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dc.contributor.authorShams Hakimi, Caroline
dc.identifier.isbn978-91-629-0300-8 (Print)
dc.identifier.isbn978-91-629-0301-5 (PDF)
dc.description.abstractBackground: There is a high risk of bleeding complications in cardiac surgery. Fibrinogen and platelet concentrates are often used to treat perioperative bleeding, but there is little information about its efficacy. The overall aim of this thesis project was to study the effects of fibrinogen, platelet and factor XIII concentrates on markers of hemostasis in blood samples from cardiac surgery patients. Methods: Increasing doses of fibrinogen, platelets, and factor XIII were added to blood samples from patients or healthy volunteers (study I, III–V). In study II, blood samples from cardiac surgery patients with ongoing bleeding were analyzed before and after transfusion of fibrinogen and/or platelet concentrates. In all studies, platelet function was assessed with impedance aggregometry, and clot formation with thromboelastometry. Results: Supplementation with fibrinogen improved clot formation while platelets improved both platelet aggregation and clot formation in blood samples form cardiac surgery patients (I). Fibrinogen to patients with ongoing bleeding improved clot formation and platelets improved platelet aggregation (II). Factor XIII supplementation to blood samples from cardiac and scoliosis surgery patients improved clot formation moderately (III). Supplementation with platelets improved platelet aggregation independently of antiplatelet therapy (IV). Time-dependent changes in platelet concentrates were detected with impedance aggregometry in vitro (V). The results predicted with moderate accuracy changes in aggregation after addition of the platelet concentrates to whole blood samples. Conclusions: The results suggest that transfusion with fibrinogen or platelets improve hemostasis, whereas factor XIII should remain a secondary tool in the treatment of perioperative bleeding. Impedance aggregometry may be used to monitor the quality of stored platelet concentrates in
dc.relation.haspartShams Hakimi C, Fagerberg Blixter I, Hansson EC, Hesse C, Wallén H, Jeppsson A. Effects of fibrinogen and platelet supplementation on clot formation and platelet aggregation in blood samples from cardiac surgery patients. Thromb Res. 2014; 134: 985-900. ::PMID::25109260sv
dc.relation.haspartShams Hakimi C, Singh S, Hesse C, Jeppsson A. Effects of fibrinogen and platelet transfusion on hemostasis in cardiac surgery patients with ongoing bleeding. In
dc.relation.haspartShams Hakimi C, Carling MS, Hansson EC, Brisby H, Hesse C, Radulovic V, Jeppsson A. The effect of ex vivo factor XIII supplementation on clot formation in blood samples from cardiac and scoliosis surgery patients. Clin Appl Thromb Hemost. [Epub ahead of print] ::doi::10.1177/1076029617713872sv
dc.relation.haspartHansson EC, Shams Hakimi C, Åström-Olsson K, Hesse C, Wallén H, Dellborg M, Albertsson P, Jeppsson A. Effects of ex vivo platelet supplementation on platelet aggregability in blood samples from patients treated with acetylsalicylic acid, clopidogrel, or ticagrelor. Br J Anaesth. 2014; 112: 570-575. ::PMID::24148324sv
dc.relation.haspartShams Hakimi C, Hesse C, Wallén H, Boulund F, Grahn A, Jeppsson A. In vitro assessment of platelet concentrates with multiple electrode aggregometry. Platelets. 2015; 26: 132-137. ::PMID::24999542sv
dc.subjectfactor XIIIsv
dc.subjectplatelet aggregationsv
dc.subjectclot formationsv
dc.subjectcardiac surgerysv
dc.titleFibrinogen, platelet and factor XIII supplementation in cardiac surgery: In vitro and in vivo studiessv
dc.type.svepDoctoral thesiseng
dc.type.degreeDoctor of Philosophy (Medicine)sv
dc.gup.originUniversity of Gothenburg. Sahlgrenska Academysv
dc.gup.departmentInstitute of Medicine. Department of Molecular and Clinical Medicinesv
dc.gup.defenceplaceFredagen den 24 november 2017, kl. 9.00, Förmaket, Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset, Göteborgsv

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