Department of Languages and Literatures / Institutionen för språk och litteraturer (2009-): Recent submissions
Visas titlar 101-120 av 871
A TALE OF FOUR TOWNS AND ENGLISH The Role of English in the Linguistic Landscape of Sweden
(2020-09-08)The purpose of this study is to expand the corpus of linguistic landscape (LL) in Sweden. However, unlike previous studies, which have typically focused on the main cities, this study explores the central parts of four ... -
Hålla huvudet kallt. Bildspråk och kulturella aspekter i ryska och svenska idiom
(2020-09-02)Syftet med med uppsatsen var att utforska, beskriva och analysera idiom som innehåller huvud i ryska och svenska utifrån deras bildspråk och kulturella aspekter. Idiomen definierades utifrån egenskaperna hög grad av ... -
La fealdad como postura ética: Un análisis funcional de los personajes femeninos en el cuento “Fin de curso” de Mariana Enríquez
(2020-09-02)In the story “End of course” included in the book The things we lost in the fire written by Mariana Enríquez, ugliness and abjectness are central to the life of the principal character Marcela. We will study the presentations ... -
El amor y la diferencia de edad en la novela juvenil Un poco de abril, algo de mayo, todo septiembre de Jordi Sierra i Fabra
(2020-09-02)Love is omnipresent in life. Love, with age difference, is found in Jordi Sierra i Fabra’s novel Un poco de abril, algo de mayo, todo septiembre. The purpose includes investigating the theme love in youth literature in a ... -
SEXUAL ABUSE IN VLADIMIR NABOKOV’S LOLITA: A Psychoanalytic approach to Humbert Humbert’s Sexuality
(2020-07-03)Through examining Humbert Humbert’s psychological defense mechanisms in Vladimir Nabokov’s Lolita, this essay aims to analyze Humbert Humbert’s sexuality through the framework of psychoanalytic theory by demonstrating ... -
(2020-07-02)This thesis examines the Greek future participle from a statistical and morphosyntactical perspective in order to ascertain whether the occurrence of a future participle in Polycarp's Epistle to the Philippians might ... -
(2020-06-30)The aim of this thesis is to investigate and describe what specific challenges second language students in general and students with Somali background in particular, face in Higher Education in Sweden. The aim is also to ... -
Icke-absolut ablativus absolutus: Om en avvikande användning av ablativus absolutus hos Caesar
(2020-06-30)The ablative absolutes are not always as absolute as their name suggests. When a coreference exists between the ablative absolute and another noun phrase in the clause, it is non-absolute. This student thesis analyzes ... -
OUT WITH THE NEW, IN WITH THE OLD. A study on Western loanwords in Japanese newspapers and the recommendations provided by the National Institute of Japanese Language and Linguistics
(2020-06-16)With the current influx of Western loanwords, also called gairaigo, into the Japanese language, many Japanese citizens fear that the spirit of the language is disappearing. Nevertheless, borrowing words from foreign languages ... -
An analysis of wago/kango predominance in Swedish students’ Japanese vocabulary
(2020-06-16)The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the lexical type predominance between Japanese-based wago and Chinese-based kango within the vocabulary of Swedish learners of Japanese, comparing those who have studied in Japan and ... -
Translating Ogura Hyakunin Isshu – An analysis of translating decorative language from Japanese to English
(2020-06-16)In this thesis, translation of classical Japanese poetry into English will be examined by analysing translations of five selected poems from the anthology Ogura Hyakunin Isshu. Translations by three different translators ... -
Låneord i japansk motorpress – En lingvistisk studie av låneord inom japansk motorjournalistik
(2020-06-16)Uppsatsens huvudsakliga syfte är att undersöka med vilken frekvens som låneord, gairaigo, förkommer i moderna japanska motortidskrifter, och jämföra detta med tidigare forskning samt också ta reda på i vilken utsträckning ... -
A Thud or a Bang?: A Study of the Translation of Onomatopoeia in Manga
(2020-06-16)This bachelor’s thesis was written with the aim to analyze how Japanese onomatopoeia in manga are translated from Japanese to English, and if and how the translation changes the meaning in context. This was done by using ... -
L’évolution du personnage principal de L’Enfant noir de Camara Laye. Nègre je suis, Nègre je resterai
(2020-06-15)Utvecklingen av en karaktär som håller sin framtid i sina händer ger bilden av en intressant resa att följa. Den undersökta problematiken i L'Enfant noir (svensk titel: ”Svart barn”) handlar om den bild som ges av hur ... -
Representaciones de la maternidad en Cuentos de Eva Luna de Isabel Allende: El caso de “Clarisa” y “Tosca”
(2020-06-15)Motherhood is a central life experience to female identity and to the configuration of gender roles in any society. However, despite this centrality, the figure of motherhood in literature has not been studied until a few ... -
Espacios de intimidad en La voz dormida: La configuración del espacio y su efecto en la lectura
(2020-06-15)The aim of this essay is to study the configuration of the literary space of intimacy and its effect on the act of reading, in the novel The Sleeping Voice of Dulce Chacón. In order to accomplish this, textual strategies, ... -
El fenómeno de simplificación en el español chileno. Un estudio comparativo entre personajes de diferentes clases sociales en Martín Rivas de Alberto Blest Gana.
(2020-06-15)The dialogues of the Chilean novel Martín Rivas by Alberto Blest Gana show an imitation of the spoken language through the orthography of the vocabulary. This graphic representation varies depending on the social class of ... -
NORMER VID NYÖVERSÄTTNING MELLAN NÄRLIGGANDE SPRÅK OCH KULTURER. En komparativ studie av Tove Ditlevsens roman Gift i svensk förstaöversättning och nyöversättning
(2020-06-12)Denna studie har utförts i syfte att pröva hypotesen om nyöversättningar på ett material som har översatts mellan lingvistiskt och kulturellt närliggande språk genom att undersöka likheter och skillnader i fråga om ... -
SVÅRIGHETER OCH STRATEGIER I ÖVERSÄTTNING AV TEORETISKA TEXTER. Exempel ur de svenska översättningarna av ”Från en identitet till en annan” av Julia Kristeva och ”Vad är en text?” av Paul Ricoeur
(2020-06-11)This master thesis deals with the translation of theoretical texts in the humanities. My main purpose is to investigate the special difficulties and strategies in translating this type of text. As examples I analyze the ... -
DIGLOSSIE IN DEUTSCHSCHWEIZER SPITÄLERN. Studie zu Sprachgebrauch und Spracheinstellung von MitarbeiterInnen
(2020-06-10)The concomitant presence and usage of two varieties of German, namely Swiss German and Standard German, is characteristic for German-speaking Switzerland. This linguistic situation is mirrored in the region’s hospitals or, ...