Student essays / Studentuppsatser: Recent submissions
Now showing items 61-80 of 28416
“QUALITY OF GOVERNMENT- FOR ALL?” QoG & Migrants' equal access to social rights
(2023-01-23)The extent to which migrants can enjoy equal social rights as citizens vary between liberal democracies. Quality of government has been at the center of recent decades´ debates on states´ non-partial treatment of citizens. ... -
Neo-Aristotelian naturalism in light of the modal explanatory account
(2023-01-20)Neo-Aristotelian naturalism is a metaethical theory that takes moral virtue to be a form of natural goodness in human beings, comparable to deep roots in oaks. The theory evaluates a particular species' goods and defects ... -
Moraliska intuitioner och normativa teorier: Kan konsekventialismen få stöd av vetenskapen?
(2023-01-20)Peter Singer och Joshua Greene använder neurovetenskap och evolutionspsykologi för att ar- gumentera för att moraliska intuitioner generellt är otillförlitliga vilket innebär att vi inte bör basera moraliska omdömen på ... -
(2023-01-19)Old adults are particularly vulnerable against heat stress. Considering the ageing society and the projected increase of heat events, planning for heat-resilient urban environments for old adults will become increasingly ... -
Models, Keys, and Cryptanalysis: Evaluating historical statistical language models in cryptanalysis of homophonic substitution ciphers
(2023-01-19)This thesis presents an empirical study connected to historical cryptography and especially within the framework of the research project DECRYPT. One of the research questions in the DECRYPT project relates to the use of ... -
Vägen mot en likvärdig och stärkt sexualundervisning - Lärares perspektiv på det nya läroplansändringarna gällande sexualitet, samtycke och relationer i årskurs F-3
(2023-01-18)Det sker läroplansändringar inför 2022 gällande kunskapsområdet sexualitet, samtycke och relationer där årskurserna F-3 blir berörda. Syftet med följande studie är därför att undersöka hur grundskolelärare ... -
En tid av utmaningar: En studie om stress och stresshantering bland universitetsstudenter
(2023-01-18)Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka stressnivå och stresshantering (coping) hos universitetsstudenter samt att undersöka eventuella könsskillnader i stress och stresshantering. Studenter vid två institutioner (N = ... -
Threats and opportunities in a contested field of integration – EU forest policy as framed in forest owner media
(2023-01-17)This thesis discusses the framing of EU forest policy in Swedish forest owner media, in the years 2006, 2013 and 2021. While Swedish forest owners have historically been influential in shaping EU forest policy, no research ... -
GÖTEBORGS STADSSILUETT-Fallstudie Masthuggskajen
(2023-01-17)This bachelor thesis aims to analyse how the skyline of the city of Gothenburg changes due to the construction of the new mixed-use area called Masthuggskajen.Masthuggskajen is located in Gothenburg's old harbour at the ... -
Fastighetsföretagens val mellan K2 och K3
(2023-01-16)Bakgrund och problem: Studien ämnar att undersöka hur stor andel fastighetsföretag som väljer att frivilligt tillämpa det principbaserade K3-regelverket i stället för det regelbaserade K2-regelverket. Vidare undersöker ... -
Detecting inconsistencies of safety artifacts with Natural Language Processing Bachelor of Science Thesis
(2023-01-09)This paper investigates a method that helps detect inconsistencies between safety-critical systems’ textual safety artifacts that safety cases rely on by involving NLP techniques. A design science research study was conducted ... -
Skuggande träd i Brämaregården och Östra Kvillebäcken En jämförande studie om tillgänglighet av skugga från träd och vad som gör ett träd attraktivt att vistas under
(2023-01-09)Mer än hälften av jordens befolkning bor i urbana områden och varje år ökar antalet vilket leder till att ny mark tas i anspråk, ofta på bekostnad av grönområden och grönska. Färre grönytor i kombination med större mängd ... -
Mapping of Quaternary Geomorphology in Southern Dalarna: a LiDAR Study
(2023-01-09)The Quaternary has been a period that has seen a fluctuation in glaciation, in Sweden, for 2.5 million years, with the last glaciation vanishing around 9.6 cal kyr BP. Left behind are glacial landforms that can help us ... -
Primary Drivers of Sea Level Variability in the North – Baltic Sea Transition Using Machine Learning
(2023-01-09)Global mean sea level is rising, however not uniformly. Regional deviations of sea surface height (SSH) are common due to local drivers, including surface winds, ocean density stratifications, vertical land- & crustal ... -
Garden-based learning in teacher education in Germany - A mixed-method study of teacher students´ and teacher educators´ views on garden-based education
(2023-01-09)Aim: This study focuses on achieving an in-depth understanding of teacher educators' and teacher students' perspectives on garden-based learning in the teacher education program in several universities in Germany. ... -
Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the diet, lifestyle, and well-being of young Swedes participating in the I.Family study.
(2023-01-09)Introduction: Globally, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused social disruptions that have led to changes in our lives. Young people may be especially susceptible to disruptions during their formative years. Aim: This ... -
SPELA SHORELINE - en diskursteoretisk undersökning av minnesmonumentet över Broder Daniel
(2023-01-05)This essay aims to investigate the conditions of public art in a contemporary discourseanalysis based on medial sources and social networks, concerning the anonymous citizeninitiative “The Shorelinestone”, also known as ... -
Hur förkunnas evangeliet i Göteborgs stift? En homiletisk studie med hermeneutisk ansats av predikningar tredje söndagen i fastan.
(2023-01-03)Abstract The main purpose of this essay is to examine how the gospel is preached by priests in the Church of Sweden in the diocese of Gothenburg on the Sunday chosen for the essay. To be able to investigate this, I have ... -
“DET ÄR EN UTOPI ATT TRO ATT ALLA BARA ÄR PÅ TÅGET OCH SJUNGER JA TILL ALLTING.” En kvalitativ intervjustudie om socialchefers erfarenheter av konflikter mellan det politiska styret, verksamheten och externa aktörer.
(2023-01-02)Leading a social service organization can be a challenging task. Within social services administrations there are three levels whose widely different perspectives make communication and relationships within social services ...