Dilemmas and consequences of chronic disease-lived experiences of coeliac disease and neuropathic pain
Dilemmas and consequences of chronic
disease-lived experiences of coeliac disease
and neuropathic pain
Akademisk avhandling som för avläggande av medicine doktorsexamen
vid Sahlgrenska akademin vid Göteborgs Universitet kommer att offentligt
försvaras i lokal Arvid Wallgrens Backe, Hus 2, 2118, Sahlgrenska Akademin, Göteborg.
torsdagen den 27 september 2007, kl 13.00.
av Annette Sverker
Docent Margareta Strandmark
Karlstads Universitet, Karlstad
Avhandlingen baseras på följande delarbeten:
I. S verker, A., Hensing, G. & Hallert, C.”Controlled by food” – lived experiences
of coeliac disease. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics 2005; 18: 171-180.
II H ensing, G.K.E., Sverker, A.M. & Leijon, G.S. Experienced dilemmas of
everyday life in chronic neuropathic pain patients – results from a critical
incident study. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences. 2007; 21: 147-154.
II S verker, A., Östlund, G., Hallert, C. & Hensing, G. Sharing life with a glutenintolerant
person – the perspective of close relatives. Journal of Human Nutrition
and Dietetics. 2007; 20: 1-11. In press
IV S verker, A., Östlund, G., Hallert, C. & Hensing, G” I lose all these hours….”
Exploring gender and consequences of dilemmas experienced in everyday life
with coeliac disease. Submitted.
Sahlgrenska akademin vid GÖTEBORGS UNIVERSITET
spikblad.indd 1 2007-08-18 15:59:05
Dilemmas and consequences of chronic disease-lived
experiences of coeliac disease and neuropathic pain
Annette Sverker, Department of Public Health and Community Medicine/Social Medicine,
The Sahlgrenska Academy at Göteborg University, Box 453, SE – 405 30 Göteborg, Sweden.
Background: A more patient-centred health care needs to be based on patients’ and their close
relatives’ experiences of the daily life with a chronic disease. Coeliac Disease (CD) and Neuropathic
pain (NP) are common chronic diseases where such knowledge is missing. Individuals with CD and
associated gluten-free diet often experience a relief when they receive the diagnosis, but long-term
follow-up have shown declined quality of life and self-perceived health especially in women. No
treatment that gives patients with NP a complete pain relief is available. Patients need to learn to
live with pain.
Aims: The overall aim of this thesis was to extend our knowledge of what it is like to live with
a chronic disease, from the perspective of NP and CD. The specific aims were to explore the
experienced dilemmas, consequences and strategies of patients with chronic NP, and of persons with
CD and their close relatives.
Method: Qualitative methodology was used in all four studies, combined with a quantitative
method in study IV. The critical incident technique (CIT) was chosen as the method for data
collection, with a questionnaire on household activities for the fourth study. Interviews were carried
out with 39 informants suffering from NP, with 43 informants suffering from CD, and with 23
close relatives to the CD informants. Questions were asked about occasions in their everyday life
when they were hindered or reminded of the NP or CD. Interviews were transcribed verbatim and
analysed qualitatively. Categories were identified and the analysis and results were continuously
discussed in the research group and at seminars.
Results: A broad range of dilemmas, disturbances and consequences were experienced in the daily
life with chronic disease. Emotional reactions, relationships and the management of daily life were
the main categories of dilemmas experienced by the persons with CD. Failures, inabilities and
restrictions were identified as disturbances in the everyday life with NP. Disease-related worries,
management of daily life and disturbances in social life were identified in the interviews with
close relatives. The overall pattern and types of consequences experienced in relation to dilemmas
of CD were similar in women and men, irrespective of whether they were gluten-intolerant or
close relatives, both women and men reported in the questionnaire that women had the main
responsibility for household activities.
Conclusion: This thesis showed that persons suffering from CD or NP had several lived experiences
in common regardless of the chronic disease. In spite of the differences in clinical presentation and
treatments between the two diseases, there were several similarities in the variation and quality of
lived experiences identified, and the influence of these in the men’s and women’s lives. A possible
explanation to lower quality of life in women with CD compared to men might be the unequal
distribution of household work. The informants pointed out that information and knowledge on
the diseases and the necessary adjustments in everyday life were insufficient among personnel and
in the society. This indicates that there is a need of knowledge improvements of chronic diseases in
Keywords: Burden of dietary restriction, chronic disease, coeliac disease, critical-incident technique,
dietary dilemmas, neuropathic pain, next of kin experiences, quality of life.
ISBN: 978-91-628-7225-0
Göteborg 2007
I.Sverker, A., Hensing, G. & Hallert, C. " Controlled by food" - lived experiences of coeliac disease. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics 2005; 18: 171-180. ::PMID::15882379 II. Hensing, G.K.E., Sverker, A.M. & Leijon, G.S. Experienced dilemmas of everyday life in chronic neuropathic pain patients - results from a critical incident study. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences. 2007; 21: 147-154. ::PMID::17559432 III. Sverker, A., Östlund, G., Hallert, C. & Hensing, G. Sharing life with a gluten-intolerant person - the perspective of close relatives. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics.2007;20: 1-11. In press. IV. Sverker, A., Östlund, G., Hallert, C. & Hensing, G. "I lose all these hours..." Exploring gender and consequences of dilemmas experienced in everyday life with coeliac disease. Submitted
Doctor of Philosophy (Medicine)
Göteborg University. Sahlgrenska Academy
Inst of Medicine. Dept of Public Health and Community Medicine
Sverker, Annette
Burden of dietary restriction
chronic disease
coeliac disease
critical - incident technique
dietary dilemmas
neuropathic pain
next of kin experiences
quality of life
Doctoral thesis