Mechanisms of intestinal tumor initiation and progression in ApcMin mouse model of colorectal cancer
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a cancer that occurs in the colon or rectum and is one
of the most common cancer forms and a leading cause of cancer death in the
Western world. The majority of CRCs are caused by inherited or somatic
mutations in the APC gene. The ApcMin model is driven by a truncating mutation
in the Apc gene and is considered to be one of the best mouse models of CRC. The
aim of this thesis is to uncover novel mechanisms behind the initiation and
progression of intestinal adenomas in ApcMin/+ mice.
Clinical studies suggest that the transcription factor Zfp148 may play a role in
CRC but the importance of Zfp148 for tumor development has not been properly
investigated. We have previously shown that Zfp148 is a potent inhibitor of p53
and hypothesized that Zfp148 deficiency may protect against CRC by increasing
p53-activity. In paper I, we show that deletion of one or both copies of Zfp148
markedly reduces tumor formation in ApcMin/+ mice. The result shows that
Zfp148 controls the fate of newly transformed tumor cells by repressing p53,
and suggests that targeting Zfp148 might be useful in the treatment of colorectal
Previous studies show that Zfp148 inhibits activation of p53; however, the
underlying mechanism is not understood. We have previously shown that
transcription of Cdkn2a was increased in Zfp148 deficient MEFs. ARF is one of
two products of Cdkn2a and is a major activator of the p53-pathway. Therefore,
we hypothesized that Zfp148 inhibits p53 by repressing ARF. In paper II, we
tested this hypothesis in mouse embryoblasts (MEFs) and found that Zfp148
regulates cell proliferation and p53 activity by repressing the transcription of
Finally, we addressed the role of antioxidants. Clinical studies on the ability of
dietary antioxidants to prevent CRC show inconsistent results. To understand
the effect of antioxidants, we gave two types of dietary antioxidants to ApcMIn/+
mice and investigated tumor development. Our results indicate that dietary
antioxidants have no effect on tumor initiation but accelerate progression of
existing tumors. The result raises concerns about the widespread use of dietary
antioxidants, especially among high risk populations.
Nilton .A*, Sayin .V.I*, Zou Z.V, Sayin.S. I, Bondjers.C, Gul. N, Agren. P,
Fogelstrand. P, Nilsson. O, Bergo, M. O, Lindahl, P.
Targeting Zfp148 activates p53 and reduces tumor initiation in the gut.
Oncotarget. 2016; 7:56183-56192. ::doi::10.18632/oncotarget.10899 Zou Z.V, Gul. N, Johanssaon.J, Ibrahim.M.X, Nilton.A, Tivesten.A, Bergo, M. O,
Lindahl, P.
Zfp148 prevents cell cycle arrest by repressing ARF.
In manuscript Zou Z.V, Le Gal. K, Sayin .V.I, Ibrahim.M.X, Gul. N, Bergh.P.-O, Ståhlman.M,
Bergo, M. O, Lindahl, P.
Dietary antioxidants accelerate growth of intestinal adenomas in APCMin/+
In manuscript
Doctor of Philosophy (Medicine)
University of Gothenburg. Sahlgrenska Academy
Institute of Medicine. Department of Molecular and Clinical Medicine
Fredagen 23 mars 2018, kl. 9.00, Hörsla Karl Isaksson, Medicinaregatan 16, Göteborg
Datum för disputation
Zou, Zhiyuan
colorectal cancer
ApcMin mouse
Doctoral thesis
978-91-629-0471-5 (PDF)
978-91-629-0470-8 (PRINT)