Sexualitet i klassrummet. Språkundervisning, elevsubjektivitet och heteronormativitet
In this thesis, the production of sexuality in secondary language education is examined. More
specifically, the aim is to explore how sexuality, pupil subjectivity and heteronormativity are
produced within, and as constituent parts of, teaching practices of Swedish and English in
secondary school. 31 classroom observations were conducted in two different groups of 8th
graders in two different schools during a selection of their classes in Swedish and English. Field
notes and teaching material from these observations are analysed in the articles. The theoretical
starting-point is taken in queer theoretical perspectives on sexuality and language. I specifically
draw on Butler’s (1993/2011, 2004) notions of performativity and normativity in exploring how
different sexualities are produced as present or absent within language classroom practices. The
compilation thesis consists of four articles. Article I, Default sexualitet i arbetet med noveller i
språkundervisning på högstadiet, explores the unmarked repetition of heterosexuality within the
teaching of short stories during lessons in Swedish. Article II, Smooth conversations: Sexuality as
linguistic resource in a secondary language classroom, examines the function of unmarked repetition of
heterosexuality within English language classroom conversations. Article III, Girls’ sexual
subjectivity in a secondary language classroom, elaborates on how practices of intimacy in the classroom
produce social or sexual subjectivity differently for girls and boys. Article IV, Gay as classroom
practice: a study on sexuality in a secondary language classroom, investigates the function of pointed out
male homosexuality as represented by a couple of pupils in a classroom rehearsed skit during an
English class. The analyses show how heterosexuality is made normative; heterosexuality is
employed and produced as an assumed common denominator in the execution of various
classroom assignments and is simultaneously being reproduced as normalizing. Moreover, the
analyses demonstrate how male homosexuality, as produced in the classroom within the realms
of humor and drama, is kept under control and simultaneously made deviant and repudiated. The
analyses show how heterosexuality is taken for granted, how male homosexuality is pointed out
as well as rejected, and how female homosexuality is made invisible. This reproduces
heteronormativity and serves as a pedagogical resource in the classroom. Producing pupil
subjectivity through materializing the norm is thus facilitated by heteronormativity.
I. Simonsson, A. (2017). Default sexualitet i arbetet med noveller i språkundervisning på högstadiet. Educare, 2017(2). II. Simonsson, A. Smooth Conversations. Sexuality as Linguistic Resource in a Secondary Language Classroom. [inskickat manuskript, ute på review] III. Simonsson, A. och Angervall, P. (2018). Girls' Sexual Subjectivity in a Secondary Language Classroom. Gender and Language, 12(4). [under tryckning] IV. Simonsson, A. och Angervall P. (2016). Gay as Classroom Practice: A Study on Sexuality in a Secondary Language Classrom. Confero: Essays on Education, Philosophy and Politics, 4(1), 37-70. ::doi::10.3384/confero.2001-4562.160622
Doctor of Philosophy
Göteborgs universitet. Utbildningsvetenskapliga fakulteten
University of Gothenburg. Faculty of Education
Department of Education and Special Education ; Institutionen för pedagogik och specialpedagogik
Måndagen den 30 oktober 2017, kl. 13.00, Göteborgs Universitet, Pedagogen, Sal AK2155
Datum för disputation
Simonsson, Angelica
language education
pupil subjectivity
Doctoral thesis
978-91-7346-933-3 (tryckt)
978-91-7346-934-0 (pdf)
Gothenburg Studies in Educational Sciences