Kandidatuppsatser / Institutionen för Kulturvård: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 301-320 av 536
Vegetativ förökning av frilandsväxande köksväxter - en experimentell undersökning av förökningsmetoder för kronärtskocka, brysselkål, purpurkål och mangold
(2015-05-18)This bachelor thesis investigate different possibilities for vegetative propagating of some outdoor growing biennial and perennial vegetables; artichokes, brussels sprouts, kale and swiss chard. These cultures were selected ... -
Inventering av skyddsvärd biotop med hjälp av digitala verktyg
(2015-05-18)In this essay a method of localizing and getting an overview of basiphilous pine forests was studied. The question was if findings from the species observation system, Artportalen, used together with maps that among others ... -
Stuka. En förvaringsmetod för grönsaker under vinterhalvåret
(2015-05-13)The aim of this work was to investigate whether there are any differences between a traditional ridge pole clamp and a modern clamp and if both models kept the vegetables in good quality during the winter season. The aim ... -
Närodlade altarblommor. Svenska Kyrkans möjligheter att odla egna snittblommor
(2015-05-13)Reflections on the use of altar flowers and how they are procured led to this thesis. There has been a strong development in Fairtrade and locally grown food but the same cannot be said for cut flowers. The largest religious ... -
Sådd av perenner. En dokumentation av tre metoder på tre plantskolor
(2015-05-13)In recent years there has been a growing interest in documenting and doing research in the area of craftmanship, not only the products but also the work itself and the years of knowledge behind it. The institution of ... -
Valstad 1:31 - att sköta en natur- och kulturmiljö
(2015-05-13)This candidate essay has been created with the goal of providing a proposal for a management plan for the natural and cultural environment Valstad 1:31. Valstad 1:31 and the water mill which is located on site are owned ... -
Från rastplats till lekplats. Förskolors utemiljöer i Skövde kommun
(2015-05-13)The essay is answering what barriers exist to develop preschool outdoor environments with plant material. The outdoor environment should include different areas with different characters and qualities which also is ... -
Koldioxidblästring, med torris som blästermedel
(2015-03-24)Blasting with carbon dioxide is a technology that since the mid- 1940s and onwards has been developed for the industry for the finishing of different surfaces. The technique however, has not until the end of the 1970 and ... -
Kolbottnarnas påverkan på vegetationen i utmarken i västra Bergslagen
(2015-03-18)In this essay the vegetation on six selected charcoal pits that occur in hundreds, perhaps thousands, around Sweden was studied. The question was whether the spot where a charcoal kiln has existed had a flora deviating ... -
Slakthusområdet i Stockholm Ett industriområdes omvandling i en växande stad
(2015-02-19)This paper aims to describe the Slaughterhouse area in Stockholm that today is an industrial area specialized in the processed meat industry. Stockholm is growing by about 10,000 people per year which is leading to hard ... -
Den moderna idrottshallen Funktionalismens lösning på fritidsproblemet
(2015-01-23)This is a degree project about sports halls from the 30´s and 40´s in Sweden. They are characterised by the arched roof of laminated beams from AB Fribärande Träkonstruktion. The work is based on an archive list from AB ... -
Lillhagens sjukhus som immateriellt kulturarv - bärare av före detta patienters minnen och berättelser
(2015-01-12)The purpose of this essay is to broaden the understanding of Lillhagens sjukhus as intangible cultural heritage by examining the place outside the former patients who remained there. The investigation has focused on the ... -
Färgerna i Torpa geometrisk jordebok Materialundersökning av en samling lantmäterikartor från 1640-talet
(2015-01-08)The geometrical cadastre of Torpa, drawn by Swedish surveyor Nils Eriksson Njurén in 1648, was analyzed by micro-sampling Energy-dispersive X-ray (SEM-EDX) and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, in order to ... -
Det nationella arbetet med hemslöjden som näringsgren under åren 2008-2014
(2014-11-04)The essay deals with how Swedish national authorities have treated handicraft as business during the years 2008-2014. In 2008 a report came that dealt with the difficulties the business was experiencing. This essay has ... -
I Tygkammaren - En studie av tvistsömsbroderiet under 1900-talet
(2014-11-04)The aim of this Bachelor’s thesis is to explore and investigate the development of the long legged cross stitch embroidery during the twentieth century and up until this day. The purpose is also to explore what has affected ... -
Gömda monteringar för tredimensionella textila föremål
(2014-11-04)Costume mounting for an exhibition varies between museums and countries. Different mounting techniques can be used depending on how the object is to be presented. The most commonly used display form is a visible mannequin ... -
Att möta en saknad. Gestaltning av en askgravlund i Mariestad
(2014-10-24)This degree project is my final paper of my education in Gardening and Garden Design at the University of Gothenburg. The cementery administration in Mariestad has plans of making a new ash grave grove at Södra ... -
Kyrkliga boksamlingar En inventering av Strängnäs domkyrkobibliotek med inriktning på status och bevarand
(2014-10-07)The essay focuses upon the book collections of the Swedish National Church and it´s educational purposes in the medieval period until the 18th century AD when the swedish school system was established. The Chatedral ... -
Relikta landskap i Lommaryds socken – identifiering av bandparceller med hjälp av laserdata.
(2014-10-06)This essay is based on laser data delivered by National Land Survey of Sweden (Lantmäteriet) to study historical landscapes. The studied objects are based on historical maps of four villages in Lommaryd parish that indicate ... -
Listdragning i kalkbruk. En jämförande studie mellan två i litteraturen skiljande metoder
(2014-10-06)During the 19th century, architects decorated their buildings extensively, especially the facades. Mouldings of render and plaster rather then stone where being produced in a large scale. This was probably due to the ...