Studies of Neutrophilic Inflammation in Tobacco Smokers
Studies of neutrophilic inflammation in tobacco smokers
Kristina Andelid
Department of Internal medicine and clinical nutrition, Institute of Medicine
Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg
Göteborg, Sweden
The general aim of this thesis was to characterise markers of neutrophilic inflammation in
smokers with and without obstructive pulmonary disease with chronic bronchitis
(OPD-CB) in a clinically stable state and during exacerbations compared to heathy
controls. Methodology: I) Blood samples were obtained from male smokers without
airway symptoms and never-smokers at year 0 and 6. II) Non-atopic and atopic,
occasional-smokers plus never-smokers underwent two bronchoscopies, including
bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL). III & IV) Smokers with OPD-CB (n=60,) and control
groups (n=10 each), underwent blood and sputum sampling every 15: th week and during
exacerbations for 15 months. Results: I) Blood MPO was higher in smokers than in
never- smokers at year 6. MPO was negatively correlated with time after cessation of
smoking. II) Gelatinases in BAL fluid were unchanged after acute exposure to tobacco
smoke. III) The concentrations of IL-17A and GRO-α protein were lower in blood from
smokers with severe OPD-CB and in smokers with OPD-CB colonised with opportunistic
pathogens. IV) In smokers with OPD-CB, blood MPO and NE proteins were increased
during exacerbations; the corresponding mRNA was undetectable. Conclusions: Acute
exposure to tobacco smoke does not exert a pronounced, lasting impact on gelatinases in
the airways of occasional-smokers. During stable clinical conditions, neutrophil and MPO
concentrations are increased in smokers without OPD-CB and even more so during
exacerbations in smokers with OPD-CB. In smokers with severe OPD-CB, and in those
colonised with opportunistic pathogens, specific neutrophil-associated cytokine signaling
is down-regulated at the systemic level. The lack of detectable mRNA for MPO and NE in
the blood of smokers with OPD-CB makes the location of production uncertain for these
markers of neutrophil activity.
Keywords: smoking, neutrophils, inflammation
ISBN: 978-91-628-9216-6
I. Andelid K, Bake B, Rak S, Lindén A, Rosengren A and Ekberg-Jansson A. Myeloperoxidase as a marker of increasing systemic inflammation in smokers without severe airway symptoms. Respiratory Medicine 2007; 101(5): 888-95 ::PMID::17098408 II. Glader P, Eldh B, Bozinovski S, Andelid K, Sjöstrand M, Malmhäll C, Anderson GP, Riise GC, Qvarfordt I and Lindén A. Impact of acute exposure to tobacco smoke on gelatinases in the bronchoalveolar space. European Respiratory Journal 2008; 32(3): 644-50. ::PMID::18417512 III. Andelid K, Tengvall S, Andersson A, Levänen B, Christiansson K, Jirholt P, Åhrén C, Qvarfordt I, Ekberg-Jansson A and Lindén A. Systemic cytokine signaling via IL-17 in Smokers with Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Link to Bacterial Colonisation? Submitted. IV. Andelid K, Glader P, Yoshihara S, Åhrén C, Jirholt P, Gjertsson I, Ekberg-Jansson A and Lindén A. Systemic Signs of Neutrophil Mobilization during Stable Clinical Conditions and Exacerbations in Smokers with Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Link to Hypoxia? Submitted.
Doctor of Philosophy (Medicine)
University of Gothenburg. Sahlgrenska Academy
Inst of Medicine. Department of Internal Medicine and Clinical Nutrition
Onsdagen den 17 december 2014 kl 13.00 Hörsal Arvid Carlsson, Academicum, Medicinaregatan 3
Datum för disputation
Andelid, Kristina
Neutrophilic inflammation
Tobacco smokers
Doctoral thesis