Delineating cellular heterogeneity and organization of breast cancer stem cells
Breast cancer is characterized by a high degree of heterogeneity in terms of histological, molecular and clinical features, affecting disease progression and treatment response. The cancer stem cell (CSC) model suggests, that cancers are organized in a hierarchical fashion and driven by small subsets of CSCs, endowed with the capacity for self-renewal, differentiation, tumorigenicity, invasiveness and therapeutic resistance. The overall aim of this thesis was to characterize CSC phenotypes and the cellular organization in estrogen receptor α + (ERα+) and ERα- subtypes of breast cancer at the individual cell level. Furthermore, we aimed to identify novel functional CSC markers in a subtype-independent manner, allowing for better identification and targeting of breast-specific CSCs. At present, single-cell quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction represents the most commonly applied method to study transcript levels in individual cells. Inherent to most single-cell techniques is the difficulty to analyze minute amounts of starting material, which most often requires a preamplification step to multiply transcript copy numbers in a quantitative manner.
In Paper I we have evaluated effects of variations of relevant parameters on targeted cDNA preamplification for single-cell applications, improving reaction sensitivity and specificity, pivotal prerequisites for accurate and reproducible transcript quantification.
In Paper II we have applied single-cell gene expression profiling in combination with three functional strategies for CSC enrichment and identified distinct CSC/progenitor clusters in ERα+ breast cancer. ERα+ tumors display a hierarchical organization as well as different modes of cell transitions. In contrast, ERα- breast cancer show less prominent clustering but share a quiescent CSC pool with ERα+ cancer. This study underlines the importance of taking CSC heterogeneity into account for successful treatment design.
In Paper III we have used a non-biased genome-wide screening approach to identify transcriptional networks specific to CSCs in ERα+ and ERα- subtypes. CSC-enriched models revealed a hyperactivation of the mevalonate metabolic pathway. When detailing the mevalonate pathway, we identified the mevalonate precursor enzyme 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA synthase 1 (HMGCS1) as a specific marker of CSC-enrichment in ERα+ and ERα- subtypes, highlighting HMGCS1 as a potential gatekeeper for dysregulated mevalonate metabolism important for CSC-features. Pharmacological inhibition of HMGCS1 could therefore be a novel treatment approach for breast cancer patients targeting CSCs.
I. Andersson, D*., Akrap, N*., Svec, D., Godfrey, T.E., Kubista, M., Göran Landberg, G. and Ståhlberg, A. Properties of targeted preamplification in DNA and cDNA quantification Expert Rev Mol Diagn. 2015 Aug;15(8):1085-100. ::PMID::26132215 II. Akrap, N., Andersson, D., Gregersson, P., Bom, E., Anders Ståhlberg, A. and Landberg, G. Identification of distinct breast cancer stem cell subtypes based on single cell PCR analyses of
functionally enriched stem and progenitor pools. Manuscript III. Walsh, C.A., Akrap, N., Magnusson, Y., Harrison, H., Andersson, D., Rafnsdottir, S.,
Choudhry, H., Buffa, F.M., Ragoussis, J.,
Ståhlberg, A., Harris, A. and Landberg G. The mevalonate precursor enzyme HMGCS1 is a novel marker and key mediator of cancer stem cell enrichment in luminal and basal models of breast
cancer. Manuscript
Doctor of Philosophy (Medicine)
University of Gothenburg. Sahlgrenska Academy
Institute of Biomedicine. Department of Pathology
Tisdagen den 15 December 2015 kl. 13.00, Arvid Carlsson, Academicum, Medicinaregatan 3, Göteborg
Datum för disputation
Akrap, Nina
breast cancer
cancer stem cells
cellular heterogeneity
Doctoral thesis