Arbete och Hälsa: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 261-280 av 453
Upplevd trötthet efter mentalt arbete En experimentell utvärdering av ett mätinstrument
(Arbetslivsinstitutet, 1998)Syftet var att studera trötthetsupplevelser efter mentalt arbete och pröva ett instrument för mätning av trötthet, SOFI (Swedish Occupational Fatigue Inventory). Tjugo kvinnor och 20 män arbetade med korrekturläsning (2x90 ... -
Konsensusrapporter rörande kunskapsläget om arbetsmiljön i skogsmaskiner
(Arbetslivsinstitutet, 1998)Ergonomisk Checklista för Skogsmaskiner har tidigare givits ut från Arbetsmiljöinstitutet, Forskningsstiftelsen Skogsarbeten och SLU/Skogshögskolan. Den första utgåvan utkom 1969 och den senaste 1989. Checklistan har rönt ... -
Hälsorisker i arbete med elproduktion och eldistribution slutrapport från en prospektiv studie
(Arbetslivsinstitutet, 1998)En nio-års prospektiv epidemiologisk studie har genomförts på en ung kohort av 706 nyanställda elarbetare i produktion och distribution av elektricitet inom kraftindustrin. Det totala bortfallet i studien var 34 procent, ... -
The Nordic Expert Group for Criteria Documentation of Health Risks from Chemicals 123. Antimony
(Arbetslivsinstitutet, 1998)Antimony is an elementary metal mined mostly as antimony sulphide, and has two valencies, 3+ and 5+. Antimony in the trivalent form is used as grid alloy in storage batteries, cable sheaths in soldering flux and as pigment ... -
The Nordic Expert Group for Criteria Documentation of Health Risks from Chemicals 124. Thermal Degradation Products of Polyethylene, Polypropylene, Polystyrene, Polyvinylchloride and Polytetrafluoroethylene in the Processing of Plastics
(Arbetslivsinstitutet, 1998)Plastics are subjected to elevated temperatures in the processing. This gives rise to complex mixtures of substances. The quality and quantity of these depends, e.g. on the type of the polymer, additives, and the degradation ... -
Yrkesidentitet i sjukvård position, person och kön
(Arbetslivsinstitutet, 1998)To improve opportunities for targeted organizational development work in the Swedish health-care sector, the occupation-specific and shared problems of physicians, registered nurses and assistant nurses were examined in a ... -
Purification, characterization and immunological studies of rat urinary proteins causing allergy in humans Second edition
(Arbetslivsinstitutet, 1998)Rats are among the most frequently used laboratory animals and rat allergy constitutes a common occupational problem. Approximately 20-30% of the personnel engaged in work with laboratory animals show symptoms of allergy. ... -
Dentistry in Sweden Healthy work or ruthless efficiency?
(Arbetslivsinstitutet, 1998)The general objective of this thesis is to offer understanding of the organization of Sweden's Public Dental Health Service (PDHS) and the problems it has faced. This is achieved against the background of its historical ... -
Lärande dialogSamtalsmönster, perspektivförändring och lärande i gruppsamtal
(Arbetslivsinstitutet, 1998)This thesis is concerned with the prospects of learning from talking within a small group. The purpose of the study is to add to our knowledge of dialogue through group communication as a social event, based on human ... -
Methods for description, analysis and assessment of work technique in manual handling tasks
(Arbetslivsinstitutet, 1998)To explore the role of individual work technique, as a preventive or risk factor for the development of musculoskeletal disorders, methods are needed for detailed registrations of individual work technique. The overall aim ... -
Problems with cold work Proceedings from an international symposium held in Stockholm, Sweden, Grand Hotel Saltsjöbaden, November 16-20, 1997
(Arbetslivsinstitutet, 1998)First International Symposium on Problems with cold work at Grand Hotel Saltsjöbaden, Stockholm, Sweden on November 16-20, 1997. Organised by, National Institute for Working Life, Solna, Sweden in co-operation with National ... -
Perceived fatigue related to work
(Arbetslivsinstitutet, 1998)Perceived fatigue at work is important because it may be unpleasant for the individual, it may interfere with productivity, and prolonged fatigue without recovery may lead to work-related disorders. This thesis presents a ... -
Kortdokument från NEG, volym 1 Diklorbensener, Glutaraldehyd, Ildfaste keramiske fibrer, Mjöldamm, Platina
(Arbetslivsinstitutet, 1998)Inom Nordiska Ministerrådets projekt för vetenskaplig dokumentation som underlag för hygieniska gränsvärden leds arbetet av en expertgrupp. Gruppen består för närvarande av: - Vidir Kristjansson, Vinnueftirlit Rikisins, ... -
Gränslöst arbete eller arbetets nya gränser Delstudie 1
(Arbetslivsinstitutet, 1998)Ten strategically selected individuals, seven men and three women, working with flexible arrangements with regard to time, space and work organisation, were interviewed. The interviews lasted for 1-3 hours and were fully ... -
Mätning av psykiskt välbefinnande bland ungdomar i Sverige Användningen av GHQ-12
(Arbetslivsinstitutet, 1998)The present study is a multivariate analysis of the General Health Questionnaire, GHQ-12. The analyses were made using data from three Swedish studies. The group consisted of 2244 subjects (1285 women and 959 men) most of ... -
Elektromagnetiska fält, elöverkänslighet och neurologisk sjukdom en kunskapsöversikt
(Arbetslivsinstitutet, 1998)In the fall of 1995 an expert group was appointed by the Criteria Group for Physical Risk Factors at the National Institute for Working Life with the mandate to investigate the state of knowledge concerning risk indicators ... -
Vetenskapligt underlag för hygieniska gränsvärden. 19
(Arbetslivsinstitutet, 1998)Critical evaluation of those scientific data which are relevant as a background for discussion of Swedish occupational exposure limits. This volume consists of the consensus reports given by the Criteria Group at the Swedish ... -
Scientific Basis for Swedish Occupational Standards. XIX
(Arbetslivsinstitutet, 1998)Critical evaluation of those scientific data which are relevant as a background for discussion of Swedish occupational exposure limits. This volume consists of the consensus reports given by the Criteria Group at the Swedish ... -
Skador och besvär av vibrationer en jämförelse mellan kvinnor och män
(Arbetslivsinstitutet, 1998)Vibration-induced disorders and symptoms : a comparision between women and men. In order to investigate if women run a greater risk of vibration injury, a literature survey has been conducted. Health effects of vibration ... -
DECOS and SCG Basis for an Occupational Standard Cresols (o-, m-, p-)
(Arbetslivsinstitutet, 1998)Cresols occur as crystalline solid to colourless to yellowish liquid. They are slightly soluble in water and soluble in organic solvents. There are no data on the absorption of cresols in humans. In vivo animal data indicate ...