Statins, Lipids, and Mutations: Consequences for the Heart and Immune System
CAAX proteins are a group of proteins that undergo a three-step protein maturation process that
renders the proteins carboxyl-terminus hydrophobic and prone to localize to cellular membranes,
where they have their primary function. The first step in this process is called prenylation, which
is the covalent attachment of a lipid, either a 15-carbon farnesyl or a 20-carbon geranylgeranyl
lipid, to the carboxyl-terminal cysteine residue by the enzymes farnesyltransferase (FTase) and
geranylgeranyltransferase type I (GGTase-I), respectively.
Statins are inhibitors of HMG-CoA reductase, the rate-limiting enzyme in the cholesterol
biosynthesis pathway, and are widely used in the treatment of hypercholesterolemia. They are
thought to improve myocardial function by inhibiting GGTase-I- and FTase-mediated prenylation
of the CAAX proteins RHOA and RAC1, two known mediators of cardiomyopathy. In the first
paper of this thesis, we show that, contrary to popular belief, long-term statin administration
causes reduced heart function, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, and hyperactive RHOA in the
hearts of wild-type mice. Similarly, we show that inactivation of the prenylation enzymes
GGTase-I, FTase, or both, in heart muscle cells causes severe dilated cardiomyopathy. These
findings indicate that statins and prenylation inhibitors might have the capacity to cause heart
In the second paper, we define the mechanism underlying a previous finding that inactivation of
GGTase-I in mouse macrophages prevents prenylation of RHO family proteins, paradoxically
causes them to become hyperactive, and that this leads to severe rheumatoid arthritis. We find
that the RHO-protein RAC1 is responsible for the development of rheumatoid arthiritis. We
further show that non-prenylated RAC1 exhibit an increased interaction with the effector proteins
TIAM1 and IQGAP1 which trigger GTP loading, activation, excessive inflammatory signaling,
and arthritis. Inactivation of RAC1 or IQGAP1 reduces the inflammatory signaling and markedly
improves rheumatoid arthritis in GGTase-I deficient mice. We conclude that inhibiting
prenylation of RAC1 stimulates effector interactions and cause excessive inflammatory signaling.
This finding suggests that prenylation normally restrains innate immunity by limiting RAC1
effector interactions and its activation.
Protein-altering germline mutations are a major cause of dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM).
However, recent sequencing studies have shown that rare protein-altering variants are also
present in individuals without reported DCM. This complicates the interpretation of genetic
testing in the clinic, which is increasingly used for diagnosis. In the third paper, we analyzed
genotype-phenotype correlations and variant prevalence in 41 DCM-associated genes in a cohort
of 176 Swedish DCM patients, and compared the variants to those of healthy reference
individuals. We found 102 rare protein-altering variants, many of which were not previously
reported, and further analysis revealed that harboring any variant was correlated with earlier
onset of disease and reduced transplant-free survival. Comparing the number of variants found
in DCM patients to rare variants in a healthy population showed that, while frameshift and
nonsense variant were more common in DCM patients, the prevalence, pathogenicity scores,
and location of missense variants were similar in both groups. These findings question the role
of many putatively disease-causing variants and suggest that results from genetic testing should
be interpreted with caution.
1. Emil G. Ivarsson, Zhiyuan Zou, Murali K. Akula, Margareta Scharin-Täng, Kristell Le Gal, Christin Karlsson, Johan Sternemalm, Azra Miljanovic, Malin Levin, Jan Borén, Martin G. Dalin, Martin O. Bergö. Long-term statin administration inhibits protein geranylgeranylation and causes cardiomyopathy in mice. Manuscript. 2. Murali K. Akula, Mohamed X. Ibrahim*, Emil G. Ivarsson*, Omar M. Khan*, Israiel T. Kumar, Malin Erlandsson, Christin Karlsson, Xiufeng Xu, Mikael Brisslert, Cord Brakebusch, Donghai Wang, Maria Bokarewa, Volkan I. Sayin, and Martin O. Bergo Protein prenylation restrains innate immunity by inhibiting RAC1 effector interactions. Nat. Comm., In Press. 3. Martin G. Dalin, Pär G. Engström, Emil G. Ivarsson, Per Unneberg, Sara Light, Maria Schaufelberger, Thomas Gilljam, Bert Andersson, Martin O. Bergo. Massive parallel sequencing questions the pathogenic role of missense variants in dilated cardiomyopathy. Int J Cardiol. 2017 Feb 1;228:742-748. ::PMID::27886618
Doctor of Philosophy (Medicine)
University of Gothenburg. Sahlgrenska Academy
Institute of Medicine. Department of Molecular and Clinical Medicine
Fredagen den 6 september 2019, kl. 9.00, Hörsal Arvid Carlsson, Academicum, Medicinaregatan 3, Göteborg
Datum för disputation
Ivarsson, Emil
CAAX Proteins
RHO Proteins
Dilated Cardiomyopathy
Doctoral thesis
978-91-7833-554-1 (PRINT)
978-91-7833-555-8 (PDF)