Gothenburg Studies in Educational Sciences: Recent submissions
Now showing items 181-200 of 443
New Spaces for Language Learning. A study of student interaction in media production in English
(2010-06-07)The thesis project takes as its starting point an interest in foreign language learning as a social and cultural activity. Globalisation and digital media have contributed to changed conditions, especially for learning ... -
I otakt med tiden? Folkhögskolorna i ett föränderligt fält
(2010-06-03)Folk high schools have often been out of synchronisation: both behind the times and as pioneers, and always eager to keep up with their unique identity. There have been variations over time and simultaneously. Folk high ... -
Quality in E-learning in a Cultural Context: The case of Iran
(2010-06-02)Higher education institutions in general and virtual institutions in particular are experiencing pressure to become more competitive all over the world. Such striving for excellence can be associated with and seen as a ... -
What is taught and what is learned. Professional insights gained and shared by teachers of mathematics
(2010-06-02)The aim of the thesis is to contribute to knowledge about relationships between teaching and learning in school. The framework used in this research, variation theory, states that, to improve student learning, attention ... -
Barnehagens relasjonelle verden - små barn som kompetente aktører i produktive forhandlinger
(2010-05-19)The present study investigates the negotiations that take place in play among the youngest children in preschool. What are their negotiations about? How do they negotiate? What kinds of strategies do they use during their ... -
Kramar, kategoriseringar och hjälpfröknar. Könskonstruktioner i interaktion i förskola, förskoleklass och skolår ett
(2010-05-07)In the present study, gender constructions are analysed, as they appear in a preschool, two preschool classes and one class in the first grade. The analysis is based on observations of the interaction that takes place ... -
Promoting dietary change. Intervening in school and recognizing health messages in commercials
(2010-04-19)The purpose of this thesis was to examine influences on dietary change among children and adolescents with particular emphasis on individual factors, the school setting and food marketing. The Theory of Planned Behaviour ... -
Slöjdlärares förhållningssätt i undervisningen
(2010-04-07)Avhandlingsarbetets syfte är att synliggöra slöjdlärares skilda förhållningssätt i undervisningen. Hur lärare genomför sin undervisning och agerar i förhållande till sina elever påverkar vad eleverna ges möjlighet att lära. ... -
Towards an interlanguage of biological evolution: Exploring students´ talk and writing as an arena for sense-making
(2010-01-22)The aim of this thesis is to explore what is involved when learning science, by focusing on students’ appropriation of the school science language. The aspiration is to explore relations between, on the one hand, ... -
Handdockans kommunikativa potential som medierande redskap i förskolan
(Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 2009-09-14) -
Skolans mötespraktik - en studie om skolutveckling genom yrkesverksammas förståelse
(2009-09-06)The practical work in a school and the interpretation processes of professionals form the focus of this study, the aim of which is to understand school development through the professionals’ own understanding. The collaborative ... -
Lojalitet och motstånd - anställdas agerande i ett föränderligt hemtjänstarbete
(2009-08-31)This thesis aims to shed light on the dynamics and the complexity in the relationship between power and resistance in labour, from an employee-perspective. This is done by describing and analyzing how a group of employees ... -
Food for Thought. Communication and the transformation of work experience in web-based in-service training
(Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 2009-08-31)The background of the present study is an interest in the use of digital technologies for in-service training activities in industry. Globalization, international competition and transnational production are elements ... -
Barns tidiga lärande : en tvärsnittsstudie om förskolan som miljö för barns lärande
(Göteborg : Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 2009)The main aim of preschool is to promote children’s learning, implying that its quality is an important aspect to study. However, despite a long preschool tradition and a preschool system that is nearing completion, we ... -
Genus i förskola och skola : förändringar i policy, perspektiv och praktik
(Göteborg : Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 2009)I denna antologi presenteras några resultat från de undersökningar som genomförts inom projektet Förändrade köns-/genusordningar i skola och utbildning: Policy, perspektiv och praktik. Projektet har pågått under åren 2003 ... -
Läsförmågan bland 9-10-åringar. Betydelsen av skolklimat, hem- och skolsamverkan, lärarkompetens och elevers hembakgrund
(2009-05-19)Title: Reading skills among 9-10 year olds. The importance of school climate, collaboration between school and home, teacher competence and pupils’ home background Language: Swedish, with summary in English Keywords: ... -
Demokratiska värden i förskolebarns vardag
(2009-05-17)The theme of this thesis is democratic values in pre-school and how these are revealed in the children’s relations in that setting. It describes what the children take responsibility for and how they do it; how they ... -
Framing in educational practices. Learning activity, digital technology and the logic of situated action
(2009-05-11)An overarching ambition of this thesis is to study the in situ practices that emerge when technology becomes part of educational activities and, in addition, to examine what students’ definition of such activities will ... -
Self-Assessment of Writing in Learning English as a Foreign Language. A Study at the Upper Secondary School Level
(2009-04-19)The main aim of this study is to explore the role of self-assessment in EFL learning in developing lifelong language learning skills and in furthering the development of more comprehensive and thereby fairer assessment ...