Physical activity: Prescription in health care and relationship to different health measures
Background: Physical inactivity is one of the major modifi able risk factors, contributing
to the global burden of disease. Thus, reducing physical inactivity is of importance
for global health. Worldwide, different methods designed to improve physical activity
(PA) behaviour in patients, have been developed, including physical activity on prescription
(PAP) in Sweden.
Aim: The overall aim of the present thesis was to analyse the association between
self-reported leisure time physical activity level and health measures and to study
the effi cacy of the Swedish method of physical activity on prescription in terms of
long-term effects and health-related quality of life (HRQL). Another aim was to analyse
health economy and cost-effectiveness of two different variations of the Swedish
PAP-method, offering different degrees of support.
The studies included in this thesis offered the opportunity to explore the usability of a
single-item question to measure physical activity in different contexts.
Method: Three study populations were included in this thesis. The fi rst study included
a random sample of 3,588 adults that answered a questionnaire and collected blood
samples. The second study included 3,114 individuals in a working population that received
two questionnaires regarding life style, work-related factors and psychosocial
health two years apart. In the PAP-study 144 patients and 54 reference patients were
included. All received four questionnaires concerning PA and HRQL (SF-36). Costeffectiveness
was estimated from SF-6D derived from SF-36.
Results: The simple physical activity assessment question showed associations with
other cardiovascular risk factors and was associated with stress-related mental illness
at follow up. Furthermore, there was signifi cant change in the level of PA following
PAP at six and 12 months and HRQL, extending to 24 months. The health economic
study supported the more supportive framework in this setting, despite being more
Conclusion: The single item question measuring self-reported physical activity level
seem to be a valid and feasible tool to assess risk in adults, including working population
and patient populations. The effi cacy of the Swedish PAP model is further established
by the results of the present thesis, showing both long-term effects and cost
Paper I: Rödjer L, Jonsdottir IH, Rosengren A, Björck L, Grimby G, Thelle DS, Lappas
G, Börjesson M. Self-reported leisure time physical activity: a useful assessment
tool in everyday health care. BMC Public Health. 2012, 12:693. ::doi::10.1186/1471-2458-12-693 Paper II: Jonsdottir IH, Rödjer L, Hadzibajramovic E, Börjesson M, Ahlborg G Jr. A
prospective study of leisure-time physical activity and mental health in Swedish
health care workers and social insurance offi cers.
Prev Med. 2010, 51(5):373-377. ::doi::10.1016/j.ypmed.2010.07.019 Paper III: Rödjer L, Jonsdottir IH, Börjesson M. Physical activity on prescription (PAP):
long-term effects on self-reported physical activity and quality of life in a
Swedish primary care population.
Under revision Paper IV: Rödjer L, Jonsdottir IH, Börjesson M, Hagberg L. Physical activity on prescription
(PAP) in Swedish primary care: cost-effectiveness of two PAP interventions
differing in extent and design.
Doctor of Philosophy (Medicine)
University of Gothenburg. Sahlgrenska Academy
Institute of Medicine. Department of Molecular and Clinical Medicine
Fredagen den 18 december 2015, kl. 13.00, Jubileumsaulan, Gula Stråket 2 B, Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset/Sahlgrenska, Göteborg
Datum för disputation
Rödjer, Lars
physical activity
physical inactivity
physical activity on prescription
health-related quality of life
quality-adjusted life year
perceived stress
cardiovascular epidemiology
Doctoral thesis
978-91-628-9591-4 (print)
978-91-628-9592-1 (e-pub)