Department of Applied Information Technology / Institutionen för tillämpad informationsteknologi: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 1-20 av 850
LET’S LEVEL UP OUR COMMUNICATION A Study of Communication Challenges in Game Development Teams
(2023-02-01)Video games are growing fast in popularity, and while gaming has been primarily an entertainment medium, educators have also realized its benefits as a learning tool. However, little research is done on the complexity of ... -
NAVIGATING WORKPLACE CONFLICT A case study of local and foreign employees at an international company in Tanzania
(2023-02-01)In the era of global trade and professional ties across borders, understanding how individuals from diverse contexts frame and respond to workplace conflict is critically important. Researchers have found various variables ... -
COMPLEXITY & RANDOMNESS Exploring the Limits of Pattern Perception
(2023-02-01)Pattern perception is a core part of human cognition, however, our capacity to process patterns is limited. If a pattern is too complex to process, we no longer perceive it as a pattern but rather as noise, thus we ... -
GREEN CITY ZONE A Case-Study in a Multi-Stakeholder Initiative within a Smart City
(2023-02-01)As climate change concerns have taken a central spot in mainstream discourse, there has been an emergence of green smart city projects, resulting in an increased demand for research in these areas. As the EU has pledged a ... -
A FUTURE WITHOUT THIRD-PARTY COOKIES A study of how Swedish small and medium-sized marketing agencies are affected by the loss of third-party cookies and how potential change strategies are communicated.
(2023-02-01)For years, digital communicators have taken advantage of the phenomena of third-party cookies to help understand online user behavior in order to produce personalized advertising. The increased discussion of user integrity ... -
Open standards and interoperability within the automotive domain and smart cities
(2023-02-01)Vehicle signals are today in highly heterogeneous formats which leads to difficulties for third-party developers to access, understand and integrate with these signals. Thus, the automotive domain needs to find a way to ... -
NEWCOMER ADJUSTMENT AND SENSEMAKING IN REMOTE WORK ENVIRONMENTS Perspectives on remote onboarding in Higher Educational Institutions
(2023-02-01)The transition to remote and hybrid work environments due to the advancements in computer mediated communication and the COVID-19 pandemic, introduced challenges in the process of onboarding new hires. This research ... -
ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITY AND THE AUTOMOTIVE SECTOR A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Sustainability Reports of Volvo Cars
(2023-02-01)Companies communicate the impact of their corporate activities through sustainability reports, disclosing their environmental engagement. Critical studies on sustainability reporting have highlighted that environmental ... -
ASSESSING PUBLIC OPINION ON ALGORITHMIC FAIRNESS Reviewing practical challenges and the role of contextual factors
(2023-02-01)AI ethicists often claim that where algorithmic decision-making is impacting human lives, it is crucial to strive for transparency and explainability. As one form of achieving these, some authors have argued for ... -
”FRÅN NOLL TILL HUNDRA” Transformativt lärande i offentlig verksamhet
(2023-02-01)Komplexa samhällsutmaningar såsom digitalisering och teknisk utveckling påverkar behovet av att finna nya snabbare lösningar. Covid-19-pandemin som har framkallat en hastig omställning från kontors- till distansarbete ... -
ALGORITHMIC AWARENESS OCH ALGORITHMIC LITERACY En systematisk litteraturstudie av två begrepp
(2022-11-16)Algoritmer påverkar människor på daglig basis trots att de ofta förblir osynliga. I en digital värld där människor möts av ett stort informationsflöde krävs en medvetenhet för att se, förstå och hantera algoritmer. Syftet ... -
AI Integration Scaling AI for business model innovation
(2022-10-28)Artificial Intelligence (AI) is still largely unexplored within information systems research, and most published work remains non-academic (Collins et al., 2021). While there exists some research related to the challenges ... -
(2022-10-24)With the emergence of social media platforms, the phenomenon of self-presentation gained new setting in which it can be manifested, and that has attracted scholars from different fields. Scientists have largely applied ... -
OPTIMISATION AND UNDERSTANDING OF TECHNOLOGICAL ARTEFACTS An Experimental Study Investigating the Role of Causal Cognition and Social Learning in Micro-society Paradigms
(2022-10-17)Cumulative technological culture - how humans can build upon and improve the technology and tools of earlier generations - has been regarded as a main contributing factor for Homo sapiens' success as a species. In this ... -
(2022-09-15)The purpose of education is to prepare students for the future. The goal of integrating STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) into education is to develop scientific and technological knowledge in ... -
UTANFÖR BOXEN En kvalitativ studie kring mönster i mjukvarutestares resonemang vid problemlösning kopplade till bias
(2022-09-14)Vid utvecklingen av en produkt eller applikation är det viktigt att utföra tester för att upptäcka eventuella fel eller brister. För att vara en bra testare behöver man kunna tänka utanför boxen och hitta fel som ... -
Mobilen i skolan eller skolan i mobilen? Gymnasieelevers användning av, upplevelse av samt attityder till mobiltelefonen i förhållande till skolarbetet
(2022-09-12)Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka gymnasieelevers användning av, upplevelser av och attityder till mobiltelefonen i förhållande till skolarbetet. Resultatet är tänkt att bidra med en kartläggning av de utmaningar och ... -
A TRUCK DRIVER’S GUIDE TO SUSTAINABLE DRIVING A Qualitative User Experience Evaluation of Volvo Trucks’ On-Board Driver Coaching System
(2022-06-30)Eco-driving and ways to reduce carbon emissions is a burning topical issue. Volvo Trucks’ on-board driver coaching system gives information via tips and gauges to truck drivers about how to practice sustainable driving. ... -
ATT UNDERVISA MED PLATTFORMAR Hur lärare uppfattar skolans digitala infrastruktur
(2022-06-30)Skolans infrastruktur präglas alltmer av olika lärplattformar. Plattformarna är skapade av någon med en agenda och har därmed själva en agens som möjliggör eller omöjliggör olika användningssätt. När plattformarna blir ... -
(2022-06-30)With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and the lockdown measures that followed, the education system worldwide has been affected. Consequently, the imposed online education environment has been a new and challenging ...