Kandidatuppsatser / Institutionen för Kulturvård: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 141-160 av 536
Varmt eller kallt LED-ljus -en jämförelse av två olika ljuskällor vid Microfadetest
(2019-02-01)In the process of exhibition design, much importance is placed on lighting. This is partly to ensure the best preservation of the objects being displayed, but also to ensure they are lit well for the visitor. Lighting ... -
Konstteknisk undersökning av en stol i papier-maché och trä från Nääs slott -Med fokus på papier-maché
(2018-11-06)This thesis is about a case study on a nineteenth-century chair from Nääs castle. The study regards three main focuses 1) to examine which methods that was used in the process of production, 2) to investigate the chair’s ... -
DESIGNA KULTURARVET Metodutveckling för förbättrad kommunikation mellan yrkesgrupper i kulturarvsfrågor
(2018-10-17)In the process of sustainable development the built heritage could be an asset. Although if it is not used it is rarely cared for, and therefor not considered as such. Eleonora Lupo, ass. professor at Politecnico di ... -
JUGENDARKITEKTUR I GÖTEBORG Regionalt och kosmopolitiskt i Göteborgs stadsrum
(2018-10-05)This thesis investigates and discusses Art Nouveau architecture in Gothenburg, with emphasis on the exterior. The main purpose of the study is to highlight the Art Nouveau in Gothenburg. It is also to identify and determine ... -
Kompetensutrymme inom byggnadsvården. Betydelsen av genus i hantverksprocesser
(2018-09-18)Conservation, as a way of describing and writing new history has been criticized the past ten years for not including gender, ethnicity and class as important factors when a cultural heritage is defined and preserved. ... -
Traditionella material och konstruktioner – hur de kan bidra till en mer cirkulär och hållbar husproduktion
(2018-09-05)ABSTRACT: The world and Sweden will have to undergo extensive changes due to the climate and environmental changes we have created. This will affect all sectors. One example is the construction sector, which accounts for ... -
Medeltida trägolv. En studie om tillverkning och konstruktion i 1300-tals kyrkor
(2018-08-14)The purpose of the thesis is to investigate which methods, materials and tools where used in the makings of 1300th church floors. The unique corned-timbered church Södra Råda was burnt down in 2001. In 2007 the reconstruction ... -
MUNICIPALSAMHÄLLETS FRAMGÅNG OCH BAKVATTEN Två fallstudier om förändringsprocessen och förskjutningen som sker i landsbygdens tätorter
(2018-07-10)The 1862 municipal laws and the charters of 1874 - Byggnads - och Brandstadga för rikets städer, change the basis for what constitutes a city. A process and an important factor to the disintegration of the traditional city ... -
MER ÄN BARA q: kulturvärden i detaljplanering
(2018-07-10)This study is an initial attempt to investigate how cultural values can be protected and taken into account in the municipal urban planning. This study has two major purposes: (1.) to investigate how cultural values are ... -
Bakom kulisserna En fallstudie av Svenska Filminstitutets kostym-samling, dess bevarande och tillgänglighet
(2018-07-02)The purpose of this thesis is to examine the preservation and accessibility of the cinematic collections managed by the Swedish Film Institute. The focus will be on their collection of costumes, rather than the rolls of ... -
Den murade skånska mangården. En analys av artonhundratalets nya byggnadsskick
(2018-06-27)This thesis aims to shed some light on a particular type of farm house in the south Swedish region of Scania. Though very common, it is little spoken of and hardly described in literature at all. The house type, built from ... -
Solitära bin i kulturlandskapet. En undersökning av förutsättningar för den rödlistade arten fibblesandbi (Andrena fulvago) vid 1700-talets slut och dess förutsättningar idag
(2018-06-25)Most studies made on wild solitary bees in recent time shows that their numbers are declining. This essay examines the change in life conditions over time for a red-listed (NT) species of mining bee (Andrena fulvago), ... -
(2018-06-25)This study deals with the intangible cultural heritage and tacit knowledge by highlighting the phenomenon of manual laundring. How laundring was done before washing machines were present. Laundring was a laborious and ... -
Law and Care The relationship between contemporary Nordic firearms law and conservation.
(2018-06-25)The objective of this study is to research the care and storage of firearms requiring a license in various museums in the Nordic countries. With increasingly strict gun laws in place within Europe, the question is raised ... -
Bemålad och förgylld vimpel av siden. En fallstudie med fokus på praktisk metodutveckling
(2018-06-21)The aim of this study is to design and establish effective methods of conserving a part of a pennant from the early 1700s. The pennant is made out of a single sheet of silk, which is decorated on both sides with a mirror ... -
Snickarglädje. Tillverkningen under 1800-talet
(2018-06-20)Gingerbread work was popular at the end of the 19th century and one of the architects who favoured the use of gingerbread work was Löfvenskiöld. After him there are drawings of patterns but there are no descriptions of how ... -
Restaurering av profiler i trä - en jämförande studie av metoder för profilhyvling
(2018-06-20)Wooden mouldings have been used in buildings for hundreds of years and is a very common feature that must be cared for during restauration work. To be able to reconstruct old mouldings with precision is important in these ... -
Skiftesverk med ”skift” av timmer. En utvärderande hantverksprocess av ett spannmålsmagasin
(2018-06-19)The post and plank construction is part of the Swedish wooden house tradition, although the method is about to be forgotten. This thesis investigates a unique construction detail found in a post and plank granary in ... -
Uthuggning för halvsulningar i liggtimmerhus. Metoder och erfarenheter hos aktiva hantverkare
(2018-06-19)This thesis is an attempt to document some of the existing methods and techniques used by active carpenters when shifting damaged wood on timber logs. The method of cutting out damaged wood in existing walls is a common ... -
Belastningsskador vid bilning. Påfrestande arbetsställningar vid bearbetning av timmer
(2018-06-19)Hewing timber is strenuous for your whole body even when doing it the right way. To find out about the appearance of strain injuries when hewing timber, I did my investigation based on interviews with both carpenters and ...