Vad påverkar ungdomars politiska engagemang? En kvantitativ studie om vilket samband utbildningsinriktning, föreningsaktivitet och klasstillhörighet har på ungdomars politiska engagemang.
There is alot of literature that has concluded that people with higher education also participate in politics more than those who have a lower level of education. The reason behind this cause is not clear. Some research suggests that it is because education has a direct effect on political participation. While other researchers suggest that it has to do with other aspects like socioeconomic background and social networks.
This paper tries to sort out what the relationship between educational orientation, participation in different associations and socioeconomic background on youths political engagement looks like. The study uses a stepwise regression chart to sort of which connection there is between the independent variables and the dependent variable. To sum the result up, the youth activity in different associations and higher socioeconomic background had a bigger positive connection to political engagement, than education orientation. But it is worth mentioning that those who study an education that contains a lot of civic courses had noted a high political engagemang and that result did stand out from the other educational oriantiations.
Student essay
Lidén, Erik
Politiskt deltagande, politiskt intresse, ungdomars politiska engagemang, utbildningsinriktning, sorteringsmodellen, socioekonomiskbakgrund