Department of Applied Information Technology / Institutionen för tillämpad informationsteknologi: Recent submissions
Now showing items 421-440 of 850
The role of social media in Iran's Green Movement
(2013-09-13)This research attempts to examine the role of social media in Iran's Green Movement. In particular, by using a socio psychological framework, explores how social media had been used as a tool to facilitate the process of ... -
Managering av kompetenser vid IS/IT-outsourcing
(2013-09-13)Outsourcing av IS/IT erbjuder organisationer möjligheter att nyttja externa resurser, maximera flexibilitet och fokusera på kärnverksamheten, vilket gör att många organisationer idag är mindre benägna att utveckla ... -
Ambidexterity genom organisatoriska IT-förmågor
(2013-09-13)Det har länge påvisats fördelar med innovation och effektivisering av verksamheter. Med konceptet ambidexterity har ett senare forskningsparadigm försökt förklara hur organisationer lyckas uppnå både innovation och ... -
Prognos för offentlig sektor: Molnigt, med chans för IT som en tjänst
(2013-09-13)Den offentliga sektorn i Sverige outsourcar i mycket hög utsträckning sin kärnverksamhet, samtidigt som den envisas med att driva IT-verksamheten internt på ett traditionellt vis. IT som en tjänst i allmänhet och ... -
Managing patient-centered healthcare development in the light of cloud computing
(2013-09-13)In a change situation characterized by growing aging populations, rising costs, decreasing resources there is a growing interest in the facilities provided by cloud computing for the development of e- Health and a ... -
Kunddriven supportverksamhet
(2013-07-30)Sociala media utgör idag en allt större del av organisationer och företag, oavsett om det gäller området B2B (Business to business) eller B2C (Business to consumer). Att använda sig av sociala medier har blivit en ... -
Experience database
(2013-03-19)In today's enterprises, information is exchanged faster than ever before. Companies can gain a competitive advantage by implementing new IT tools, making their organization more efficient. This thesis focus on developing ... -
Dual-Mode Infrared Tracking of Tangible Tabletops
(2013-03-19)On tangible tabletops, Tangible User Interfaces (TUIs) can signalize their identity, position, orientation, and state by active infrared light. This provides rich interaction capabilities in complex, dynamic scenarios. If ... -
Audiovisuell kontra skriftlig stimulans: En jämförande studie mellan effekten av video och text på gymnasieelevers kort- och långsiktiga minnesförmågor.
(2013-02-13)Denna studie har genomförts för att belysa skillnader i olika mediers roll för minnet och lärandet hos elever i gymnasieskolan. Syftet har varit att jämföra audiovisuell stimuli i form av utbildningsfilm med motsvarande ... -
Factors influencing international students’ study destination decision abroad
(2013-02-08)Higher education (HE) has become an increasingly competitive sector. The number of countries that are actively involved in international student recruitment has grown considerably. Given the growing international competition ... -
Systemacceptansmodellen (SAM) En modell för holistisk kvalitetsbedömning vid utveckling av informationssystem
(2013-02-04)Denna studie ämnar att skapa en holistisk grund för bedömning av kvalitet och acceptans hos informationssystem och åstadkommer detta genom att omfatta ett organisatoriskt, infologiskt och ett socialt perspektiv. Studiens ... -
How can Facebook contribute to the creation of a more ocean literate society?
(2013-01-22)The ocean provides countless goods and services supporting economic human activities. These goods and services are under threat as a consequence of a continuously increasing human population with limited knowledge of the ... -
The value of brand values
(2012-11-26)As the society is changing due to technology, the markets are emerging into becoming more homogeneous. The consumer behaviour is changing, and with that, the value of brands. This thesis aims to investigate how consumers ... -
Workplace Bullying
(2012-11-26)Purpose: The purpose of this study is to compare the policy and guidelines with what the management actually does in order to prevent workplace bullying and assess whether the employees perceives the preventative steps ... -
Gender, Trust, and Interpersonal Relationships
(2012-11-26)This paper aims to analyze trust types in private settings, that is to say, in personal contexts. To this aim a series of tables have been constructed as well as interviews conducted with twelve individuals with different ... -
Communication challenges in transboundary crisis situations
(2012-11-22)In recent years, the world has seen a series of catastrophes such as the Chernobyl disaster in 1986, the September 11 attacks in 2001, the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami, the earthquake disaster in Haiti in 2010, and most ... -
Online communication within host volunteer tourism
(2012-11-22)What is the Global Greeter Network and what do they do? Global Greeter Network (GGN) is a voluntary association of independent Greeter programs. Greeter programs aspire to provide a personal and diverse image of the ... -
To be or not to be
(2012-11-22)Communication can be seen as the core of an organization. It is through the communication that meaning and identity is created. This implies that communication is of great importance both for the external and internal view ... -
Att vara yrkesarbetande lärare och distansstudent-utmaningar i att kombinera läraryrket med parallella distansstudier
(2012-11-22)Denna undersökning gjordes med två enkäter vid Göteborgs Universitet i Lärarlyftet II. Det var 16 svar på studentenkäter och 4 svar till lärarenkäter. Undersökningen genomlyser vilka svårigheter och utmaningar det finns ... -
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