Lärarutbildningsnämnden (2010-): Recent submissions
Visas titlar 1-20 av 676
UTANFÖR RAMEN - En kvalitativ analys på ett konstnärligt arbete om maktrelationer mellan lärare och elever i skolan
(2022-12-14)Syfte Syftet är att utifrån erfarenheterna av min konstnärliga gestaltning och litteraturstudie undersöka hur eventuella maktrelationer mellan lärare och elever kommer till uttryck. Vad händer i klassrummet med hänsyn ... -
Using Literature to Teach Social Justice: A Literature Review
(2022-11-30)Teachers may choose to teach about social justice for many different reasons. Some of these reasons are required by syllabi and some are by teachers’ own initiative. This literature review analyses and compiles 15 academic ... -
The Effects of Different Assessment Methods on EFL-Students’ Speaking Performance. A Literature Review
(2022-11-30)Nowadays, it can be argued that it is becoming increasingly more important to be proficient in speaking the English language due to globalization. Examining teaching and assessment of oral proficiency is therefore important ... -
Bildlärarnas olika roller - En kvalitativ studie om rollen som bildlärare från ett goffmanskt perspektiv
(2022-11-16)Syfte Syftet med uppsatsen är undersöka bildlärarens möjligheter att bedriva undervisning i klassrummet på högstadienivå. I detta riktas fokus mot att söka ringa in olika bärande former av rolltagande som följer med ... -
Phasen bei dem Erwerb von Verbalflexion beim DaF-Lernen. Wie sieht die Erwerbsreihenfolge aus und was bedeutet sie für den schwedischen DaF-Unterricht?
(2022-10-04)Acquisitional Phases for the Learning of Verb Inflection in German as a Foreign Language – What is the acquisitional order and what does it mean for teaching German as a foreign language in Sweden? In this literature ... -
It’s Comical! A mixed-method study of EFL teachers’ experiences using comic books at the upper secondary level
(2022-09-08)The reputation of comic books has not always been the best. The public view of comic books has long been that it is a lesser medium with no educational value. In contrast, previous research states that comic books can have ... -
El uso y la percepción de estrategias motivacionales en la enseñanza de español como lengua extranjera en un instituto de Gotemburgo. Un estudio empírico
(2022-08-29)It has been proven that teachers in language classes have a big role in motivating their pupils in their learning. Nonetheless, the literature review will show that there are not many empirical studies in Sweden about how ... -
Life is Strange 2. Digital Game-Based Language Learning in an EFL Context
(2022-08-03)This study looked at the impact of Digital Game-Based Language Learning (DGBLL) and Life is Strange 2: Episode One, a commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) video game, on the listening comprehension of twelve Swedish Upper ... -
Teachers’ Views on EFL Students’ Reading Comprehension Approaches. A Comparative Study of Different Educational Stages
(2022-08-03)Bottom-up and top-down approaches have been perceived as vital in further developing EFL students’ reading comprehension. This study aims to investigate whether teachers choose one approach to implement or if they integrate ... -
Attitudes Towards Poetry in the EFL Classroom. A Teacher and Student Perspective
(2022-08-03)The inclusion of poetry in an EFL context has shown to be a debated topic among scholars in the field for several decades. Many instructors of literature and poetry hesitate to incorporate poetry in their teaching and ... -
Englishes in Upper Secondary EFL Teaching. A Study of Teachers’ Selection, in Relation to Kachru’s Circles
(2022-08-03)The reality of the English language has shifted from being the language of the Empire to an international Lingua Franca. This pluricultural way of viewing English is reflected in the syllabus for the subject. Based on ... -
Beyond The Surface of Language Learning. An Analysis of EFL Textbooks and Their Representation of Inner, Outer, and Expanding Circle Cultures
(2022-08-03)The aim of this study was to analyze EFL textbooks used in Swedish upper secondary schools to investigate the representation of Kachru’s three Circles of English – the Inner, Outer, and Expanding Circle – as well as their ... -
Podcasts as a Teaching Tool. A Qualitative Study on Upper Secondary Teachers’ Podcast-Use in the Swedish EFL Classroom to Teach Listening Comprehension
(2022-08-03)Due to increasing digitalization in educational settings as well as in society, requirements and demands on schools, teachers, and pedagogical tools have changed. One digital tool that has influenced the field of education ... -
Investigating Foreign Language Anxiety in the Swedish English as Foreign Language Classroom. A quantitative study on the effects of FLA in the Swedish EFL upper secondary school context
(2022-08-03)Anxiety as an affective variable has been studied since the middle of the 20th century. Research on anxiety in the language learning context was unified in the 1980s when Horwitz, Horwitz, and Cope (1986) published their ... -
Upper Secondary EFL Teachers’ Attitudes and Practices when Teaching Literature. A Qualitative Interview Study
(2022-08-03)A focus on communicative language teaching has led to literature taking a less prominent role in EFL teaching, to the extent that its value has been put into question by both teachers and scholars. This study aims to ... -
Ist der Unterricht im ‚Hier und Jetzt‘? Strategien zur Förderung der Schülermotivation im Deutschunterricht im schwedischen Gymnasium
(2022-08-03)In der Zweitsprachenerwerbstheorie wird die Rolle der Motivation betont und als einer der bedeutsamsten Einflussfaktoren eines erfolgreichen Fremdsprachenerwerbs angesehen. Wie Lehrpersonen beim Unterrichten einer anderen ... -
A Literature Review of the Barriers and Attitudes Towards ICT Integration in the EFL Classroom
(2022-08-03)The use of information and communication technology (ICT) has become more widespread in all areas of the world which has made it more relevant to use ICT in schools as well. Therefore, it is important to understand what ... -
Los efectos del uso de aplicaciones de ludificación como herramientas digitales en las clases de ELE. Una revisión literaria
(2022-08-03)¿Es posible aumentar tu vocabulario usando aplicaciones de ludificación como herramientas digitales? Esta revisión literaria se basa en lo dicho por los estudios sobre los efectos de implementar aplicaciones de ludificación ... -
Grammar Teaching Beliefs and Practices Among EFL Teachers. A Literature Review
(2022-08-03)This review focuses on grammar teaching beliefs and practices among EFL teachers, specifically those teaching at the high school level. The aim of the review is to achieve an updated understanding of the relationship between ... -
Mehrsprachigkeit im DaF-Unterricht in Schweden. Translanguaging als pädagogisches Werkzeug
(2022-05-16)Während der letzten Jahre hat die kulturelle und sprachliche Vielfalt in Schwedens Klassenzimmern stetig zugenommen. Als Konsequenz daraus bringen viele Schüler*innen mehrsprachige Ressourcen in den Unterricht der modernen ...