbeideres bedømmelser og holdninger til etiske dilemmaer i boligvirksomheter for personer som nytter rusmidler
(2018-07-23)Studiens mening var å undersøke hvordan sosialarbeidere på rus- og boligvirksomhetsfeltet i offentlige, private og idéburene organisasjoner i Göteborgsområdet resonerer og forholder seg til etikk, etiske retningslinjer på ... -
Den manliga förövarens rätt En diskursanalytisk studie av framställningen av våldtäkt och den misstänkte förövaren i tingsrättsdomar
(2018-07-23)Det övergripande syftet med studien var att undersöka och fördjupa kunskapen om hur den misstänkte förövaren framställs i tingsrättsdomar, avkunnade under året 2015, avseende sexualbrottet våldtäkt. Studien omfattar 18 ... -
Organizational conditions for leadership – do they exist?
(2018-07-23)The primary purpose of this study was to describe what ideas there are for exercising of a leader’s leadership in human service organizations in the city of Gothenburg. The aim was also to clarify the factors that play a ... -
Det blir ju inte lättare av att man först är missbrukare och sen blir smittad av något. Det gör ju inte saken bättre - En kvalitativ studie om utsatthet bland personer som injicerar narkotika
(2018-07-23)Personer som injicerade narkotika identifierades som extra utsatta i samhället. Att injicera narkotika innebar en högre risk för HIV och Hepatit än vid något annat narkotikarelaterat intagningssätt. Stigmatiseringen av ...