Magisteruppsatser / Institutionen för språk och litteraturer: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 1-20 av 105
La politesse et le ménagement de la face dans L’école des femmes de Jean Baptiste Poquelin Molière
(2022-09-29)Résumé Mémoire : 15 crédits ETCS Programme et cours : Langue et communication interculturelle Niveau : Niveau avancé Semestre/année : Semestre du printemps 2022 Directeur/rice : Andreas Romeborn et Linnéa Koré Examinateur ... -
VERBASPEKT OCH TEMPUS I FORNKYRKOSLAVISKA – en undersökning av några handskrifter till Physiologus
(2022-09-13)Mitt syfte med detta arbete är att undersöka, om det går att se om verbaspekt och tempus förändras i en text, som traderas av kopister under flera århundraden. Min metod är att använda tre berättelser ur Physiologus ... -
Folie, Désir, Mort : La folie féminine dans L’Amant de Marguerite Duras
(2022-08-08)The theme of madness pervades the majority of Marguerite Duras’ novels. Writing during a time when the subject of madness was in the process of being philosophically revolutionized by Foucault’s seminal writings on the ... -
Folie, Désir, Mort : La folie féminine dans L’Amant de Marguerite Duras
(2022-06-21)The theme of madness pervades the majority of Marguerite Duras’ novels. Writing during a time when the subject of madness was in the process of being philosophically revolutionized by Foucault’s seminal writings on the ... -
ANXIÉTÉ ET PLAISIR DANS L'APPRENTISSAGE D’UNE LANGUE ÉTRANGÈRE. Une étude des émotions chez les apprenants du français en Biélorussie
(2022-06-02)Les émotions ont une grande importance dans le processus d’acquisition d’une langue étrangère. L’émergence d’émotions négatives durant le processus d’apprentissage peut empêcher le développement langagier. Dans le même ... -
KÄRLEKEN I AL-ḤALLĀJ POESI الحُبُّ في شِعر الحلاّج
(2022-01-27)I den här uppsatsen om den medeltida arabiskspråkiga, sufiska tänkaren och poeten al-Ḥallāj (ca. 858 - 26 mars 922 vår tideräkning) beskriver jag främst mästarens emotionella lyrik mot bakgrund av en turbulent epok, präglad ... -
QUEER JAPANESE. The modern-day language usage of Japanese LGBTQ+ people
(2022-01-25)Gendered language is a well-known feature of Japanese, but how is it applied by a speaker who does not fit the cisgender or heteronormative standards in society? In a 2010 study, Hideko Abe published a book titled Queer ... -
Attitudes from Spanish teachers and students of ESL towards errors in the classroom
(2021-12-29)Learning a second language (L2) has become a crucial need for the citizens of this globalized world, since there are constant opportunities for intercultural communication in their daily lives. However, L2 acquisition is ... -
(2021-12-29)It is quite challenging for young students to learn English as a second language. To alleviate this, supporting teaching methods can be used within English learning classes. Teachers play a significant role in students' ... -
HOW HAS THE CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC AFFECTED OUR USE OF LANGUAGE? A corpus-based study of neologisms and semantic shifts in English and Chinese web texts
(2021-12-06)This study examined how COVID-19 has affected the use of language, especially English and Chinese neologisms, semantic shifts, and their relationship with Hofstede cultural dimension theory. A corpus-based study was ... -
Litteraturens mirakel. Litteraturteori i tre verk av Simone de Beauvoir.
(2021-11-18)Abstract: This essay examines which role literature plays for society and the individual in three texts by Simone de Beauvoir. It does so by undertaking an idea analytic study of Simone de Beauvoirs novel Les Mandarins ... -
(2021-10-04)The present study aims at exploring how negative pragmatic transfer has affected Chinese learners of English in terms of the completion of cross-cultural refusals and the correlation between their linguistic proficiency ... -
THE CONCEPTION OF THE BATTLE AGAINST HIV IN SOUTH AFRICA - A Critical Discourse Analysis of Speeches by Mandela, Mbeki and Zuma
(2021-10-04)In the past decade South Africa has enrolled the biggest antiretroviral treatment programme (ARV) in the world to treat HIV/AIDS. The country has had a hard time to deal with the disease for a long time, however, now ... -
The Sensual and Spiritual Love-Representation of Women by Some Ḥijāzi Poets. A Thematic Analysis of Selected Poems
(2021-09-29)The present study aims at studying the sources and patterns of women images by Ḥijāzi poets in ghazal poetry, an important Arabic poetic genre that gained popularity and an outstanding stature in the Umayyad period. It ... -
La quête d’identité : hybridité culturelle dans six romans maghrébins
(2021-09-09)The search for an identity in a situation of cultural hybridity brought about by French colonialism is studied in six French-language Maghrebi novels of three different generations: Le passé simple by Driss Chraïbi, Nedjma ... -
A WORLD OF RICE AND GODS: WHERE WHITE GRAINS SYMBOLIZE WEALTH. A study of Japanese game localization and crosscultural translation
(2021-06-15)Studies of Japanese translation are a common topic, and with good reason. There is extensive material to work with, and the vast differences between Japanese and many other languages creates translation challenges of ... -
Intercultural communication between Arabic speakers in Sweden as a microculture and the Swedish health care system as a macroculture in the context of healthcare
(2021-02-03)This study aims to investigate the communication between Arabic speakers in Sweden as a microculture and the Swedish health care system as a macroculture in the context of healthcare. The study has both a qualitative and ... -
(2020-06-09)I denna uppsats undersöks de semantiska avvikelser som uppstår när recepten i Isabel Allendes memoarer Afrodita: Cuentos, Recetas y Otros Afrodisíacos (1997) översätts till svenska i Lena Anér Melins översättning Afrodite: ... -
GENDER-STEREOTYPES, FOOD AND ADVERTISING. An Analysis of Gender-role Portrayal and Gendered Language in Japanese Video Commercials
(2020-06-09)This thesis aims to investigate Japanese gender stereotypes through the analysis of gender role portrayals in video commercials of the product category food and cooking, as well as by observing the use of gender specific ... -
LES LANGUES ETRANGERES, L’ANXIETE ET LA MOTIVATION. Étude sur les attitudes langagières de 14 Français vivant en Suède
(2020-02-04)This study analyzes the correlation between foreign language anxiety and motivation of 14 French persons living in Sweden. The works on the preliminary evidence of Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale by Horwitz et ...