From chromatic to diatonic – and back - Exploring the different ways of playing the melodeon
In this bachelor thesis, I explore the different ways of playing the melodeon: in a diatonic way, in a more chromatic way, and the whole spectrum in between. After comparing the styles of four different melodeon players, I place them on the spectrum and reach a conclusion as to what kind of melodeon player I want to be myself. Since I realize that I want to get better at the diatonic way of playing, I focus on that in my lessons with the French melodeon player Lucas Thébaut. After having learned a lot of tunes from him, I also want to challenge myself to use the diatonic mind-set in the rest of my music. In the practical part of this study, I relearn a melody in a diatonic way, make a diatonic-inspired accompaniment and write a tune in the diatonic way. The results show me not only that I can use the diatonic mind-set if I want, but also that I can enjoy it and be inspired by it.
Student essay
Hendrix, Lies
Folk music
French folk music
Belgian folk music
button accordion