Resistin is a modulator of inflammation and autoimmunity
Resistin is a protein with proinflammatory properties in man and a regulator of glucose
metabolism in mice. Human resistin activates the nuclear factor kappa-B dependent
cytokine cascade; however, its full role in inflammation in terms of regulation,
expression, and cellular source is not entirely understood. Resistin may have a role in
insulin growth factor signaling. The main aim of this thesis was to investigate the role
of resistin in inflammation, with emphasis on rheumatic diseases and diseases of the
liver and gastrointestinal tract; in addition, the neutrophil was evaluated as a possible
source of resistin. Another aim was to investigate the effect of resistin on IGF
signaling in a new mouse model of arthritis.
In paper I, resistin was shown to be associated with local inflammation in patients with
primary Sjögren’s syndrome. This conclusion was based on the finding of elevated
resistin levels in saliva and in the salivary gland tissue of patients. Moreover, resistin
levels were significantly higher in patients with high focal infiltration of leukocytes in
glandular tissue than in those with no or low leukocyte infiltration. In paper II, resistin
levels were found to be elevated in a wide variety of inflammatory and autoimmune
conditions of the liver and gastrointestinal tract. Furthermore, they were significantly
higher in patients who were seropositive for anti-nuclear antibodies than those who
were seronegative. In paper III, a new cell source of resistin in inflammation was
identified, namely the neutrophil. Subcellular fractionation of the neutrophil confirmed
the presence of resistin in the azurophil granules and the specific granules. In a
rheumatoid arthritis (RA) model in paper IV, resistin was shown to modulate IGF
signaling. Levels of IGF-1 were significantly lower in RA patients, especially those
with systemic inflammation, than in controls with non-inflammatory joint conditions,
and they were inversely related to resistin levels. Resistin expression was abrogated in
a transplantation mouse model of RA synovia. This led to downregulation of IGF-1R
expression and intracellular Akt activity.
Taken together, these results indicate that resistin is an immunomodulatory molecule
that is expressed locally at the site of inflammation. It is produced by neutrophils and
possibly modulates IGF signaling. These findings suggest that resistin regulates both
inflammation and could affect growth factor-related signaling in humans.
I. Bostrom EA, Forsblad D’Elia, Dahlgren U, Simark-Mattsson C, Hasséus B, Carlsten H,
Tarkowski A, Bokarewa M
Salivary resistin reflects local inflammation in Sjögren’s Syndrome.
J. Rheumatology, 2008 Oct;35(10):2005-11. ::pmid::18709689 II. Bostrom EA, Ekstedt M, Kechagias S, Sjöwall C, Bokarewa M, Almer SH
Resistin is elevated in autoimmune disease of the gastrointestinal tract reflecting ANA
Submitted III. Bostrom EA, Tarkowski A, Bokarewa M
Resistin is stored in neutrophil granules being released upon challenge with inflammatory
Biochim Biophys Acta. 2009 Sep 18. ::pmid::19770005 IV. Bostrom EA, Andersson S, Gustafson B, Ekwall AK, Eisler, T, Dahlberg L, Smith U,
Bokarewa M
Resistin and insulin/insulin-like growth factor signalling in rheumatoid arthritis. Manuscript.
Doctor of Philosophy (Medicine)
University of Gothenburg. Sahlgrenska Academy
Institute of Medicine. Department of Rheumatology and Inflammation Research
Onsdagen den 9 december 2009, kl. 13.00 i Föreläsningssalen vån 3, Guldhedsgatan 10A, Göteborg
Datum för disputation
Almer Boström, Elisabeth
rheumatoid arthritis
Sjögren's syndrome
Doctoral thesis